07068707/06/1987 1 Support for Water system for Seagrove Ulah area Appr 2 2nd reading of ATC (Cablevision) franchise ordinance Appr 3 No approval of 2nd reading of Alert Cable tv ordinance Appr 4 Accept Tax Collector's Settlement report for 1986 Tax Appr 5 Charge Tax Collector to collect 1987 taxes Tax Appr 6 Changes in unified land use ordinance Planning & Zoning Appr 7 John Howell, Trinity Township, 26 ac W. Mendenhall Rd. industrial Planning & Zoning Appr 8 C. Wayne McDonald, Trinity Township, 70 ac Turnpike Rd. industrial Planning & Zoning Appr 9 Appoint Darrell Frye voting delegate, Floyd Langley alternate NCACC Appr 10 Abandon SR 2023 from State system of roads Appr 11 Mental Health Board appointments Mental Health Appr 12 Public hearing on countywide zoning/land use ordinances Planning & Zoning NO/AC 13 Adopt Land Use Plan & Zoning maps Planning & Zoning Appr 14 Designate Randleman Watershed Planning & Zoning Appr 15 Zoning, Subdivision, Watershed Protection, Flood Damage Prey Planning & Zoning Appr RANDOLPH COUNTY BOARD OF CJOMMISSIONERS MINUTES JULY 6, 1987 The Randolph County Board of Commissioners met in regular session at 2:00 p.m. July 6, 1987 in Courtroom B, Courthouse, Asheboro, NC. Invocation was given by Major Glenna West of the Asheboro Salvation Army. Approval of Minutes On motion of Davidson, seconded by Petty, the Board approved the minutes of the May 28, June 1, 8, 9, 11, 15, 16 and 23 meetings. Water District Study for Ulah-,Seagrove Area Joe Hardee of Black & Veatch reported on the feasibility study conducted by his company on the establishment of a water district for the Ulah-Seagrove area. Mr. Hardee recommended getting a binding written agreement from potential water users before expending any money. The water district could be officially formed after a public hearing, he said, without having to commit to any funds at that time. Joe Farlow of Seagrove stated that there is widespread support for this project in the Seagrove area. Richard Hall of Ulah spoke in support of having county water because he has to treat his well water before drinking it. Walter Sprouse of the Asheboro/Randolph Chamber of Commerce spoke in support of water for the Seagrove area and said the Chamber has been working with the Seagrove Business Council on this project. Mr. Sprouse also spoke on behalf of Jack Lail of Midstate Plastics, a Seagrove business, who supports the project. Darrell Vuncannon of the Seagrove Fire Department stated that the entire department supports this project. Cable TV Franchise Applications On motion of Comer, seconded by Petty, the Board adjourned to a duly adver- tised public hearing at 2:30 p.m. to consider two Cable TV franchise applications. Jack Stanley of Cablevision spoke in support of his company's application, citing their successful operation for all the years they have been franchised in certain townships of Randolph County. He said Cablevision has recently installed a dedicated trunk system in the northern area of the county near Randleman. They are expanding into Randleman, Level Cross and Archdale and are looking at Seagrove as a later expansion area. Frank Kivett of Alert Cable TV stated that he wants to offer competition to Cablevision. His initial plan is to go into three mobile home parks along the northern county line next to Guilford. Chairman Frye questioned Mr. Kivett at length on problems Alert has had in Guilford County and on the complaints customers there have had. The public was invited to speak and no one spoke. The public hearing was closed. On motion of Langley, seconded by Petty, the Board approved the second reading of the franchise ordinance granting a Cable TV franchise to American Television and Communications Corporation (locally known as Cablevision). A copy of this ordinance is included by reference. Commissioner Comer made the motion to approve the second reading of the franchise ordinance granting a Cable TV franchise to Alert Cable TV. This motion died for lack of a second. On motion of Langley, seconded by Davidson, the Board did not approve the second reading of the franchise ordinance for Alert Cable TV. The Board indicated to Mr. Kivett that Alert could reapply after they have corrected their problems in Guilford. Commissioners Minutes July 6, 1987 Page 2 Tax Collector's Settlement Report Billy Chilton, Tax Supervisor/Collector, presented the Tax Collector's Settlement