060385MINUTES RANDOLPH COUNTY COMMISSIONERS June 3, 1985 The Randolph County Board of Commissioners met in regular session at 2:00 p.m., June 3, 1985, in Courtroom B, County Courthouse, Asheboro, NC. Commissioners present were Chairman Darrell Frye, Floyd Langley, Kenyon Davidson, and Clinton Comer. Absent was Richard Petty. Invocation was given by Rev. Kelly Toth, Quaker Heights Friends Meeting,. -Asheboro. On motion of Clinton Comer, seconded -by Floyd Langley, the minutes of the May 6 meeting were approved. Jim Myers, Manager for Cablevision of Asheboro, introduced to the Board Jack Stanley, his Division Manager. Mr. Stanley informed the board that in their most recent customer service survey, out of 140 systems, Randolph County's system was number one in the country. Mr. Stanley also told the Board that American Television and Communications Corporation has initiated a Child -Find Program beginning July 1, 1985. Pictures of missing children will be printed on the outside of their billing envelopes. Richard K. Pugh, Chairman of the Merger Feasibility Task Force for Randolph County and Asheboro City Schools, presented a resolution from his committee concerning merger. Committee members Lee Phoenix, Add Penfield, and Frank Kime were present to assist in the presentation. Mr. Pugh pointed out that politics were not involved in the process or the outcome of the committee's report. He emphasized that the entire committee felt very strongly that in the event of merger, per pupil funding should not be cut for any student. On motion of Floyd Langley, seconded by Clinton Comer, the Board adjourned for a public hearing at 2:30. The purpose of the hearing was to consider naming Lassiter Mill Community. Mrs. Kate Jones spoke in favor of naming the community, stating that it is extremely difficult to direct people to their area. No one spoke in opposition. The hearing was closed. On motion of Kenyon Davidson, seconded by Clinton Comer, the Board unanimously approved a resolution naming Lassiter Mill Community. Copy of resolution included by reference. Fire Marshal Don Heard came before the Board with resolutions to establish fire districts in accordance with the results of elections for Sophia and Coleridge -Erect. On motion of Floyd Langley, seconded by Kenyon Davidson, the Board unanimously approved resolutions establishing Sophia Fire District and Coleridge -Erect Fire District. Copies included by reference. On motion of Clinton Comer, seconded by Floyd Langley, the Board unanimously approved a resolution to accept the offer of $5,000 from Chatham County for a surplus ambulance. Copy of resolution included by reference. On motion of Floyd Langley, seconded by Clinton Comer, the Board unanimously approved four Department of Transportation additions. Copies of resolutions included by reference. On motion of Floyd Langley, seconded by Kenyon Davidson, the Board unanimously agreed they'did not wish to purchase., --,the Amity Road property for -sale by_=the Asheboro -City Board of Education. The property is a house constructed by vocational students at Asheboro High School. On motion of Clinton Comer, seconded by Kenyon Davidson, the Board unanimously approved a resolution to apply for grant assistance under the North Carolina Land Records Management Program. Copy of resolution included by reference. On motion of Floyd Langley, seconded by Clinton Comer, the Board unanimously approved the addition of the following positions to the County pay plan, as requested by Mental Health: Habilitation Assistant (Grade 56), Habilitation Technician (Grade 58), Commissioners Minutes June 3, 1985 Page 2 Habilitation Specialist I (Grade 63), Habilitation Specialist II (Grade 65), Habili- tation Specialist III (Grade 67), Habilitation Program Coordinator (Grade 68), Habilitation Program Supervisor (Grade 69), Habilitation Program Director I (Grade 71), Habilitation Program Director II (Grade 73), Business Officer I (Grade 73), and Business Officer II (Grade 75). On motion of Floyd Langley, seconded by Clinton Comer, the Board unanimously approved the addition of subsection f to Section 5 of the Personnel Ordinance. Copy included b r ference. arre 1 rye mentioned recurring calls he receives concerning noise and introduced Mrs. Martha Lambeth of Mountain Road (off Finch Farm Road)in Trinity Township) who has a noise problem. Her neighbor plays music.so loud her child cannot study or sleep. When she asks them to turn it down, they turn it up louder. Deputies have come out on occasion, but it makes no difference. Major Larry Emerson of the Sheriff's Department spoke, saying that noise is a recurring problem. This past weekend they received 5 complaints on loud noises or disturbances, one at 2:28 a.m. The problem in answering a complaint is that they