101022 Zoning AppealSpecial Meeting October 10, 2022 — Zoning Appeal The Randolph County Board of Commissioners met in special session at 6:00 p.m. in the 1909 Randolph County Historic Courthouse Meeting Room, 145 Worth Street, Asheboro, NC. Chairman Darrell Frye, Vice -Chairman David Allen, Commissioner Maxton McDowell, Commissioner Hope Haywood, and Commissioner Kenny Kidd were present. Also present were County Manager Hal Johnson, County Attorney Ben Morgan, Clerk to the Board Dana Crisco, and Deputy Clerk to the Board Sarah Pack. Bethel Baptist Church, Asheboro, NC, has requested an appeal of the decision of the Randolph County Planning Board to approve a rezoning for 3.10 acres along US Hwy 64 W, Tabernacle Township, Lake Reese Balance Watershed, Tax ID 47712437632, Step Three, Inc, Subdivision, lot 2, Secondary Growth Area, from RA - Residential Agricultural District to HC -CD - Highway Commercial - Conditional District. The proposed Conditional Zoning District would specifically allow a proposed 70 ft. by 125 ft. retail building with a 50 ft. vegetative buffer as per the site plan. Hal Johnson, County Manager, presented the request and described the site. The Planning Board had approved the rezoning request. Mr. Johnson displayed several maps of the property and surrounding areas, including a nearby floodplain. This site has single family homes, both site - built and manufactured, on most adjacent lots. There is intense residential development in this area. The rear entrance of the property faces Bethel Baptist Church. This is an appeal of the decision of the Planning Board; the law requires that the Board of Commissioners consider this request "de novo," meaning "anew." This requires that the Board of Commissioners consider the presented request without consideration of any prior board or legal action. This particular property has had requests in the past, but this appeal decision must be made without regards to the prior requests. Attorney Ben Morgan reminded presenters to make their case as if the evidence is being presented for the first time. The Commissioners will not be reviewing any evidence from the Planning Board meeting; all evidence will be considered anew. Public Hearing Chairman Frye opened the Public Hearing at 6:08 p.m. Tom Wright, 301 North Elam Street, Greensboro, is an attorney representing the applicant and owner of the property, Harold Koger. Daniel Stickler is the developer. He described the request of the applicant. The property currently has an agriculture zoning which permits certain uses. He showed a site plan drawing (Attachment A) to show how two poultry houses would fit on the land in accordance with the current agriculture zoning. This is not what the applicant is requesting. Rather, the applicant is proposing the property be rezoned to include a retail building. Mr. Wright showed another site plan drawing (Attachment B) the location of the proposed building that is 125 feet by 70 feet. The tenant for the retail building is unknown at this time; the building is generic. He also showed a parking area and driveway connecting Highway 64 and Robbins Circle. In 10/10/22 addition to the minimum required buffer area, the developer has considered the requests of neighbors to increase the buffer to fifty feet. The proposed retail building will not be visible from Robbins Circle. The developer is willing to eliminate the access on Robbins Circle, so that the driveway would not connect it to Highway 64. The developer is willing to listen to neighbors and eliminate the Robbins Circle access. With this change, it's the position of the applicant that this rezoning makes sense. There are a number of commercially zoned lots on Highway 64 both a mile before and a mile after this particular tract. Mr. Wright presented evidence (Attachment C) illustrating the growth and change of the area supporting the applicant's claim that this rezoning is consistent with the area. He described the sites that are displayed in the evidence he provided and compared those sites to the proposed site. The sites included in Mr. Wright's evidence all have commercial uses and are within a mile either direction of the proposed site. Each tract is different with different circumstances. The Technical Review Committee concluded that the plan for the proposed site met all of the technical requirements of the Development Ordinance and