Report for 1986. On motion of Petty, seconded by Comer, the Board accepted the Tax Collector's Settlement Report for 1986. A copy of this report is included by reference. On motion of Petty, seconded by Comer, the Board charged the Tax Collector to collect 1987 taxes. A copy of this charge is included by reference. Planning Board's Final Recomendations on Countywide Zoning/Land Use Ordinance Don Hancock, Chairman of the Randolph County Planning Board, presented the Planning Board's final recommendations for changes to the proposed zoning and subdivision ordinances. These changes included requiring a permanent masonry foundation on mobile homes in a mobile home subdivision after the removal of the wheels and axles and requiring that all new subdivision streets be named and that the developer install street signs consistent with state street signs prior to approval of the final subdivision plat. Chairman Frye advised the Board that banks will not include the cost of a permanent foundation in the cost of financing a mobile home. Representatives of manufactured housing have told him that they have available a permanent vinyl foundation which banks will consider in the cost of financing a mobile home. Mr. Frye recommended adding the option of a unified manufactured housing vinyl foundation to the wording of the ordinance. Commissioner Langley asked that a time limit be placed on the processing of a request for rezoning or special use permit. The Board discussed deleting the three-year time limit for removing non- conforming signs. On motion of Davidson, seconded by Comer, the Board voted to make the following changes in the Unified Land Use Ordinance: 1. Mobile homes located in mobile home subdivisions shall be underskirted either by the use of permanent masonry materials or a manufacturer's unified foundation vinyl enclosure. 2. Non -conforming signs shall be allowed to stay in place as a non -conforming use but cannot be replaced if moved. 3. The County Planning Department must begin processing any request for rezoning and/or special use permit within 90 days from submittal to the Planning Department. 4. The minimum lot size in mixed residential districts where public water and sewer are available shall be 12,500 square feet instead of 10,000 square feet Planning Director Hal Johnson stated that in response to an earlier request from the Board of Commissioners, the land use ordinance now states that in the El district around the Zoo, Class A and B mobile homes will be allowed. He advised the Board that if a building permit or septic tank permit has been issued prior to the adoption of this ordinance, no zoning permit is required and the construction may continue. Prior to the issuance of new improvement permits effective July 7, 1987, a zoning permit will be required. He presented the Certificate of Planning Board approval of the revised. Randolph County Zoning/Land Use Ordinances. Copy included by ref. Rezoning Public Hearing On motion of Comer, seconded by Petty, the Board adjourned to a duly advertised rezoning public hearing at 4:00 p.m. Hal Johnson explained the two requests: 1. John L. Howell, High Point, is requesting that approximately 26 acres of land located on the north side of West Mendenhall Road (SR 1616) near the inter- section of SR 1616 and SR 1619 (Prospect St. Ext.), Trinity Township, Zoning Map 1-1, Commissioners Minutes July 6, 1987 Page 3 be rezoned from Residential -Agricultural to Light Industrial. It is the desire of the applicant to develop an industrial park. The Planning Board has recommended unanimously that the request be approved, as it is consistent with the new County Land Development Plan. 2. C. Wayne McDonald, High Point, is requesting that approximately 70 acres of land located on the south side of Turnpike Road (SR 1558) near the intersection of SR 1558 and SR 1619 (Prospect St. Ext.), Trinity Township, Zoning Map 1-1, be rezoned from Residential -Agricultural to Light Industrial. It is the desire of the applicant to develop an industrial park. The Planning Board has recommended unanimously that the request be approved, as it is consistent with the new County Land Development Plan. Cliff Brower, adjoining property owner to the site described in request #2, stated his concerns that the creek which runs through that property might become polluted from the industrial activities or sewage. Mr. McDonald