04AprilPBPlanning Board Minutes April 4, 2023 Page 1 of 14 RANDOLPH COUNTY PLANNING BOARD MINUTES April 4, 2023 There was a meeting of the Randolph County Planning Board on Tuesday, April 4, 2023, at 6:30 p.m. in the 1909 Historic Courthouse Meeting Room, 145-C Worth St, Asheboro, NC. Chairman Pell called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. and welcomed those in attendance and asked for a roll call of the members. Hal Johnson, County Manager, called the roll of the Board members. • Reid Pell, Chair, present; • Kemp Davis, Vice-Chair, present; • John Cable, present; • Melinda Vaughan, present; • Reggie Beeson, present; • Ken Austin, present; • Barry Bunting, absent; and • Brandon Hedrick, Alternate, present, substituting for Bunting. County Attorney, Ben Morgan, was also present. Johnson informed the Chairman there was a quorum of the members present for the meeting. Pell called for a motion to approve the consent agenda as presented. Consent Agenda: • Approval of agenda for the April 4, 2023, Planning Board meeting. • Approval of the minutes from the March 7, 2023, Planning Board meeting. Cable made the motion to APPROVE the consent agenda as presented, with Austin making the second to the motion. The motion was adopted unanimously. Pell asked the Board members if there were any conflicts in the following cases. Hearing none, Pell turned to Johnson to present the first case of the night. Johnson reminded the Board about the April 18, 2023, Growth Management Plan update meeting at Eastern Randolph High School. Johnson said that so many changes are happening in northeast Randolph County as a result of the Toyota Megasite and Planning Board Minutes April 4, 2023 Page 2 of 14 Wolfspeed in Chatham County, the County wanted to recognize that we will have industrial and commercial developments coming to the area in due to Toyota and Wolfspeed. Johnson said that both of these construction projects will impact the future of Randolph County in many ways such as thousands of employees, State funding to develop the necessary infrastructure, and the need for housing. Johnson said that the purpose of the public meeting was to give the public a chance to look at northeast Randolph County to see changes that are taking place and provide input to the Planning Board and the Board of County Commissioners on policies the citizens would like to see to help regulate and channel growth. The meeting will touch on many issues such as water and sewer infrastructure and where these lines will be located along with how to address the areas of higher-density residential development that may happen as a result of the investments in these two sites. Johnson said that it will be important for the Planning Board to attend and that the public is invited to attend and let the County know things we need to take into consideration as we move forward with the update of the Randolph County Growth Management Plan. Johnson concluded his comments by saying that the construction at the Toyota Megasite is the largest construction project in the United States at this time. Johnson reminded those in attendance that the public meeting on April 18, 2023, is not a public hearing but an opportunity to make comments to the County Planning staff and the Piedmont Triad Regional Council staff. Johnson presented the first case along with site plans, and pictures of the site and surrounding properties including a map of the Growth Management Plan around the request location. The issue, in this case, is the Rural Growth Area. REZONING REQUEST #2023-00000382 The Randolph County Planning Board will hold a duly published and notified Legislative Hearing on the request by JOE MILLIKAN, Randleman, NC, and his request to rezone 15.88 acres at 1801 Naomi Rd, Providence Township, Polecat Creek Critical Area Watershed, Tax ID #7775062096, Rural Growth Area, from RA - Residential Agricultural District to CVOE-CD - Conventional Subdivision Overlay Exclusive - Conditional District. The proposed Conditional Zoning District would specifically allow a six-lot site-built subdivision as per the site plan. Property Owner: Nicholas Jason Millikan Pell opened the public hearing and called for anyone wishing to speak in favor of the request to come forward and address the Planning Board. Joe Millikan, 1788 Naomi Rd, presented a picture of what he is wanting to do by using the map that was used at the Neighborhood Information Meeting in March. Millikan said that the area in the yellow is the thirteen acres that he wants to rezone and the orange areas are developments that have one-acre tracts and that there are fifty-five homes in that area. Millikan went on to say that there are 494 site-built houses within the one-mile radius of the request location and that within one-fourth mile there are sixty-two homes and that there are twenty-four mobile homes located within the same one-mile radius. Planning Board Minutes April 4, 2023 Page 3 of 14 Millikan relayed how he had applied for rezoning in 2018 using the same plan and he was asked to drop the request as the County had hired someone to evaluate the zoning ordinance and the Growth Management Plan. Millikan said that he talked to someone in August 2022 and asked what he could do with the property. Millikan made an appointment and Jay Dale told him that someone had asked about a place to put a subdivision. Millikan then told the Planning Board about conversations with Commissioner Hope Haywood. Millikan said that Haywood came and visited the site and she was surprised that it was so close to the municipal border for the City of Randleman. Millikan stated that due to the property's location near Polecat Creek that the lots are a minimum of 80,000 sq. ft. per residence but that the City of Randleman no longer uses Polecat Creek for its water supply. Millikan said that Haywood told him to ask the City of Randleman about annexing the property and Millikan stated that the City of Randleman did come to the property to discuss annexing the property but that he did now want to annex the property due to taxes. Millikan then stated that went around to property owners within one-half mile and received twenty-seven signatures of people that are fine with the proposed development and that he thought it was foolish for the County to say that the six lots must be a minimum of three acres each while the City of Randleman may let him do forty to fifty lots on the same parcel. Millikan concluded that he wants to be able to sell the property in case he needs money for his health care and that he reserved the right to address any questions that are raised. Pell asked if there were any questions from the Planning Board. Cable asked Millikan about the road frontage of the lots on the site plan and Millikan responded that the lots have an average of 122 feet of State road frontage. Austin asked Millikan about the numbers he cited when giving his presentation and he asked specifically about the number of homes in subdivisions or on individual lots. Millikan stated that there is one large subdivision in the area, Brown Oaks, and he assumes there are 150 to 160 houses in that development. Austin asked how long it has been since Brown Oaks was developed and Millikan said that he thought it was five to seven years ago. Austin asked Millikan a question about the site plan showing only one driveway. Millikan replied that each lot would have its own driveway and that he would be using the same configuration for each lot. Pell asked Millikan if the wanted to submit his petition to the Planning Board and Millikan gave the petition to the Clerk to the Planning Board. (See Exhibit #1.) Millikan also mentioned that there had been some comments posted on Facebook about the request. Pell asked if there were others present in favor of the request that wanted to speak. Planning Board Minutes April 4, 2023 Page 4 of 14 Bryan Scott Herndon, 3774 Cedar Springs Rd, rose to address the Planning Board and he stated that he lives across the road from the request location and that Millikan has been very honest about the request, and that he does not want to get annexed into the City of Randleman. Herndon further stated that he navigates this stream beside the request location several times a year and that he supports the request of Millikan. Pell asked if there was anyone else that wished to speak in favor of the request. Hearing none, Pell asked if there was anyone in attendance that wished to speak in opposition to the rezoning request. Tom Wright, 301 N Elm St, Greensboro, stated that he has been retained as an attorney for Larry Routh and other farmers and neighbors that oppose this rezoning request. Wright stated that it has been said tonight that the request does not meet the three-acre lot size requirement from the Randolph County Growth Management Plan and that lots do not meet the dimensional requirements of the 1:4 lot width-to-depth ratio required by the Randolph County Growth Management Plan nor the Randolph County Unified Development Ordinance in that the lots are 122 ft. wide at the Naomi Rd and that with the 12.38 acres as shown on the application that is approximately two acres per lot. Wright asked if there is a compelling reason for this subdivision to be in this location and for it to deviate from Randolph County Growth Management Plan. Wright asked what is it about this track that would allow the lot sizes to be reduced and that it was the position of the neighbors that there is nothing about this track that would allow a smaller lot size. Wright told the Planning Board that there are many first, second, and third-generation farmers in this area and many existing building lots in the areas are over the required three acres minimum, and that this is Rural Growth Area and other people came to this area or inherited their property with the idea that it would be rural and not houses after house after houses and Wright ask why is it that this subdivision seeks to deviate from the adopted Growth Management Plan. Wright then read from the Growth Management Plan which describes the Rural Growth Area as: “This specialized area is characterized by traditional agricultural operations, pasture land, forestry, rural lot residential subdivisions, and open space scattered non-farm residences on large tracts of land. Rural scenic vistas are a natural part of the landscape.” Wright went on to discuss the Environmental