the Growth Management Plan and was found to be reasonable and in the public interest, and was therefore approved. Considering the amendment (withdrawing the access to Robbins Circle), Mr. Wright said all of the access to the site will be via Highway 64. Citizens are concerned about increased crime, but any time there are people together there can be increased crime. A generic retail store will likely not increase crime, and may deter crime due to security at the store. With the wooded buffer, there will likely not be a noise impact to the Bethel Church. It is unknown at this time what the retail business will be. The rezoning and new building will assist in the marketability of the property. Traffic will likely not increase at a noticeable level and will not affect the church or houses on Robbins Circle since there will be no entry or exit there. Under these circumstances, the proposed rezoning is consistent with what currently exists on Highway 64. Patrons of the church may even shop at the future retail store. He asked that the Board of Commissioners approve the rezoning to accommodate the site plan (Attachment B) with the amendment that there will be no entry or exit to Robbins Circle. Chairman Frye clarified that it is unknown what tenant will occupy the site. There are no gas tanks on the site plan, showing this site would likely not be a convenience store. Mr. Wright said a convenience store is likely not consistent with the plan for the site. Chairman Frye said something to consider is the impact on the community. Mr. Wright said it would be reasonable to assume the proposed retail store would be similar to a Dollar General or something of the same magnitude. Commissioner Haywood asked if the Department of Transportation (DOT) had been contacted regarding access off of 64. Mr. Wright said to his knowledge, the DOT has not been contacted. If there were something the DOT required, the new owner would need to come before the Planning Board again. Chairman Frye asked if a driveway or turn lane permit was required and Mr. Wright said no. 10/10/22 Commissioner Haywood said a turn lane would likely be required and asked if this would need to be part of a site plan. Mr. Morgan said no. Any change to this site plan would require another hearing. If DOT required any substantial change, there would be a new site plan. A "substantial change" is considered fifteen percent. This may apply to the size of the structure or parking. Vice -Chairman Allen asked how many parking spaces are available. Mr. Wright said there are more than 20 spaces. Vice -Chairman Allen asked if there would be access to the rear of the building for supply vehicles. Mr. Wright explained the stubbing out of the driveway and setbacks off of Robbins Circle. This would allow space for delivery trucks at the rear of the building. The stubbing out will be at least 35 feet. Chairman Frye asked if a retail building would allow a gaming facility. Mr. Morgan said he believes the current ordinance does not have a special classification for a gaming center. It is possible that this use would qualify. Mr. Wright said a proposed retail building likely wouldn't encompass all of the acceptable uses. Commissioner Haywood said if the zoning is conditional and the applicant agrees to it, certain uses might would be excluded. Chairman Frye said this is not a conditional use zoning. Mr. Wright said there are conditions regarding the buffers and driveways. Additional conditions could be added. Mr. Morgan clarified that the conditions are included on the site plan. There are no additional specifications at this time. Dr. Jody Harrison, 838 Hidden Court, Asheboro, said he appreciated the change in the driveway access from Robbins Circle. He asked attendees in opposition to stand. Forty-five attendees stood. In the past, there have been discrepancies related to this site between the church and those involved in the site. The citizens are concerned because they have no idea what's coming. The property will be sold and the community will be stuck with whatever comes in. Terry Yates, 3582 Stutts Road, Asheboro, is a member of Bethel Baptist Church. He thanked the Board for the opportunity to appeal when citizens disagree with decisions of the Planning Board. He and other members of Bethel Baptist Church, along with some adjoining property owners, disagree with the decision of the Planning Board to rezone this site. He gave several reasons for concern: I . A Dollar General is located nearby; there has been crime in relation to the location of this business. The fact that it is a retail store has not lessened crime. A church member has had to call law enforcement regarding suspicious activity and paraphernalia near this store. The Dollar General has had a history of issues. Some community members will not visit this store after dark. Any time there is a business like this, the area is subject to more crime. 