can only ask a person to stop making noise; they have no recourse if the person refuses to cooperate. Discharging of firearms is another serious complaint area. Major Emerson requested the Board of Commissioners to consider adopting a noise ordinance which would prohibit the discharge of firearms in congested areas, such as subdivisions and mobile home parks. County Attorney Ed Gavin pointed out that the General Assembly is considering a law making loud noises a crime. Mr. Gavin was directed to investigate possible noise ordinances and to report back at the July meeting. On motion of Clinton Comer, seconded by Floyd Langley, the Board unanimously approved a Mental Health amendment. Copy included by reference. Manager Frank Willis presented the budget message. The Commissioners set their July meeting for the 8th. On motion of Floyd Langley, seconded by Clinton Comer, the Board adjourned for a scheduled public hearing on re -zoning at 4:00 p.m. Hal Johnson informed the Board that Barry Lawrence of Thomasville was requesting that approximately 5 acres located on Wright Road (SR 1554), Trinity Township, be rezoned from Residential Suburban to Conditional Use Light Industrial to construct a plastic packaging plant. On May 22, 1985, the County Planning Board unanimously recommended the request be approved. Harvey Welborne, realtor;for, Mr. Lawrence, stated that Mr. Lawrence has 6 tracts, 3 on each side of the road. The three tracts on one side are already zoned for industry. He has spoken to all the neighbors and no one is opposed to the rezoning request. Mr. Lawrence stated that he needs to add to his business and make a better place for pick-up. They are open 8-5, with a mini -shift on second. No trucks will come in during the evenings. Half the work force lives in the development down the road. No one spoke in opposition to the rezoning request. The public hearing was closed. On motion of Floyd Langley, seconded by Clinton Comer, the Board unanimously approved the rezoning request. Hal Johnson came before the Board to discuss the need for updating the County's Land Development Plan. PTCOG would participate in preparing the maps. County Planning Board Chairman Don Hancock and members'Terry Coble and Tal Harrison were present to discuss this request. Mr. Johnson said that PTCOG would do a complete update on the northern half of the County for $4,600. Chairman Frye asked that this item be placed on next month's agenda. Commissioners Minutes June 3, 1985 Page 3 On motion of Floyd Langley, seconded by Kenyon Davidson, the Board unanimously reappointed John Brooks and Harriet Cox and appointed Darrell Hill, Walter Sprouse, Janice Scarborough, Luther Bush, Beverly Kersey, and Jettie Tuttle to the Private Industry Council of Job Training Partnership Act. On motion of Floyd Langley, seconded by Clinton Comer, the Board appointed__: T.A. Johnson to the Randolph Technical.:College Board of Trustees. On motion of Clinton Comer, seconded by Kenyon Davidson, the Board unanimously appointed Sylvan Routh to fill the unexpired seat of Larry Hilliard on the Library Board of Trustees. On motion of Floyd Langley, seconded by Clinton Comer, the Board unanimously appointed Jimmy Loflin to the Industrial Bond Authority to fill the unexpired term of H. W. Curl, Jr., and reappointed Danny Sykes and Archie Mack Priest. On motion of Kenyon Davidson, seconded by Floyd Langley, the Board unanimously appointed Vernell Gibson and reappointed Hilliard Penry as outside members of the Archdale Planning Board. On motion of Clinton Comer, seconded by Floyd Langley, the Board unanimously approved a CBA budget amendment. Copy included by reference. On motion of Kenyon Davidson, seconded by Clinton Comer, the Board unanimously approved a budget amendment for RTC. Copy included by reference. Chairman Frye noted that the County has completed the contract with Ramseur for use of the Caviness ballfield. On motion of Floyd Langley, seconded by Clinton Comer, the Board adjourned the meeting. AMENDMENT TO THE RANDOLPH COUNTY BUDGET ORDINANCE FISCAL YEAR 1984-1985 GWiEREAS, the Randolph County Budget Ordinance for the Fiscal Year -.1-984-1985 was adopted by the Randolph County Board of Commissioners on June 25, 1984 and; WHEREAS, it is deemed necessary to make amendments to this Ordinance; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the following necessary amendments be modified in the Budget Ordinance for Fiscal. Year 1984-1985: APPROPRIATIONS INCREASE DECREASE Mental Health Appropriations 5850 ESTIMATED REVENUES INCREASE DECREASE Mental Health Revenues 5850 TOTAL 1984-1985 AMENDED BUDGET IS $ 2,63-6,875 This the 3rd day Of June , 198 5. Ibis amenchnent is subject to final approval by the Mental health Regional Accountant. Date approved by Regional Accountant: