030386RAN DOLPH COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS MINUTES March 3, 1986 The Randolph County Board of Commissioners met in regular session at 2:00 p.m. on Monday, March 3, 1986 in Courtroom B, County Courthouse, Asheboro, NC. Commis- sioners Frye, Langley, Davidson, Petty and Comer were present. Invocation was given by Rev. Jim Cavanaugh of Asheboro Friends Meeting. Chairman Frye announced that he had an item to set straight publicly. He said that the Randolph County Commissioners have always had an open-door policy and that they seldom invoke their right of executive session; they do so only when there is no other choice. For a year the Commissioners have been dealing with the issue of service delivery area for the Job Training Partnership Act (JTPA) under Region G of the Council of Governments. Randolph had said from the beginning that they would be in the service delivery area if Rockingham County were in it. This issue was on the February 14 agenda. On February 21 a letter was sent to the governor from the Council of Governments stating "On February 14 a high state official met with Randolph County to try to get them to reverse their decision. This decision was made in executive session." Mr. Frye then read from the Feb- ruary 14 minutes, which clearly showed that this subject was discussed at the beginning of the meeting and voted on before the executive session took place. Mr. Frye voiced his concern that such a letter had been sent without a copy to him and without checking with any Randolph County official or the clerk to the board. He stated that he expects an apology and a letter of retraction to the governor. Lindsay Cox, Executive Director of Piedmont Triad Council of Governments (Region G) was present in the audience. He offered an apology to Mr. Frye and the Board and stated that a letter to the governor would be forthcoming. On motion of Davidson, seconded by Comer, the Board approved the minutes of the February 3 and February 14 meetings. Billy Chilton, Tax Supervisor, gave an update on the Railroad Equalization Suit against Randolph County. The railroad companies operating in N.C. are seeking reduction in our allocations of their property based solely on the level of assessment of real estate in the county. The County may challenge the real estate figures by intervening in the suit. Mr. Chilton stated that the County would probably lose the case if we contested it, and we would have the attorney fees to pay. On motion of Petty, seconded by Comer, the Board voted not to intervene in the suit. Mr. Chilton requested an additional position in the Tax Department on a temporary basis. The employee would process records (for the mapping program) as they come back from Black & Veatch. Because of increased real estate sales and new construction, current staff can no longer fill in in this area of work. On motion of Petty, seconded by Davidson, the Board approved $3,600 for a temporary position for the remainder of this budget year. Mr. Chilton asked the Board to extend Black & Veatch's mapping contract for one year. Their original contract ends this year, but they can't finish until next year. On motion of Langley, seconded by Comer, the Board approved a one-year extension on the contract. Commissioners Minutes March 3, 1986 Page 2 On motion of Langley, seconded by Davidson, the Board approved a resolution agreeing to a Memorandum of Understanding between the City of High Point, City of Thomasville, City of Archdale, Town of Jamestown, Guilford County, Davidson County, Randolph County and North Carolina Board of Transportation. The memorandum sets forth the responsibilities and working arrangements for maintaining a continuing, comprehensive, and cooperative transportation planning process. The motion also designated Darrell Frye as Randolph County's representative on the Transportation Advisory Committee. Copy of resolution included by reference. On motion of Petty, seconded by Davidson, the Board declared March as Mental Retardation Month in Randolph County. Copy of proclamation included by reference. On motion of Petty, seconded by Comer, the Board approved the addition of Gate Drive to and the abandonment of SR 2829 from the State System of Roads. Copy of resolutions included by reference. On motion of Comer, seconded by Petty, the Board proclaimed March 18 as Chamber of Commerce Day in Randolph County. Copy of proclamation included by reference. Addie Luther, fundraising chairperson for Eastside Community Association, came before the Board to request funds jointly from the County and the City of Asheboro in the amount of $53,000. This amount of local matching funds will be required in order for their organization to qualify for a $126,000 grant from the Z. Smith Reynolds Foundation. The funds are for a proposed project to convert the old Central Elementary School into a pre-school day care center. Already the Eastside Community Association has renovated the gym at a cost of $34,000. Prior to that the Association purchased the old school for $32,000. This matter was tabled for the April agenda. Hal Johnson, Director of Planning and Development, presented a proposed mobile home park ordinance for the Board's consideration. The Board set up a public hearing on this matter for Monday, March 24, 1986 at 7:30 p.m. The Board was instructed to study the proposed ordinance and copies were distributed to the audience. This item will be placed on the April agenda. Doyle Stout, Vice Chairman of the Randolph County Planning Board, presented the Planning Board's recommendation for a countywide land development plan, with the objective being eventual countyside zoning. Lindsay Cox of PTCOG advised the Board that a countywide land development plan could be completed in about a year at a cost not to exceed $18,812. The Board requested PTCOG to complete a land development study for Tabernacle and Back Creek Townships and for Concord Township down to Highway 49, to be presented at the Commissioners' April meeting. Betty Ragland, Rt. 4, High Point (New Market Township) presented a petition requesting the Commissioners to adopt an ordinance prohibiting junkyards and trash dumps along highways or near residential areas. The petitioners are especially concerned about the area along Muddy Creek Road (SR 1922), which has abandoned cars and piles of tires along the roadside. Glenn Connor, Route 1, Trinity, stated that he feels zoning is an excellent tool for countywide development if, and only if, it is impartially applied. Commissioners Minutes March 3, 1986 Page 3 Jimmy Ward, Randleman Road, Greensboro, spoke on behalf of people who live in mobile homes. He said zoning will cost the County in manpower. When asked if he is a Randolph County resident, he answered that he lives in Guilford County. Neil Allen, Director of Emergency Services, reported on the current ambulance locations in the county and compared the number of calls each location had responded to in the last year. He reported that Randleman, which has no ambulance base, had originated 538 calls last year, which was a 5076 increase over the previous year. Mr. Allen discussed the possibility of placing an ambulance in Randleman, which would mean moving one of the two Asheboro ambulances there. The City of Randleman has requested an ambulance to be stationed there and has offered to build a base to house it in. This base would be rented to the County at a nominal rate. Mr. Allen also discussed the implications of the Fair Labor Standards Act, which goes into effect April 15, 1986. Under this new law, the County will be required to pay time and a half for overtime worked. Therefore, it will not be cost effective to use current employees to fill in for other employees on sick or vacation leave, etc. Mr. Allen requested 3 additional employees for the 86-87 budget year, at a cost of $57,000. Since $30,000 is built into the budget for overtime, the net cost for 3 new employees would be $27,000. Mr. Allen presented to the Board architect's preliminary plans for a building in Ramseur to house the ambulance currently housed in Ramseur's old town hall. Mike Richardson and Bill Brown, realtors, have offered to build the building and lease it to the County or to give the County the land for the building in exchange for being allowed to hook up to their water and septic tank. Mr. Richardson indicated that rent would probably be $1000 per month with a 10 -year lease. The Board instructed Mr. Allen to bring back to their April meeting figures on the cost of building the base for the Ramseur ambulance and a specific figure from Randleman for renting their ambulance base. On motion of Petty, seconded by Langley, the Board approved three additional positions for Emergency Services for the 1986-87 budget year and approved placing one ambulance in Randleman. The Board agreed not to participate in NACo's lobbying efforts concerning federal funding for mandated programs. On motion of Petty, seconded by Comer, the Board approved the reappointment of Evelyn Holland, Elma Warner, Ken Hicks and Kirk Goodman to the Nursing and Rest Home Advisory Board. Frank Willis informed the Board that when reorganization is completed for JTPA Service Delivery Areas, we will work on getting Private Industry Council members updated. On motion of Davidson, seconded by Petty, the Board approved two budget amendments. Copies included by reference. On motion of Langley, seconded by Comer, the Board voted to allow the county manager to restrict $1,050 of the fund balance for the Nutrition Program in the Health Department. The meeting adjourned. RANDOLPH 0OUNrY MINUTESBaAM OF COMMISSIONERS March 24, •:6 The Randolph County Board of Commissioners met for a public hearing at 7:30 p.m. in Courtroom A, County Courthouse, Asheboro, NC. Commissioners Frye, Langley, Davidson, Petty and Comer were present. The purpose of the public hearing was to receive citizen input on a proposed mobile horn park ordinance. Hal Johnson, Director of Planning and Development, summarized the contents of the proposed ordinance. Lewis Cheek (Rt. 2, Box 248, Randleman), mobile home park developer, spoke in opposition to the ordinance, saying that it would drive huge numbers of people into welfare and public housing. He contended that developers would have to spend a lot of money to come into compliance and that the ordinance was misleading in its statement that existing parks would not be affected. He asked that Commissioner Petty disqualify himself from voting on the ordinance