2. The next phase of the Highway 64 expansion encompasses the area surrounding this phase. This will turn a two-lane highway into a four lane. He spoke with someone from DOT last week who alluded to the potential need for a turning lane for this site. He is concerned that someone may have to pay for the installation of a turning lane. It's unlikely that there will be direct access to the building from a four -lane divided highway. 10/10/22 3. Tabernacle School traffic is already bad; the close proximity of this site could increase traffic making the situation more difficult and congested. This would make this area more dangerous. 4. If there's any type of altercation or issue, this site is close to the school and could induce a lockdown situation. Children have already experienced elevated stress with schools in the past few years; this would only increase incidences of stress. This would also cause stress for parents and grandparents not knowing what is occurring. 5. There are 16 residences on Robbins Circle and most occupants are against the rezoning. Mr. Yates loves living in Randolph County and wants to preserve the way of life in his community. Mr. Yates presented the Board with evidence (Attachment D) supporting his claims. Some of the evidence may no longer be pertinent with the removal of access on Robbins Circle. He showed several photographs and described the location to the Board, including where traffic congestion occurs and the proximity of the school. Mr. Yates said the sites that Mr. Wright presented are actually up to five miles from the site. He described local businesses that are/are not visible from the road. This would not be a good location for poultry houses. He believes that discussing poultry houses on the site is a scare tactic to convince the community to accept a retail store. He is concerned about what company will occupy the site. It would be concerning if the store could sell alcohol so close to a school. In the past, the developer said the store would be a convenience store similar to Dollar General. The community does not need or want another convenience store in the area; there are already two located within a mile from the site. A third is not needed. This is not feasible or practical. There are plenty of other places on Highway 64 for a convenience store that would have little to no impact on the community. God instituted government to protect the citizens so that life would be better. Highway 64 is a prime area for commercialization, but not at this precise location. Other local sites aren't in close proximity to a school zone. The school and children need to be considered. Mr. Yates referenced a request from 2010 and read a quote from the case. He said community members would likely prefer to drive further to a store and come home to a quiet neighborhood rather than have a store bringing increased crime and danger to schoolchildren. The government is by the people and for the people; he hopes Randolph County will stay as a rural county. Bethel Baptist Church has been a pillar of the community for 85 years. This should be considered in conserving the rural feel of the area. It's important to protect children and grandchildren. This site would increase the hazardous traffic in the area. He asked the Board to overturn the decision of the Planning Board. Brenda Perdue, 139 Garrentown Road, Asheboro, lives near the site and said the local Dollar General has been convenient. She is concerned about the number of vehicle accidents nearby. The new site is close by. Left hand turns are dangerous in this location. Commissioner Haywood said she requested accidents and incident reports. There were two accidents in 2015, one in 2017, one in 2019, one in 2022. Ms. Purdue said even one is too many. 10/10/22 Mr. Morgan said there is a 1,000 -foot buffer from a church facility for a skilled games facility. This would also require a special use permit. This site would not be able to used for a gaming facility. Hearing no further comments, Chairman Frye closed the public hearing at 7:11 p.m. Discussion Chairman Frye said most of the zonings in the area in the past preceded county zonings. This is a dry county, so there could be no alcohol sales outside the incorporated areas of the municipalities, so this site could not sell alcohol. This likely eliminates the interest of convenience stores in the site. Chairman Frye has visited this site multiple times and has to wait due to traffic. He has observed lines of vehicles waiting to turn. Randolph County has a well-established track record of promoting development and creation of jobs. In some cases, incentives were provided to companies in order to earn their business. There might be another hearing required depending on the future tenant. Chairman Frye is concerned with not knowing what will be located in that facility. Commissioner McDowell said he lives close by. The impact on Highway 64 is unknown at this time. This road will become a four -lane divided highway. There are many unknowns regarding the future of Highway 64 and where the expansion will occur. Putting a speculative building on the property seems like a gamble. He appreciates that the developer removed the access to Robbins Circle but not knowing who will occupy the space is concerning. The traffic is an issue as well. One of the worst spots for vehicle accidents in Randolph County is in this area. Commissioner Haywood said there is no entrance to the Dollar General from Highway 64. Commissioner McDowell said there is an incline in the road where a left-hand turn is made onto Garrentown Road. Commissioner McDowell said with the unknowns on the future of Highway 64, he believes putting a retail store in this location is risky. Vice -Chairman Allen said there is a lot of speculation regarding this proposal and the future of Highway 64. The Board of Commissioners has zoned other sites not knowing who the occupant would be, including the Guilford -Randolph Megasite. It's important to protect Bethel Baptist Church, and closing the Robbins Circle access does that. The site plan needs to be updated; it's important to have an accurate site plan. The buffer could be lost to parking; the layout is unknown with a site plan that isn't current. Vice -Chairman Allen does not think the site plan is as clear and detailed as it needs to be. Commissioner Kidd said if he knew what business was coming in, he would be more comfortable, but he doesn't know how the community will be impacted without knowing who the tenant will be. Chairman Frye said the request is simply too broad. 10/10/22 Commissioner Haywood said she is also concerned about not knowing what tenant will occupy the site. However, the Board doesn't always know who the tenant will be, as pointed out by Vice - Chairman Allen. The Board must be consistent and apply rules and decisions fairly. Ideally, we would know who the tenant was, she feels there are some issues with the site plan. Mr. Morgan said policies can be added to the motion as a basis for denying the rezoning. On motion of Haywood, seconded by McDowell, the Board voted 5-0 to deny this rezoning request to rezone the specified parcel(s) on the rezoning application, to the requested zoning district based upon the Determination of Consistency and Findings ofReasonableness and Public Interest statements that are included in the Planning Board agenda, and policy 4.6, submitted during the rezoning presentation and as may be amended, incorporated into the motion, to be included in the minutes, as well as the site plan(s) with any and all agreed-upon revisions, also incorporated into the motion and that the request is not consistent with the Randolph County Growth Management Plan. Adiournment At 7:32 p.m., on motion ofAllen, seconded by Haywood, the Board voted 5-0 to adjourn. Darrell Frye, Chairman David Allen Kenny Kidd Hope Haywood Maxton McDowell Sarah Pack, Deputy Clerk to the Board 10/10/22 150' Public W/ W - PRELIMINARY PLAT - NOT FOR RECORDATION, CONVEYANCES, OR SALES Plat Drawn from Deeds and Plats of Record Legend ATTACHMENT A Notes: 1. This project is not located within a special flood hazard area per NCFRIS. LitiE BEARING Map #: 3710770200J Effective Date: 1/2/2008 'q Z. Area calculated by coordinate geometry. 