and Watershed Restrictions that exist on the property and he stated that the only reason that he could find that would allow a deviation from the three-acre lot sizes is that State only requires an 80,000 sq. ft. lot size in a protected area and ash why the Planning Board and the Board of County Commissioners has determined that something more than 80,000 sq. ft. is necessary to protect the environment and that the Board of County Commissioners can change the minimum lot size but it should not be done in an unplanned fashion. Wright asked the Planning Board about what the harm would be in six lots. Ten lots. Wright stated that the Planning Board Minutes April 4, 2023 Page 5 of 14 next property owner could come before the Planning Board to look to do lots that do not meet requirements and that there is no reason that this subdivision should be approved with two acres lots and there is no reason why it cannot qualify for three-acre lots sizes. Wright further stated that this property is not a great place for subdivision as Naomi Rd is a windy, hilly road that has a fifty-five mile per house speed limit and there was a fatality in this area just four years ago and many citizens used Naomi Rd as a short cut to get to the Randleman Wal-Mart from Liberty and other community. Wright stated that adding thirty-six trips per day might not be a lot but with the road conditions and school buses people not be able to stop in time due to it being a windy, hilly road/ Wright stated that Millikan said neighbors said that were in favor of the request when given a choice of being annexed or having two-acre lots and most people would prefer two acres lots. Wright said that three neighbors are living beside the request location now and they have said they will sell and move as the area would lose its rural character. Wright asked for those in opposition to stand and 19 people stood in opposition. Wright said that the agricultural nature of Randolph County is something that comes up a lot and that Randolph County is looking to build a Farm and Family Center at a cost of around $29,000,000 and which further proves the value of agricultural land in the County. Wright reminded the Planning Board that residences are allowed in agricultural areas but not in such high density as being proposed at this location. Wright referred to the upcoming Growth Management Plan meeting on April 18, 2023, and that all of this will impact how we should react to development and that the Board of County Commissioners may change the Growth Management Plan to allow higher densities but that the Board of County Commissioners would have neighbor input and seek expert opinions and that is does not make sense to walk away from the existing Growth Management Plan to approve this request. Wright concluded by saying that someone has to make a decision but it will be a hard decision and he urged the Planning Board to deny the request and follow the staff recommendation. Pell asked if there were any questions from Planning Board members for Wright. Hearing none, Pell called for others in opposition that wanted to speak to come forward to address the Planning Board. Sharon Lamb Cannon, 1942 Bull Run Creek Rd, rose to address the Planning Board and she said that she is a fifth-generation farmer and that her grandsons will be sixth- generation farmers on the same property. Cannon stated that all of the people attending the meeting behind her are farmers. Cannon said that Millikan said that he owns forty acres and that he is the closest to Randleman and that Randleman has proximity housing and that Millikan said that he could do forty houses on forty-eight acres and the State says that is not possible. Cannon told the Planning Board that Millikan owns other property in the area that he could sell that would not impact farms and she reminded the Planning Board that chicken houses do produce strong odors and that the three-acre minimum lot size would be a good thing to keep everything equal. Cannon stated that the citizens in the community want the property to be farmland and stay that way and that the Planning Board Minutes April 4, 2023 Page 6 of 14 existing farms want to ride their tractors on their property and not have to worry about the dangerous intersections and that all of the issues to be considered in this case and to make sure that everyone abides by same rules. Pell asked if there was anyone else in opposition to the request that wanted to speak. Hearing none, Pell asked Millikan if he wanted to address the concerns raised. Millikan rose to give his rebuttal to those in opposition. Millikan said that in 2009, the goal of the Growth Management Plan was to not stop growth but to channel growth to areas served by public infrastructure for long-term growth. Millikan went on to say the that Growth Management Plan provides development options for environmental protection and that rezonings should be compatible with the area and that his map shows that the request is compatible with the City of Randleman on the west side and Rural Growth Areas on all the other sides. Millikan went on to say that if he was greedy, he would have built out the property instead of investing in a 401K and