because of his involvement with Oakwood Mobile Homes. Mr. Cheek stated that the wording of the ordinance was unclear in many instances and was open to too much interpretation. He asked for conplete grandfathering if the ordinance should be adopted. He presented a petition with over 500 signatures requesting the refection of the ordinance. Henry Hines (Rt. 2, Box 106, Franklinville), owner of Town & County Mobile Home Estates in Ramseur, opposed the speed bump, animal control and recreation area requirements. He stated that he had already bulldozed for 15,000 square -foot lots when the moratorium was imposed. Under the ordinance, he would have to have 20,000 square -foot lots. He asked if he would have to comply since he was working under the requirements in effect at the time he started. Mr. Hinson questioned the fact that parks with 9 or fewer spaces would not necessitate water sampling sent to the state. Welta Harrelson (Rt. 2, Box 175, Denton), park owner in Tabernacle, opposed street lights, speed bumps, lighted signs and recreation areas. Dennis Mehall (Rt. 7, Box 210A, Asheboro), tenant of a mobile home park, asked how the ordinance could benefit him. He feels it will only increase his rent. Pam Thayer (Old Fuller Mill Road, Tabernacle) was in favor of the ordinance, but asked for stricter regulations: 40,000 square -foot lot minimum in watershed areas, that package sewer systems not be allowed in watershed areas, that mobile home park density be the same as for housing developments, that mobile home parks not be allowed on dirt roads, that a community impact study be completed for each park. James Jarrell (Allred Trailer Park, N. Fayetteville St., Asheboro), tenant, said that mobile home park tenants cannot afford to pay more rent. Jimmie L. Ward (4974 Randleman Road, Greensboro), park developer, stated that the ordinance would allow developers to build better parks, but that the ordinance should be changed to reflect the following: Lots shouldn't be sold in subdivisions; offset roads need not be paved; lighted signs should not be required; roads should be inspected periodically by the County; yearly fees should be charged by the County for a semi-annual inspection of mobile home parks to control water, sewer, trash, junk cars, animals, etc. Commissioners Minutes March 24, 1986 Page 2 Max Nance (Route 1, Box 67, Trinity) complained of problems he has incurred from a mobile home park adjacent to his property, including the killing of his animals and trash blown onto his land. He asked for more control over mobile home parks to alleviate problems such as his. Don Osborne (Route 3, Box 627, Randleman), speaking as a taxpayer, praised the Commissioners' efforts to address this issue and said that Commissioner Petty should not excuse himself from this issue. Speaking as a member of the Randolph County Board of Education, Mr. Osborne discussed his concern for all the children of this county. He related problems with buses not being able to go down many roads leading to mobile home parks because of the sub -standard conditions of the roads --they are too narrow; there is no turn- around space at the end of the road; there is not enough gravel to support the bus. Frequently, a large number of children must wait for the bus at the road entrance, with many children standing in the road. Mr. Osborne also discussed the problem of schools having a sudden, large influx of students from these parks. Walker Moffitt (1 Richland Place, Asheboro), owner of Richland Mobile Home Park near the Zoo, stated that the ordinance creates a discrepancy between mobile home parks and subdivisions. He asked that the same standards apply to all situations. John woodell (P.O. Box 224, Cedar Falls), owner of a mobile home park, asked for a clarification of a section dealing with the selling of spaces in a mobile home park. Vincit Bridges (Fuller Mill Road, Tabernacle), property owner, asked for a community impact study to be placed in the application process for each trailer park. He stated that his neighborhood's major concern is with the quality of water and requested that the ordinance allow a minimum of 40,000 square -foot lots in a watershed and a minimum of 30,000 square -foot lots in unzoned areas. Leonard Hiatt (Rt. 8, Box 541, Asheboro), mobile home park owner, said that campgrounds and apartment houses should have to meet the same requirements as mobile home parks, especially in the area of water testing. Barry Betts, employee of Oakwood Mobile Homes in Asheboro, urged the Board to listen to what the park developers had to say about the ordinance. Steve Catipbell (Rt. 2, Box 178, Randleman), park owner, stated that he opposes the ordinance and that the Commissioners are deliberately trying to put mobile home park developers out of business. Clara York (North Asheboro) said she is a single parent with 3 children living in a mobile home. She fees a mobile home is her only alternative financially for housing. Nancy Mounts (Rt. 3, Thomasville - Tabernacle Township) spoke against mobile home parks with no standards and no controls. She requested that the ordinance require a minimum of 40,000 square -foot lots in watershed areas. Mrs. Younts said we must keep some open land for farming. Commissioners Minutes March 24, 1986 Page 3 Lynda Swofford (Route 3, Thomasville - Tabernacle Township) stated that she has spoken with 225 citizens in the last 10 days who fear that mobile home parks will be channeled into rural areas along the streams and rivers, since the unzoned areas of the county are not as protected as they would like. Ms. Swofford made the following requests: Protect the farmland; allow only one trailer per 30,000 square feet in unzoned areas; require a minimum of 40,000 square -foot lots in watersheds; do not allow sewer package systems in watersheds; do not allow mobile home parks on dirt roads; include provisions for community impact studies in unzoned areas in the ordinance. Bill Nelson (Sophia), park owner, asked about a grandfather clause in the ordinance. He opposed the ordinance requirements for recreation areas and for paving roads. Leroy Mite (Rt. 7, Box 234, Asheboro) asked the Board to rewrite certain sections of the ordinance for clarification purposes. Ed Huffman (SR 1539, Jordan Road), owner of Huffman Trailer Park, asked why he can't get certificates of completion for 8 spaces on which he has improvements permits and water and power available. James C. Reynolds (Route 1, Pleasant Garden) presented a petition with over 100 signatures asking the Commissioners to enact a mobile home ordinance prior to the end of the moratorium which places restrictions on mobile homes, mobile home parks and mobile home subdivisions, including, but not limited to, the number of mobile homes per acre and sanitation requirements; and to enact a zoning ordinance for the northernmost townships of Randolph County, in accordance with the existing land use study and the recommendations of the Randolph County Planning and Zoning Board. Calvin Hinshaw (Box 97, Second Street, Julian), Mayor of Julian, detailed the many problems he has had from living next to a trailer park, including theft, destruction of property, and communication of threats. He said that the park tenants put their boats in his lake and threatened to shoot him if he comes around. He urged the Board to adopt an ordinance which would provide higher standards and more control over mobile home parks. Jerry Hughes asked questions about how the grandfather clause would affect his mobile hone park. Charles Stanley, park developer, said that treatment plants are better than septic tanks. Chairman Frye told the audience that the Board appreciated their input and that the Commissioners would need some time to digest what they had heard. The Board plans to tour the county soon to look at mobile home parks across the county. Chairman Frye declared the public hearing closed. RANDOLPH COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 145 WORTH STREET - ASHEBORO. N. C. 27208 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The Randolph County Board of Commissioners will hold a publc hearing at 7:30 p.m., March 24, 1986, in Courtroom B, County Courthouse, Asheboro, for the purpose of receiving citizen input on a proposed mobile home park ordinance which was presented to the Commissioners at their March 3, 1986 meeting. Copies of this ordinance may be obtained from the County Manager's office, Administration Building, 145 Worth Street, Asheboro, NC. ASHEBORO RANDOLPH Chamber of Commerce P- O. Box 2007, Asheboro, North Carolina 27204-2007, 4919) 625-6121 PROCLAMATION WHEREAS. The Asheboro/Randolph Chamber of Commerce is a vital organization in the development of Randolph County, and WHEREAS, The Asheboro/Randolph Chamber of Commerce works For the county in the areas of Community Development, Public Affairs, Economic Development, Internal Affairs, and Membership Events, affording Chamber of Commerce members throughout Randolph County the opportunity to work for the betterment of our county through these areas, and WHEREAS. The Asheboro/Randolph Chamber of Commerce is recognized as the most influential and productive business organization for its Chamber of Commerce members, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners for the County of Randolph, North Carolina, that March 18, 1986 be proclaimed county wide as CHAMBER OF COMMERCE DAY IN RANDOLPH COUNTY and urge all Randolph County citizens to affirm and re-afFirm their pledges to support the Asheboro/Randolph Chamber of Commerce through volunteer efforts for the continued success and betterment of Randolph County. Resolved this al"L day of March. 1986 in Archdale, North Carolina. i Chairman B RANDOLPH COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONTRS 145 WORTH STREET - ASHEBORO. N. C. 27208 . R WHEREAS, the Department of Transportation has investigated SR 2829 (from NC 42 to SR 2830); and WHEREAS, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dale Shelton, owners of all the land adjoining the above-mentioned road, have requested that the Department of Transportation abandon SR 2829; and WHEREAS, the subject road is unpaved and serves no other property owners; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Randolph County Board of Commissioners approve the abandonment of SR 2829 (from NC 42 to SR 2830) from the State System of Roads. This the 3rd day of March, 1986. l ax'' A"(� Darrell L. Frye, ffidirmgn Randolph County Board of Commissioners CERTIFICATE This is to