3. Ali tines surveyed by Survey Carolina, PLLC are indicated by bold lines. AR tines not surveyed by Survey Carolina, PLLC are indicated by dashed tines. 0 4. No attempt was made by this survey to locate all underground utilities nor any 0 other easements that would be revealed by a title search. i6s 5. Tax PIN: 7712437632 (& Robbins Circle 1333 60' PIbIll RI I 7'57"0 57.52 1 84'34D3" E 92.36 3'r Front S - erback M 5D oo, l7 z Jared G. Chriscoe Amanda F. Chri5coe o 2738 Pg: 1743 Tract o ct 1 Of PB: 124 Pg: go ZZ co 0 eiR ci OHU 0 268.28 OHU fIR -31' Rear Setback- O Q, Prnposed EIR 35' Front ri�- ck Sky(r Reid 394.0 - - - - - N StinsonD8: 2692 - - 86'03'150' W EIR P tot 2 of 9: 634 PB: 86 Pg: 18 150' Public W/ W - PRELIMINARY PLAT - NOT FOR RECORDATION, CONVEYANCES, OR SALES Plat Drawn from Deeds and Plats of Record Legend Property Line Computed Property Line Right of Way Line Easement Line Tie Lines Old Pint Book Line 0 Existing Iron Rod/Pipe 0 NIR i6s Point Not Set/Computed Point (& Well Site Plan For: Harold Koger Tabernackte Township Randolph County North Carolina May 7, 2022 Deed Book: 2244 Page: 460 Plat Book: 124 Page: 90 Scale: I" = 80 US Survey Feet Bar Scale: 0 80 160 240 - --------- SLffRVF—Y 154 S. Fayetteville St, Suite B, Asheboro, NC 27203 Phone Number: 336 625-8000 Email: mait@surveycarotina.com Firm #: P-1110 Dan W Tanner II L-4787 (D 2022 Survey Carolina, PRc Job #: 14088 150' Public W/ W - ATTACHMENT B Notes: Harold Koger 1. This project is not located within a special flood hazard area per NCFRIS. LINE BEARING �BISTAI Map #: 3710770200J Effective Date: 1/2/2008 S 7921'22"E 26 2. Area calculated by coordinate geometry. 3. All lines surveyed by Survey Carolina, PLLC are indicated by bold Lines. All tines not surveyed by Survey Carolina, PLLC are indicated by dashed Lines. 4. No attempt was made by this survey to Locate all underground utilities nor any PRELIMINARY PLAT -NOT FOR RECORDATION, CONVEYANCES, OR SALES other easements that Would be revealed by a title search. 5. Tax PIN: 7712437632 Plat Drawn from Deeds and Plats of Record Robbins Circle SR: 1333 60'PL`h1icR1W —7'57'10,, S 84 - 34'0]r;' Property Line Computed Property Line 5752 92.36 k 154 S. 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Chriscoe DS: 2738 Pg: 1743 Point Not Set/Computed Point well Tract I Of PB: 124 Pg: go (D 2022 Survey Carolina, PtLc Job #: 14088 EIR N 89'1152 ollu EN 268.28 Screened 30'Re—., Setback — Dumpiters j z Proposect5o vegetath,,e8yffr 125.00, Proposed R,,,,, Building to, Sldl—k T7 Ell 35'Fron— ,'r nt set Sky1r Reid eld St 394 05 inlon`--�, — — N 86'03"lo" W 2692 P9: 634 -- — — Lot 2: of PB: 86 Pg: 18 150' Public W/ W - Site Plan For: Harold Koger Tabernackle Township Randolph County North Carolina May 7, 2022 Deed Book: 2244 Page: 460 Plat Book: 124 Page: 90 Scale: 1" = 80 US Survey Feet PRELIMINARY PLAT -NOT FOR RECORDATION, CONVEYANCES, OR SALES Bar Scale: Plat Drawn from Deeds and Plats of Record 0 80 160 240 Legend SPJFZVF-Y PL -L -(-- Property Line Computed Property Line 154 S. 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P //� frj/%ri / �/rr , rr %�/ ��( ✓�i'l lnr / r/ r,'ri, ; i , rfri//� / �i k. ri>��lr/�ij ��/i�r try 1 a2 r 1 1 rijr �r/ f�/ rj rjl Y, r%fir / rrr Y ii /�/'� / //H r/ r r / � i / rlkyr�lb,/ rr ,✓ ' r ��r //k �i gi// r����//��rrI'll / rr/1. rr�r Ijj k u� ° S P Il,h r� X: 04 m M, )a � &, ''! f:1; �aY'k .m aY'•" ..➢.. a,..K �;;;; �,b les +fR f',4 4 1,,:. anp r •� k kk.G, , t rv$ ("(15 ,,. efY <k Y"r.. N,',✓k k�uk ulr l�N Y„ 2 i"3 v ��.' aY 4'b! io.P aPr r ,. v„ tifk 7y dBd dri �_ 007f�,^�" REID 33960 OWNER ADDRESS2 CIO TIMOTHY TE.X GRAHAM .PIN 7731827601 OWNER CITY ASHEBORO TAXED ACREAME 3.15 OWNER STKrE NC PROPERTY DISt;R1P'1'ION DAVID PARRISH LO 2, PT 1 OWNER ZIP 27204 - 171 E:ID BOOK &PAGE, 001878/01044 f OCAI'1ON 3142 US HWY 64 W ADDRESS PLAT HOOT( & PAG 54-59 LOCATION ZIP ASHEBOR0,27205 OWNER �G1tAliAM CONSTRUCTION DATA REFRESHED S11.ED 5/1/2022 :OWN1;R ADDRESS P0130X.2031 1 Disclaimer: This fillip 1wis CWnp{led f ain woreled deeds, plats, and other public mconis Ma SCHIC and data. Usen of this data are hereby noaTed that the aforementioned public iglbrinatloPl sautces be 1 inch =1,67 het infuriation. Randolph p should consulted.for verification of the Catmtu its 5/3/2022 agents and employees stake no warranly as to the accuracy of the Information on this map. ' +�� // � �%����%/gip/j/r ✓ � � rf���f �/ aur, /f, /r)l�J, �/f'�� / /!i //� l o r�1�p�fr� f rr�� �, y M4 �V r( /f r rI/0� ✓ / E %ir l9�3v;j 11 �rr� r nl�i��1ltc r/i %✓y ' y y� ih , ✓ r� l r✓ // 6 e✓ r f/j7 r/�/'✓r , /� ���w r/¢ J, -% ! i f / r r ////l r� �4�r/ n � � ✓ f yi " � ��ttif� ��/. � �d��r✓���/�r�i �;ar, r J ✓„ �„�-”" `" r"" ., / J Ir ii/ a l ✓ d rrl � '" r/i �f" ,% r�y N �/l V � l � f r N��r, �' r �// �/r! r /l/% r >%/� r f . ;�lri ; r , �/��yr/ r�� l !