assured Mr. Brower that he will abide by all EPA guidelines and will not allow pollution to occur in the creek and that he plans to hook up to Thomasville's sewer system. The public hearing was declared closed. On motion of Comer, seconded by Petty, the Board approved the request of John Howell. On motion of Langley, seconded by Davidson, the Board approved the request of Wayne McDonald. Voting Delegate - NCACC Annual Conference On motion of Davidson, seconded by Comer, the Board appointed Darrell Frye as voting delegate and Floyd Langley as alternate voting delegate to the NCACC annual conference in August. D.O.T. Request for Abandonment On motion of Davidson, seconded by Comer, the Board approved a resolution to abandon SR 2023 from the State System of Roads. Resolution included by reference. Appointments - Mental Health Board On motion of Petty, seconded by Comer, the Board approved the following appointments to the Mental Health Board: Dean Bailey - 4 -year term (reappointment) Susan Kanipe - 4 -year term (reappointment) Dr. Ted Anderson - 4 -year term (new appointment) Rev. Jay Hobbs - 4 -year term (new appointment) Rev. Jim Cavanaugh - 2 -year term (new appointment) John Stanley - 2 -year term (new appointment) Budget Amendments On motion of Comer, seconded by Petty, the Board approved budget amendments reserving funds for encumbrances. A copy is included by reference. Recess The meeting recessed at 5:00 p.m., to reconvene at 7:00 p.m. for a public hearing on countywide zoning/land use ordinances. Commissioners Minutes July 6, 1987 Page 4 Public Hearing - Countywide Zoning/Land Use Ordinances The July 6, 1987 meeting reconvened at 7:00 p.m. in Courtroom A for a duly advertised public hearing on the proposed countywide zoning/land use ordinances. Chairman Frye introduced Hal Johnson and Randle Brim of the County Planning & Zoning Department, Planning Board members in attendance, and Lindsay Cox and Ginger Booker of PTCOG, who had worked together to develop the ordinances and maps for land use. Mr. Frye told the audience of about 250 citizens that the proposed zoning ordinance should not be viewed as restrictive but, rather, as regulatory to protect the appearance of our county. It should help our economic future, enhance recruitment of industries, provide more stability to our schools and protect the rights of property owners. On motion of Petty, seconded by Davidson, the Board adjourned to the public hearing. The following citizens spoke: 1. Frank Chamberlin, Highway 64 East, asked Commissioners if they were prepared to reimburse him and others when zoning devalues their land. He said there should be an election so the people can vote on zoning. 2. James Satterfield, Pisgah, said he is against zoning. 3. Clyde Jones, property owner in Franklinville and Ramseur, said the County does not have the right to tell people how to live. 4. Odell Hayes, Franklinville, said he is opposed to zoning because it takes away property rights. 5. Homer Allen, Coleridge, spoke in favor of zoning. 6. Warren Staman, Randleman, said Commissioners shouldn't say what people can and can't do with their land. 7. John Johnson, North Asheboro, spoke in opposition to zoning. 8. Barney Staley, Moore County (owns property near Liberty), said zoning will ruin things. 9. Lou Hammond, Farmer, spoke in support of zoning. 10. Kathleen Allen, Coleridge, voiced concerns about a large mobile home park planned for her neighborhood. She hopes zoning will prevent the park from being placed there. 11. Steve Vaughn, Farmer, favors zoning so that water and sewage can be controlled. 12. Robert Reynolds, Providence Township, supports zoning because of his concern for water and schools. 13. Carl Walker, Grays Chapel, said he is against zoning. 14. Angie Baldwin, Sophia, opposed zoning. 15. Jim Farlow, Guilford County, spoke in opposition to zoning. 16. Charles Teague, a farmer in the southeastern part of the county, said he is for zoning. 17. Joe Hardee, Cedar Grove Township, endorsed zoning as a major step for the county. 18. Hoyt Davis, Concord Township, spoke in support of zoning. 19. Sonny Davis, New Market Township, said at one time he was against zoning, but now sees we need it. He also said he resents Guilford County residents coming into the county stirring up trouble. 20. Tommy Allred, Cedar Falls, spoke against zoning. 21. Barry Betts, Dublin Road, spoke against zoning. 