certify that the foregoing resolution was duly adopted by the Randolph County Board of Commissioners at a meeting held on March 3, 1986. { Alice D. Dawson, Clerk Randolph County Board of Commissioners RANDOLPH COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 145 WORTH STREET - ASHEBORO. N. C. 27209 WHEREAS, the Department of Transportation has investigated Gate Drive in the Southgate Estates Subdivision; and WHEREAS, the subject street has been found to meet minimum requirements for addition; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Randolph County Board of Commissioners approve the addition of Gate Drive in the Southgate Estates Subdivision to the State System of Roads. This the 3rd day of March, 1986. Darrell L. Frye, ChairmarP Randolph County Board of Commissioners CERTIFICATE This is to certify that the foregoing resolution was duly adopted by the Randolph County Board of Commissioners at a meeting held on March 3, 1986. Alice D. Dawson, Clerk Randolph County Board of Commissioners AMENDMENT TO THE RANDOLPH COUNTY BUDGET ORDINANCE FISCAL YEAR 1985-1986 WHEREAS, the Randolph County Budget Ordinance for the Fiscal Year 1985-1986 was adopted by the Randolph County Board of Commissioners on June 24, 1985 and; WHEREAS, it is deemed necessary to make amendments to this Ordinance; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the following necessary amendments be modified in the Budget Ordinance for Fiscal Year 1985-1986: APPROPRIATIONS INCREASE Social Services 2,886 Library 14,088 Tax 3,653 DECREASE Contingency Appropriation 3,653 ESTIMATED REVENUES INCREASE DECREASE Restricted Intergovernmental Revenues 16,974 TOTAL 1985-1986 AMENDED BUDGET IS $19,852,500 This the 3rd _ day of March , 1986 Resolution Passed by The Board of Commissioners of the County of Randolph, North Carolina The following resolution was offered by Floyd Langley and seconded by Kenyon Davidson and upon being put to a vote was carried unanimously on the 3rd ay of March ,1986: THAT WHEREAS, it is recognized that the proper movement of travel within and through the High Point -Thomasville -Archdale -Jamestown urban area is a highly desirable element of a comprehensive plan for the orderly growth and development of the area; and WHEREAS, there are a number of governmental jurisdictions within the High Point -Thomasville -Archdale -Jamestown urban area which have been authorized implementation. and regulatory responsibilities for transportation by North Carolina General Statutes; and WHEREAS, it is desirable that a coordinated, comprehensive, and coopera- tive transportation planning process be maintained in the High Point -Thomas- ville -Archdale -Jamestown urban area to insure that the transportation system is maintained on an efficient and economical basis commensurate with the public health, safety, and welfare; and WHEREAS, a revised Memorandum of Understanding between the City of High Point, City of Thomasville, City of Archdale, Town of Jamestown, Guilford County, Davidson County, Randolph County, and North Carolina Department of Transportation has been prepared that sets forth the responsibilities and working arrangements for maintaining a continuing, comprehensive, and coopera- tive transportation planning process; and NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE COUNTY OF RANDOLPH, NORTH CAROLINA. That the Memorandum of Understanding between the City of High Point, City of Thomasville, City of Archdale, Town of Jamestown, Guilford County, Davidson County, Randolph County and North Carolina Board of Transportation, agreement number 11 -1e. -13t54 be approved and that the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby directed to execute the Memorandum of Understanding. I, Alice D. Dawson , Clerk of the Randolph County Board of Commissioners, North Carolina, do hereby certify that the above is a true and correct copy of excerpts from the minutes of the Board of Commissioners of said County. WITNESS my hand and the official seal of the .County of Randolph this the 3rd day of March 1 1986 ATTEST (Seal) Clerk 12andop 204 EAST ACADEMY STREET ASHEBORO, N. C. 27203 February 27, 1986 h Centers PHONE 625-1113 "North Carolina has long been dedicated to providing quality care and service to its special citizens. One out of every ten citizens in our State is afflicted with some form of Mental Retarda- tion. In combination with the State of North Carolina, the Associa- tion of Retarded Citizens continues its work to develop, maintain, and expand services to these individuals. Through their dedication and combined efforts North Carolina will continue to provide excellent services for our special citizens and expand its programs through the development of community programs, community living arrangements and beyond." James G. Martin, Governor of the State of North Carolina, has proclaimed the month of March, 1986 as Mental Retardation Month in North Carolina and urges all citizens to learn more about Mental Retardation and assist in serving the special citizens of our State. Now, therefore, the Randolph County Board of Commissioners joins with Governor Martin and does hereby proclaim March, 1986 as Mental Retardation Month in Randolph County. rman, Kandolph Godinty Board of Commissioners Date