��l�,l//% / ✓,,; � �i%tri r�d%r // r r; / „ // / �i�I�/ , �� / � / ,�,I I �, /�J fjL�/ /I/r,, lVr , I���/ r //!� %i �/r � / ✓� %�,,, rr r ;� �r✓ " �„���� � � ,r / �� ;i„ / �✓�, ,' �� /rr��i„r, / ii �/rrl,ro/ � r///�� rl i�, r �P „�,./' </f /;//rr .��!i ,.r ,. �;e,, ( ��'%� 1. �r �.., r/ ✓ / �-r� 9 � (!/ yr! „” ;.iii�'�,,,� ]/;, �ri 1✓lN�i� �lyr/r ///„�r >: ;..li / /„%� ,lri r// lf�� ,i ��✓, h,/i rr,� /.rl��%i %!/ ��' rl /�/ rr ll�//1 '�� r������8�fj)) �/ Iii r �fl✓.l/; -r �, fr/ 1r � q /,Ia / / / r/ ����%/ r, it �%l/l�l� ,;//iir r///q� oy//1.� � a �%i/r��%1r, �r,�!i19;j,% � / rQ�;,lrr/ r /r�r✓ , i � r /�� r, f��, r+yy�/��//������/�r,�r//,r/r� r�,.�/r�if � �l / � �.%/% y ""�rrl//✓,,, /, / /�, / /ril,- r /r( �>/ ” //r �„/ %yl �/ii ��r/� � i;";>lp/,✓� /..�1%Urr ��y�/p�i //r.. /fir r„�, ,,/,//1,��/%/,/ /�i l/r � l :.i i.... r l/r r /�� � ,;1, � � /,//Jr � �11.�, 9f yii r�!%. t� �/�!h/ , r/� r ,�.. / r rF , / I✓ lrn%r - r r„ ,r / r ✓i�/f/ /19 r//!/,���� i/r;�ylr/��//i ! r r r/ rr //rr �/r V,% /t �� r /.�Y�r„/< l( ,./� ��,� .:,� � r�l' ��G�%��j, rl //'�% r r �, rri�/ ri// ..l /,yi ;✓/lr� , rp /�r�r/i / r ,,.r //i,//lr �/..; ar �� r rtp ��//;//�rG� ✓ r,��/dr��.y���j�r/�rf��. /�%/ ri/6�/�/f/r/i/.� rl r (y rir/�1� ��:a i%l rl%, r/ ,,✓l/ly�J�� �lr�;,�/% �i;��� ;r ' ,%��lrrri �r�%/%^l �/� /�i� //h ✓, r✓ r/ir �:// ,� %1 r/i�� /rjd/ �i! / a ,,., it/i /�/i ✓/ ���%l „lir /'I/��r,,l I!///f/ / %lr��� �+1�' /i/✓q%/�/r'/m �l r / / r / �j,/�J/r Jr i/ / / GffJ, s/��//«/�i/r' .., r ,/.,, r!/„l�o �e /%//i�rJ��1 �/i �.1// lr/%i /� rrl. rT.'/I%[���r/lir.,./ r/ ✓ ra � �y/ S✓ ,; ri ,"�r,,:,, /,r//r % �r... �%f�i %,!/�r//r � 5..,/11�/1��� /l/ r.. %f�rl;/ �/r/ nr»., r ,r,,,j ✓r. ri ;li ,�,� i I ' r/ rl �, alr ,1Y�i/ rlh��9f���r/! �/��/I�I��I„l:A Gr/ rr.� �Uf, .� n�Grr ,rl� ✓l// ni /�',: �..,u %f %� /I// 'r./ / iN(ti ✓I^�P ll' // ��/I/.. %%:: -N'. /�/./ l //�i///' r U /,r„�l/.�/ /ll/iI"( 1 � ✓ rr yf r h✓ / , a ,rrJ„ � ,ro r „�rr%l " 1N � /�„ ,, % /r o h r �/... r/r � r ,ltr� r-, ,r � r i ✓> r: � f� e, jf� �/� �h/l/ljJf/ ,. /„�,/ >,,,.ii' ,Il /ii, ///,,,�`�l r,ry � /i rr/> //� � i/�i. ✓I�r rJ� /r,,!/rr;, /i.,,!., r r , /� r� ;./�� { ,ri, r.DA ��lj�( ry ���'�"„, � ,��� f /r/✓i ,,,%! l,G �//�l,,�f��� �.r, �fJ�,,����ljfi r r -- ar/,,..1 Jr�6, ,,, :y, ✓�/��-;✓i ��i��/r,:!rr;rli� �/�r/,r1�,i.!/ %G;a, %(�/// 1�,,/.,�/'d !r �:: Q/Gk f ;� !h✓ / r �<.. rr >��� �// �>I � yl� / l ✓� / r rl��//�`I / �� rr //� � a O�/)` �` /l,lr r n �j i� �1/"i � � 1�f�6�y%. /,i/li ' ,��i,�i/Y)l!7/ �ir� /.. % /r r /r� , f )�; �J� ���/ir`/ r � � r / �.:f r�r��ri ��V��f�%✓,% ' qi ( /��y..' 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ID 28640 OWNER ADDRE552 ;PIN 7722708709 OWNER CITY ASHEBORO `TAXF"D ACREAGE, 178.23 OWNER STSFE NC PROPERTY R64;N R1416 S OWNER ZIP D1I S CRIPTION 27203 Df -Mil) 1300K & PACK 002682100048 LOCATION 5105 OLD ADDItESS LEXINGTON RD TLAI' BOOK & PAGE LOCATION ZIP ASF EBOR0,27205 OWNER ASHEBORO COUNTRY CLUB AND EVENT DATA CENTER LLC REFRESHED 51112022 OWNER. ADDRESS 465 LEWALLEN RD GGA' -y Rry t'1 Disclairner: rilis deal) Was Cbrrrnile''d 11'0111 1 flmded dec'dy, plats, and other public rr:C'onls Map scale - �+ and darn. User e of this data are hereby- not{fied that the a fort'urentioned rrblie irr arnlalian P J j sorrrres should be corrrlrlted,/br I ill Ii =1333 feet } seer Ncatiorl of'the irrforntation. Randolph Coatrnv, its aPo11tS and en plOyees brake no u a1•rarlry, as to the accuracy of ilie Ir f01717ati0)7 011 ibis 1rra�I. 5/3/2022 RLTD 80432 OWNER ADDRLSS2 ':PIN 772.1288631 OWNER CITY ASHEBORO ''lAXisD ACREAGE 193,61 OWNER STATE NC PROPERTY R64;RI 318 OWNER ZIP 27203 _ ESCRIP'T`ION DEED1300K&!'ACBE {100I BI' J00I77 LOCATION 4705 US HWY 64 W - Additional ADDRESS Addresses :PLAT BOOK & PAGE, LOCATION ZIP ASHESOR0,27205 ;OWNI�Ii 1DELK, FRANK J ROMI (DELK, DATA 51112022 CYNTHIA L) REFRESHED OWNED ADDRESS 5203 US HWY 64 W Dist, fah ger: Th is map t+nrs compiled fi orn meorded bleeds, plats, uucl other pabldc rtico)itls map Scale and data, Usera of this data are herJir untifred that the gforementioued public iglbrination l inch - E333 feet sources .should be consulted, for verification of the Information. Randotph Count 'v. its 5/3/2022 agents and enploj,ees make no warramy as to the accuracy Qf the irfonlratlon on this rnup. vU cz ll:t .. . ... . . ... . pjl Nob tex vU cz ll:t .. . ... . . ... . pjl Nob vU cz ll:t .. . ... . . ... . R F I D 28217 111E 1 7 7 2 t 4, X 7 5 D,?, TAXI.A) /%Cl,',FAGk Moo PROPERTV DES( Rl PTI ON R 1318 8k, R64-1 OW',1HR ADDREISS2 OWNER CITY ASHEBORO OWNFIR STAFF N C OWNER ZIP 27205 DlI D BOOK & PAGLI 002062/0035,8' LOCNHON ADDRESS 220 6v100RF RD - Addidomd Addros�,s PL,NI'BO()[,,', & RVjE 1.00A -1,101,C ZIP ASHE"BOR0,2720.9 OWNER POWERS, MUL CLAR.K.DIVIA R.1,"FRES11H.) 511 Q022 ADDRFSS 13 Ft M 00 R, I �, R D I)i'vda inav %, Thi, map p V41,S COMI)il0d fhW I Peco P-ded dovdw, plws, a nef oi It cr p nhlh ! g -eca we Is Map Sc dc and (lata. Users qf�his, denet rare ho ehr dlol�ficddwdl dle Imbbc hpliwmalion I 111ch:= 333 I'vet 'win agents radkl mlpfia.Veex mal'o no lva)'AMW SIS 16 dk? 0VCWVCY 01'ehe sm shis malp, /:� �Nr ;,,/"A W I' 1/' I I r'/�. �� •. vv /. „'./f 'I :"i f f+.%/ / ...././ / y' ,. / r/ r// i"il ['�, .,.. r r,-.Ui:�u 1 s /! /f,. / r I V 7i�ia ✓ r,r ,, �/% // /) i / /l // f/1l /, ✓r ,.Jr/ 71a1 � u1 / w ,.,.. ;M P, l„ ,,/ ..rl l r/,/1i / / /1 ,,/ya) o..,;% /%,/ ,/ 1/ 1,, P � i / 0 ,, ��,.,.,, , f l/! n r ', � lith i../ >" f /(, ,,,r e/r� ✓ % � � %fy/, i , (/12 /ll. y Gr6 r /o / . / , ,. L .,i �/ rr ��,�" /� , � �( f/�a�„/� ,,.,, F .r l J / x ' / i J f,,�, f � a i✓ /���' r //� ✓,,., ni �..,., ,,, . 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(o (o J- 03 CX 65'd 65 r" RJAD PIN TAX I FAGI,, PROPETUY DESCRonON Dk'ED BOOKS, PA( -;F PLYVI'BOOK a� I'MiE OWNER OMAER ADDMAS 223 16 771203-1977 ',24 TABERNACLE AQU6­1 05 002606,,M280 I M-11 ALMRAM, GANHL YAIP�"A 6N6 US HWY 64 W OWNER ADDRFSS2 0 WN 1, R STATE 0 W \1 E R z I p LOCATION ADDRESS LocivI]ON ZIP DMA 1r1E1"''RESHF1) ASMEBORO N(-' 27. 0.5 6746 IJ S � I WY 64 W ASHT-,BORO27205 5/1/; 022 Dis cla b) � 4"1.: This 01 ap u vas cu Pin/ riledl fi -an i -ccon let/ dceds, pla u. f d mf m hec ° pablic reu , ords �Vi',,Ip scale onddafu I inch - 4Z Jht lots/,Q/ smirdv� slay be c,Onslqwd lbr veqFficalion qfme Rando�ph Coifli�v, its 5/3,,2022 1 JT0, '' ag,'Imv app/ omjyh-�� cew make no warran(v a� to lh�," arc"racy qj the iqfinwpathm fm Mix mup. APA VIEV � \ \» / \ rn '15 ° \ M a GO V. \\ \< 14 in. al CZ 9,L . .. . ........ . .......... 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This npap wo,saPPHC�""Ad�ia7d'10ap Scale qAk Am mv wvy"Mpy ma� the I Wch = 42 ket K4'/ e3 Acodd bc "I'Me Randolph Cowi�v, il,� makeno wan,wqv co to th"'locuracy qfrhc on 1his maj). 5/3/2022 Ji CZ Cr d 66 ro Cl 0 CD dci :,,�5 0) co rM "Zo ef,: 3 ru NY NS" - 3 D All L7 Ni u Ji CZ Cr d 66 CD dci :,,�5 0) z 11MS NY NS" All Ni u lowD PIN PROPEM DESCRJMION M�F,D BOOK &, PAGE' PLAT DOOK & RAGE, OWNER D"TMR ADUMS 22389 7712235792 L38 COUNTRY CIU1 B ACIS4 MP 1 00205.3/0 Y 168 12-31 WTSOK LARRY G 64M UT HWY 64 W OWNFR A9)IMTS2 OWNER CITY OWNIZ STA IT OWNER DP LOCATION ADDR-ESS LOC"MON up DXD% RURESHED YP Disdoinwr,- Thiv map was compfiedfi-mn recorded decd.s. plats, imdothtr I wbfic records and dam. f""'wvs (y 116 daley arr !dor lay' wq4ficd thal the ve s agents and ompblvevs PP ako no )VOITCIP1P1' Cfs to the uccuraij- of'the on 1163 A',AIEBORO NC 27205 No Physicol Addrcss No AP TIOV2 10,np scMc I inch = 42 fmf 5/3/2022 aii yo,; IiU, , fill IF cIXC,} ID C As V 10 0 W CTP 4A p da OyC) th "i CL (J) I J- RFID MN 'I AXED AC'M'AGk PR(':: PERTV E) ESCIRI PTIO N' DFI'D & IMF PLATBOOK, & RAGE OWNFI? () A! N F R A D D R f �,,S , S ,Y)424 7712330646 0.46 COI.JNTRY CL t J B AC; L I t 002053/01176 1-31 WILSON, LARRY 6436 I.JS H WY 64 W OWNER ADDRESS2 OWNER, CITY OW'�'NWR ATF OlYNNER ZIP LOCl/vIlON, ADDRI-I'Ss LOC"'ATIC)N Z11, DATA ASHEBORO NC 272 0 5 6422 US I fW)l 64W A S[ I E B (.) RO, 27205 5,1/2022 Map scalt" a pjI (legaa, Uyers qf INV (lei ta inv ho c I, v notffied I hae thc(Ifiw-c'mcniiOnce I poblic iqlb0nlWum Inch = 42 feet Cation qy'fhc� hifi);,impthm Randoloh C'mmil" its 5/3! 