22. Fred Trogdon, Providence Church Road, said he is opposed to zoning. 23. Larry Steins, Worthville, felt undecided about zoning. 24. W. S. Staley, Highway 159, felt it was unfair that the area around the Zoo is zoned differently from other areas of the county. 25. Leonard Hiatt, Union Township was against zoning, but said the county should have a leash law countywide if dogs in mobile home parks have to be controlled. Commissioners Minutes July 6, 1987 Page 5 26. Sam Gatlin, Franklinville, said he doesn't mind living next to a mobile home park and we don't need zoning. 27. Kay Peacock, Coltrane Mill Road, said she was speaking on behalf of six families who support zoning. 28. Bill Farlow, Archdale, said he has had zoning in his area for years and has had no problems with it. 29. Garland Allred, Cedar Falls, spoke against zoning. 30. Deanna Saunders, Coleridge, spoke in favor of zoning. 31. Walter Sprouse, Asheboro Chamber of Commerce, spoke in support of zoning. 32. Diane Wood, New Market Township, spoke in opposition to zoning. 33. Jimmy Ward, Guilford County, said we need a subdivision ordinance but that he is against zoning. Hal Johnson, Planning Director, reviewed the land development maps which were on display at the front of the courtroom and invited citizens to inspect them after the meeting. The public hearing was closed. After numerous requests for a vote from the audience, Commissioner Frve asked for a show of hands of those opposed to zoning. Approximately 40% of those present raised their hands. He then asked how many favored zoning. Approximately 6076 of those present raised their hands. Commissioner Cmmnts and Action on Ordinances Chairman Frye asked each Board member to speak individually concerning his own feelings about zoning. He said the Board must balance the two opposing views expressed by the citizens at this meeting. Mr. Frye said that he totally supports countywide zoning and that he has lived in a zoned area for ,years. He added that those for zoning will probably not find the ordinance as restrictive as they had hoped and that those opposing it will probably find it easier to live with than they had thought. Commissioner Langley said he had been opposed to zoning in the past, but with the recent growth in the county he has come to see that this growth must be orderly growth. He said that at the eight community meetings on zoning, those present were overwhelmingly in favor of zoning. He added that he doesn't see the new ordinance as a hardship on anyone. Commissioner Davidson said that two years ago he was as much opposed to zoning as anyone, but that the Coleridge community meeting woke him up. He said that after eight community meetings, he would have to base his vote on what he had seen and heard. Commissioner Petty said one reason he originally ran for Commissioner was to support zoning. He lives in the northern area of the county, an area which has felt the effects of restrictions in Guilford County, with an influx of mobile .home parks, massage parlors and fortune tellers. He said he is for countywide zoning 100%. Commissioner Comer said everyone involved had worked long and hard on this project. He said that, like Commissioner Davidson, the Coleridge community meeting had opened his eyes. He said he is for zoning because the majority of the people he has had contact with are for it. Commissioner Petty made the motion, seconded by Davidson, to adopt the Land Use Plan and Zoning Maps to become effective in all areas of Randolph County juris- diction; further to designate the Randleman Watershed as shown on the official Watershed Map; and that the Adopting Ordinance which includes the Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision, Watershed Protection and Flood Damage Prevention Ordinances be passed. Chairman Frye asked for a roll call vote, which was as follows: Comer Aye; Pettv-Aye; Frye -Aye; Langley -Aye; Davidson -Aye. A copy of the Adopting Ordinance Commissioners Minutes July 6, 1987 Page 6 is included by reference. The Randolph County Unified Development Ordinance consisting of the Randolph County Zoning Ordinance, the Randolph County Subdi- vision Ordinance, the Watershed Protection Ordinance, and the Randolph County Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance may be found in the Randolph County Ordinance Book. Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 9:05 p.m.