that he does not own any land for development, and the land that he does have has already been divided and given to his children. Millikan then told the Planning Board that the difference between four and six lots is that the four lots would sell for around $120,000 whereas the six lots would sell for around $180,000 and he asked the Planning Board why he should be willing to accept less money. Millikan went on to say that the property for the request location is not farmland due to the topography of the property and the site for the solar farm on his property hilly, rolling and the site of the solar farm in his property is not good for houses due to topography issues. Millikan advised the Planning Board that many young people are not able to pay $30,000 for property to build a house and that much land is inherited and those people are set and everyone needs to remember about the people who are trying to get started in life. Morgan told Millikan to address concerns from the opposition and nothing else. Millikan asked if the Planning Board had any questions for him. Hedrick asked if he had done a soil evaluation to see if the property could hand septic systems and Millikan stated that none had been done but that there were already three houses on the adjoining parcels. Kemp reminded Millikan that unless he has the soil evaluated, there is no guarantee that he would be able to develop the property. Pell asked if there were other questions for the Planning Board, Hearing none, Pell closed the public hearing. Beeson stated that he is familiar with this location and the development on Camp Nawaka Rd and that his proposal would be an improvement over what is existing, but the plan as submitted will not work. Planning Board Minutes April 4, 2023 Page 7 of 14 Davis commended Millikan for what he is doing and stated that the Growth Management Plan requires a minimum lot size of three acres and the State requires 80,000 sq. ft. per residence since the request location is in a water-critical area. Davis said that the current Growth Management Plan update is looking at areas that could change density but he does not know if the changes will occur in this area. Hedrick stated that Millikan made multiple references to other developments and he said that things must be looked at what the current Unified Development Ordinance and the Growth Management Plan require at the time the application is filed. Hedrick went on to say that a conservation subdivision could possibly work on this parcel and Hedrick reminded Millikan that he decided to try to develop the property in the manner submitted. Hedrick told Millikan that the Board of County Commissioners approved a new type of subdivision, a conservation subdivision, for transitional areas but that there are buffer standards and open spaces, requirements for that type of development. Austin reminded the Planning Board that Johnson outlined at the beginning of the meeting that the County is updating the Growth Management Plan and that the update should be done in a few months and that Millikan needs to consider that before deciding on his proposed development. Johnson said that the County should not take a parcel-by-parcel approach to zoning decisions but look at the bigger picture and think about the future. Johnson said that the original Growth Management Plan was done in 2002 and updated in 2009 and development pressures are different now in 2023 than they were in 2002 or 2009. Johnson said that he expects the Growth Management Plan will be completed around June 2023, and then given to the Planning Board and the Board of County Commissioners for their review and adoption of the changes. Cable stated that the Planning Board has seen a steady stream of applications coming to this Board month after month and he commends everyone for coming to the meeting. Cable said that the public meetings are the first the Planning Board hears of this request and that they weigh testimony from both sides before making a decision. Cable went to things are changing and not always for the better. Cable related how he built his house and had 145 acres behind him that he would hike, hunt and ride four-wheelers. Cable said that then Randolph County Schools decided to build a school on that property and everything changed—the serenity went away. Cable went on to say that if everything remained the same, Providence Grove High School would have never been built. Cable reminded everyone that change is coming and this property will not be used for third or fourth-generation homes on the site and the development needs to be in a manner consistent with the community. Cable said that he is proud of the Planning Board members and how they take the responsibility given to them to make these tough decisions. Cable further stated that he thinks the property fits in the direction the Count is going and if the public would look at what the North Carolina General Assembly is trying to pass as new laws, it could get even worse. Cable concluded by saying that this is a Planning Board Minutes April 4, 2023 Page 8 of 14 situation that the Planning Board needs to look at moving forward with the updated Growth Management Plan. Kemp stated that the