022 dlisfnaP, 2 fimp ' C rG , 11 0 <( cjl" SU VU CY 00 c r) C"D 00 41 1� ru d ef) REM PIN `ARID ACRIAGF, PRoPERTY E)ESC RIPTION DIT"D BOOK & PAGE: PLATBOOK L, MGT- CAV04FR OWNFR ADDRHSS 22393 7712239647 OA6 COUNTRY CLUB AC'jjO 002053/01174 12-3 1 WIL-SQ,K LARRY G 6436 US HW%(,j4 NN, OWNUt ADDRESS2 OW N E R (11' I'M' OWNF'R, STNIT" OWNER, Z[11 LOCATION ADDRESS LOCATION ZIP DATA REAT FSi 11-J) ASI IEBORO NC 27205 642R LJS f I WY 64 W ASI IEBORO27205 -5/1/2022 Map Scale evid dayo. ("sow o/ dliq &JI(e (we ho-dw leollficd andv the q1blememioned public inl�wmelfion 5ources, shon I," be commlied fiw1rry�das•�aaiafdr,�pr,Rundolpff ("ofint v, it.) I inch = 42 feo: UgoWS'/2022 aud onplm,eex nlaAe no warrunt.v us to 21W acculzu"), qfdw hffiwination 6),Ia Ibis nwqp51�31 m VU 60 (V, 05 Q) 0 Ran TA X I'D AC R 1,-" A G I PRO P 'RTV D E'SC C« PTI OK DITD BOOK PAGE PLAT BOOK PAGE OWNINIA OWNF.R ADDRI:SS 22391 7712 2 3S 7 5 D 0,46 002053/01172 12-3I NIVUSONI, LARRY G 6430 US' 1-1"'Y 64 NA,' OWNFR ADDRE ' SS2 0 W N E It C' FIN CAklhfllz STATF, OWNE'R 2111 LOCA IONS ADDRESS LAX AMN ZIP DINYA ��FFVESJIHD ASHEBORO il<' 27205 6436 US H\VV 04 W ASI lEB(.')R0,27205 S / 1 1`202<2 Map Scale . . ... ... i data Users q) IN,., claw arc, herchr ololificel Mal ille 10hll I inch = .12 fect suorces 0ungld be coustiltedfim, verifh"Wam ql*fhe infimnaiion. Randolph Couur.virs 5/3,202-2 (judl cmploYees inalfe no lfttyTd;U.T 0A to dw tlCCMdC.r 4)1 the infivination ?m fids mup .. � Y� �,�I"�fi�Nj//rii �///r / ✓ ro �y r '/ rr,/%/i / /%r� � 1a��� � !i l �///i ✓/% r //p i� ".�% r ,rre t. rr��i r `/%i, rl'2�/ Ji r Kiri /r % r„,, � fi///i r �Jr / i rr1 !✓fir/f/ir 1/� - i,,,. r✓ �r���� r� 9iir Ji �,r; % / /i //// r r V Y riry�/i��f��li/%4I���`'� ! r �' I �1, , �'")�rr. � IJJ/� 1„r�. r r�r,/� ��ir ��/„ � �; j r✓ri ,r;., ,�1�1�9J a�..' ����J7�r'�� �¢�J;r�' l/`� �/r// r �/ Int rr�lJHry / ��//i/ rr�f // // i` /ii✓ J �' rr✓,r 1,✓% il; ,, ; r ��� I���fr6 rii .., � %//%��i rri// �!�y �i �fr/�,b r r . r ✓ r J i HAS', % , l� � , .: (IC+r ,. r� Pr ,a; i , ✓i �' ii -;; >'. r ,ry ��� �� ����i%��i������ �'% �✓� ✓ii / r�r , �, f/0r ��/✓� r r � I IV�I�' 1�� aalNr /� ” r '"; �'z !� , e,. Irl, /!r/ Cr r'i„ ✓°1//li/ //r�J// r //I r /%1 rr �. � rr✓✓�//1 fi'� ��"a. a r�r �rF�I�'✓ r/r / m �f�I///��i/�i0%l� ii�rr%/i �' �//// /% 'j/� i f;aS9wm: ir( ,. l� ��r rirr//l r1y 0 rr �l�/ Ji�� f +lliilr r � r � "r �✓✓lr/,� . µ c� � % i n //i / r // � it -, ; " �W10f r "a' r. �1,�1 / a/✓, �rr /v r Ir✓r%, / I' r�/r IYlii',,' � 1 r,% r //%�l >H. � % ;; 1{�� ,� r r r✓r o ���rr ii fri m d)/�l ri/i/�r /r� Hr6u,»;o r //ilj%�irrr i///�� r%I/j r ll1f1Y� filrti; Jl/ rir �lti r %�� ��OI% �ci/�rrl r �, „ l it l r ✓ / /r rru Wy / � '�' �� p O r ✓c%'� '")1/�/�l � �r rYf i% %r�i� r � r�� l yJl� r �ii un%l%l � /i ����� � rL✓/iii/lYr/�D//%%/ l/ r/ j/ ��/. � �l�'o/ r i "" a 1// 11r r /I %r I /ril r i ��If�i r� P fr.���1✓/rr��� / %Ili�rl ��r�r�„ - rli% f�/J /r/ /✓ /o�✓i�lli/Y�/i�i 'f��� r� i r �r�y A Jl%���✓% r %,�, � � /r'l /�'/r/l� '%/�%/ /i (�d� / ar ✓ art r r/� / r/rrrr�i / ✓i: r � r/ ///�� �/l l �%, // r r �� cr' _fi %fiy"�"✓f!%! irk r/%i//�/ jrr�rr l �J/ �iir� / r , WE/ J "'aw�,��;�,ra a r %lil/i�r r ci / / i/ �/ r/ res ✓ r¢rr,'/� ,, ��,;,: t; ///„ ✓/� /l/er r ,r�lf�r O ���� lrr/ 1 r y�/�/ fG iri, / / / /i t riGr r�/�r / j nr� � 1 '�l fi�ii iliix�i rijf r f r a i�,/// °rr�%r�// /i� ✓Y i ���/ iJ�� r, riiniaar4rvacr�aRhiao�a�rii�lr/itl�a�ruf rlr�aii r � r ri r //n/ r / r �// ,/,r,J //i / !. rr�l/h l r//% „ t r,:� � , r .. /!��','r ��rn ✓;,,, ; ,., i/ ilY�!,e,,�IraU4,%<cd�i�ilfi,,,�%��//rc ,,,,����,i/1/„/2Yli%Iru(iicr ,,,/„i: r,.,;.,.,/✓� a% ;e /v/ick%. k 0.BY a; r 45 4j'Y fti 0.0N .y r, CO OU �b �O I.n S �r� a90 d a KS gfiN aYk W^^ 01) W17) ATTACHMENT D Photo # 1. Highway 64 looking west toward Tabernacle School Zone just ahead. 2. Traffic at Tabernacle (twice per day) This is only a small portion of traffic. It extends all the way around the bus parking lot, ball field and many times down the highway. A video would be the only way to capture the traffic. 3. View from Robbins Circle looking west 4. View from Robbins Circle looking east, school busses travel this road every day. Access driveway would be in middle of curve. 5. View from Robbins Circle looking east with church in view. 6 & 7 Bethel parking lot across from the property (site of access drive). 8. Traffic exiting Bethel to Hwy 64 (95% exit to 64). 9. The close proximity to Bethel. :\«§m \ )\ \. . ��� / 1 . \��\ . \\���� � �° : § .\� . \.« « r / � ~ y«\ / \ z ,S-mla EU y, 1' /r, ! ' % II fj f � ; F f' 1 So io i 0 a LA u a w C5 to_ E ro t3 CG m -W ilk O lz a