thought the new Growth Management Plan will look at green space requirements and it could make development a more complicated process in the future. Kemp went on to say that if Millikan would be patient and withdraw his request for a couple of months it might be the best thing to do in this situation. Pell said the wanted to say the same thing as he would hate to see the Planning Board deny the rezoning request and for Millikan to have to wait a full year before coming back before the Planning Board. Austin said that by being on Growth Management Plan Steering Committee there is going to be a lot of work and input on the new plan and much of what has been discussed tonight is in the new plan and he would suggest that Millikan consider delaying his rezoning request. Cable made the motion to reopen the public hearing and seconded the motion to reopen the public hearing to allow Millikan to decide on this request. Pell, having a proper motion and second, called the question on the motion to reopen the public hearing, and the motion was adopted unanimously. Millikan stated that the same thing happened the last time and he withdrew his request then and Millikan asked if he had time to decide on this request. Morgan said that Millikan can either withdraw or table his request and Morgan stated that he thought it would be proper for Millikan to withdraw his request. Millikan stated that he wanted to WITHDRAW his rezoning request. Cable said that he appreciates the three members on the Growth Management Plan Steering Committee and the difficult work they are doing to help the County. REZONING REQUEST #2023-00000567 The Randolph County Planning Board will hold a duly published and notified Legislative Hearing on the request by CAROLINA TRAVEL MANAGEMENT, INC, Randleman, NC, and their request to rezone 5.09 acres out of 29.56 acres at 10367 Randleman Rd, Level Cross Township, Randleman Lake Protected Area Watershed, Tax ID #7758809298, Primary Growth Area, from RA - Residential Agricultural District to HC-CD - Highway Commercial - Conditional District. The proposed Conditional Zoning District would specifically allow an overflow parking lot as per the site plan. Planning Board Minutes April 4, 2023 Page 9 of 14 Pell opened the public hearing and called for anyone wishing to speak in favor of the request to come forward and address the Planning Board. Jonathan Moody, a representative from Carolina Travel Management, rose to address the Planning Board. Moody stated that the year 2004 was their last expansion at the present facility and between 2004 and 2016, the company grew even larger and their fleet of existing busses was starting to take up so much space they had to do something. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the company started selling the busses but the NC Department of Motor Vehicles notified the company that they were in violation by selling the busses. Carolina Travel received the necessary zoning approval to sell the extra busses and that, since that time, the business has mostly recovered from the COVID-19 pandemic. Pell asked if there were any questions from the Planning Board members. Beeson asked Moody if the area in white on the site plan was intended for bus sales. Moody responded yes and that they had sold buses from New York to Florida. Kemp asked about the spillover parking that is being requested and Moody stated that– when the buses are on the road they do not have enough parking spaces for travelers, employees, drivers, etc., and that they need more parking spaces to be able to accommodate everyone at the site. Beeson stated that it is good that the business is coming back to life and that the company is having to hire more people. Pell asked if there was anyone else in attendance in favor of the rezoning request. Hearing none, Pell asked if there was anyone in attendance in opposition to the rezoning request. Hearing none, Pell closed the public hearing. Cable asked if the property had been posted and if letters had been sent out and the Planning Staff responded that all requirements were completed. Cable said that he is glad the company was able to take a bad situation (COVID-19) and make it work to keep the business open. Cable related that he travels the State and country and nothing makes him prouder than to see their busses on road and that the request should be approved as the hard work of the company is paying off. Cable made the motion to APPROVE the rezoning request to rezone the specified parcel(s) on the rezoning application to the requested zoning district based upon the Determination of Consistency and Findings of Reasonableness and Public Interest statements that are included in the Planning Board agenda, submitted during the rezoning presentation and as may be amended, incorporated into the motion, to be included in the minutes, as well as the site plan(s) with all agreed-upon revisions, also incorporated into the motion and that the request is consistent with the Randolph County Growth Management Plan. Beeson made a second to the motion to APPROVE the rezoning request. Planning Board Minutes April 4, 2023 Page 10 of 14 Pell, having a proper motion and second, called the question on the motion to APPROVE the rezoning request, and the motion was adopted unanimously. Johnson told the applicant that due to the potential of an appeal of the rezoning decision, the approval paperwork would be sent after the deadline for filing an appeal if no appeal is requested. REZONING REQUEST #2023-00000595 The Randolph County Planning Board will hold a duly published and notified Legislative Hearing on the request by JOSE FLORES, Asheboro, NC, and his request to amend the existing Conditional District Permit on 2.39 acres at 7606 US Hwy 220 S, Richland Township, Tax ID #7665688138, Primary Growth Area, from LI-CD - Light Industrial - Conditional District to LI-CD - Light Industrial - Conditional District. The proposed Conditional Zoning District Amendment would specifically amend the existing Conditional District permit to allow an 80 ft. by 60 ft. addition to the existing building as per the site plan. Pell opened the public hearing and called for anyone wishing to speak in favor of the request to come forward and address the Planning Board. Jose Flores, 108 West Edgewood Cir, said that this is his fourth appearance before the Planning Board and that his business has grown so much that needs even more room for operations. Johnson asked Flores what he makes at the facility and his number of employees. Flores replied that the business makes socks and that he currently has eight employees. Davis asked Flores if the business manufactures and warehouses on the same parcel and Flores responded, “Yes.” Pell asked if there was anyone else in attendance in favor of the rezoning request. Krista Dunn, 188 West Edgewood Cir, told the Planning Board that she owns 4.6 acres adjacent to this parcel and asked how many buildings will be on the parcel. Dunn stated that West Edgewood Cir is a private road and how many more employees and trucks will be using the road. (It was confirmed after the public hearing that West Edgewood Cir is a State maintained road (SR1128.)) Dunn stated that UPS trucks are coming through the area due to GPS routing and this is putting more of the burden on citizens that live in the area and that they are also concerned about the noise level. Davis asked about the relationship between the request location and West Edgewood Cir. Flores stated that the old church fronts on US Hwy 220 S but also has a drive from West Edgewood Cir and his current application is only for the property on US Hwy 220 S. Planning Board Minutes April 4, 2023 Page 11 of 14 Flores told the Planning Board that he owns all of the property where his business is located. Morgan stated that the only thing before the Planning Board is the property in red on the map. The property on West Edgewood Cir is not involved in this request. Hedrick stated that if the Planning Board approves the request, Flores has to adhere to the approved site plan. Cable said that the Planning Board is only talking about the property this is outlined in red on the GIS maps or the specific site plan provided by Flores. Flores stated that he is only wanting to do an addition to one building and Beeson said that Flores was just adding to the existing building. Cable explained the site plan that was provided by Flores. Pell asked if there was anyone else in attendance in opposition to the rezoning request that wanted to address the Planning Board. Hearing none, Pell closed the public hearing. Hedrick said that by looking at the aerial site plan, it appears to show concrete across the property line. Kemp asked if the proposed addition has anything to do with the adjoining property and he was told that the adjoining property is not part of this request. Hedrick stated again that the aerial site plan shows concrete across the property line. Davis congratulated Flores by saying that his hard work has paid off and that his business continues to grow. Davis made the motion to APPROVE the rezoning request to rezone the specified parcel(s) on the rezoning application to the requested zoning district based upon the Determination of Consistency and Findings of Reasonableness and Public Interest statements that are included in the Planning Board agenda, submitted during the rezoning presentation and as may be amended, incorporated into the motion, to be included in the minutes, as well as the site plan(s) with all agreed-upon revisions, also incorporated into the motion and that the request is consistent with the Randolph County Growth Management Plan. Cable made a second to the motion to APPROVE the rezoning request. Pell, having a proper motion and second, called the question on the motion to APPROVE the rezoning request, and the motion was adopted 6-1 with Hedrick voting against the motion to approve the rezoning request. Planning Board Minutes April 4, 2023 Page 12 of 14 Johnson told the applicant that due to the potential of an appeal of the rezoning decision, the approval paperwork would be sent after the deadline for filing an appeal if no appeal is requested. REZONING REQUEST #2023-00000599 The Randolph County Planning Board will hold a duly published and notified Legislative Hearing on the request by ZACHARY DANIEL DAVIDSON, Denton, NC, and his request to rezone 2.29 acres on Brantley Gordon Rd, Concord Township, Tax ID #6698784149, Rural Growth Area, from RA - Residential Agricultural District to RBO-CD - Rural Business Overlay - Conditional District. The proposed Conditional Zoning District would specifically allow a farm equipment repair and service business as per the site plan. Pell opened the public hearing and called for anyone wishing to speak in favor of the request to come forward and address the Planning Board. Zachary Davidson, 5898 Brantley Gordon Rd, rose to address the Planning Board and said that he wanted to rezone the property to Rural Business Overlay – Conditional District and that wanted to start his own farm equipment repair and service business at this location. Davidson relayed how he went to Tulsa Welding School in FL and now has his welding rig and is looking to start his own business at this site and the work hours would be from 5:00 pm to 9:00 pm, Monday through Saturday. Davidson said that he would plant trees around the property and they would be fast-growing evergreen trees. Davis asked about the type of buffer and Davidson said it would be a Level III buffer. Davidson said that he works part-time at the business and two other part-time employees and the only full-time employee is his wife. Vaughan stated that this is a very nice area, well maintained, and that she thought the neighbors would be happy to have this new business in the area from such a nice family. Davidson said that homeowners in the area have been looking for this type of business for a while. Austin asked about the existing drive and Davidson said it is just a gravel drive. Cable said the drive is more like a path. Pell asked if there was anyone else in attendance in favor of the rezoning request. Hearing none, Pell asked if there was anyone in attendance in opposition to the rezoning request. Hearing none, Pell closed the public hearing. Planning Board Minutes April 4, 2023 Page 13 of 14 Davis said that he wanted to thank this young man for his work ethic and he seems respectable and responsible. Cable said he thought that Davidson is a great young man and wished him much success in the future. Cable made the motion to APPROVE the rezoning request to rezone the specified parcel(s) on the rezoning application to the requested zoning district based upon the Determination of Consistency and Findings of Reasonableness and Public Interest statements that are included in the Planning Board agenda, submitted during the rezoning presentation and as may be amended, incorporated into the motion, to be included in the minutes, as well as the site plan(s) with all agreed-upon revisions, also incorporated into the motion and that the request is consistent with the Randolph County Growth Management Plan. Beeson made a second to the motion to APPROVE the rezoning request. Pell, having a proper motion and second, called the question on the motion to APPROVE the rezoning request, and the motion was adopted unanimously. Johnson told the applicant that due to the potential of an appeal of the rezoning decision, the approval paperwork would be sent after the deadline for filing an appeal if no appeal is requested. Johnson mentioned to the Planning Board about pending legislation on subdivisions by the NC General Assembly and that the State is looking at removing controls from the municipalities and counties and these changes could be bad as they would take away the ability of local governments to control growth in their jurisdictions. Morgan stated that this bill is moving through the General Assembly and the proposal has gotten further this session than in previous sessions. Cable stated that this bill is an example of a bad bill. Hedrick said that he thinks this bill tries to penalize jurisdictions that try to control growth in an orderly fashion. Morgan stated that he had heard that the Association of Realtors is behind this current proposal. Johnson referred the Planning Board members to the e-mail sent out by Hedrick and that Hedrick did a good summary of the proposal. Hedrick said that the current House bill is different than the Senate bill and the proposal is currently in committee. Planning Board Minutes April 4, 2023 Page 14 of 14 Pell stated that he has gotten a couple of calls regarding the legislation and the intent is to try and make housing more affordable. Cable said that this reminds him of when developers would pile housing on top of other houses as they did before to get the most money from the project. Hedrick said that there are vague definitions in the proposal and that it adds more hoops for people to jump through when looking for affordable housing. Having no further business, Pell called for a motion to ADJOURN the meeting. Cable made the motion to adjourn, with Beeson making the second to the motion. Pell, having a proper motion, and second, called the question on the motion to ADJOURN. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 8:13 p.m., with 33 citizens present. RANDOLPH COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA ________________________ Chairman _________________________ _______________________________ Clerk to the Board Date Approved by the Randolph County Planning Board May 2, 2023