020695Commissioners Meeting Minutes - 2/6/95 The Randolph County Board of Commissioners met in regular session at 6:00 p.m. on February 6, 1995 in the Commissioners Meeting Room, 725 McDowell Road, Asheboro, NC. Commissioners Kemp, Frye, Holmes and Davis were present, with Commissioner Comer entering where so noted in these minutes. Invocation was given by Rev. Kenneth Gillikin, St. John's Lutheran Church, Asheboro. Recognition of RCC Photography Students Chairman Kemp welcomed RCC photography students who were present taking photographs as part of a class assignment. Consent Agenda On motion of Frye, seconded by Holmes, the Board unanimously approved the consent agenda, as follows: approve January 3, 1995 minutes; ° reappoint Leah Wallace to the Nursing Home/Domiciliary Home.Community Advisory Committee (3 -year term); ° reappoint Aweilda Williams to County Planning Board (3 -year term); ° adopt proclamation (ATTACHED) declaring March Women's History Month; ° adopt resolutions (ATTACHED) adding Sylvan Way and Bluebird Lane in the Sylvan Hills Subdivision and Winnetka Court and Itasca Court in the North Shore Subdivision,.to the State System of Roads. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commissioner Comer entered the meeting at this point and was present for the remainder of the meeting. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Criminal Justice Partnership Advisory Committee (CJPAC) Proposal Tim Poole, CJPAC Chairman, reported that the Committee recommends a community-based corrections plan that involves the operation of a Day Reporting Center (DRC). This program would be administered by the Operations Subcommittee of the CJPAC, with financial management being administered by the County, and DRC staff being County employees. In a continuum of punishments, the DRC would fall above supervised probation and below intensive probation. Offenders sentenced to the DRC would fall into the "intermediate sanctions" category of the structured sentencing grid. The population targeted for the DRC consists of youthful offenders convicted on non-violent offenses, who are frequent substance abusers. It is predicted that this population will lack education and employment. The DRC would offer GED and other educational components, substance abuse treatment, life skills, and employability skills and job placement. Mr. Poole estimated that the DRC could handle 35-40 cases. John Kernodle, facilitator for the CJPAC, clarified that state funding is in place to support the proposed program for 15 months ($32,877 for the last quarter of this fiscal year; $131,509 for next fiscal year). He said these funds cannot supplant any existing program. He said he anticipates an annual appropriation from the General Assembly; however, if state funds are discon- tinued, County Commissioners must decide to fund the program or discontinue it. Commissioner Frye expressed reservations about this program because of his concern that often counties are left to fund programs after the state or federal government initiates them and then withdraws funding. On motion of Frye, seconded by Davis, the Board unanimously approved the proposed community-based corrections plan, authorized the application for implementation funding, and authorized the County Manager to sign the application on their behalf. Criminal Justice Partnership Advisory Committee Appointment On motion of Frye, seconded by Comer, the Board unanimously appointed Angela Moore, representing Randolph Community College, to the CJPAC. (term expiring 8/95). Heating Oil Contract Award Frank Willis, County Manager, reported that three bids were received for providing Randolph County with No. 2 heating oil for the 95-96 heating season: Pugh Oil Company .5530 Briles Oil Company .5570 Randolph Oil Company .5900 Bids were quoted at the contractor's terminal price on the date of their bid. The winning bidder will make price.adjustments up or down based on the terminal price on the day of delivery. On motion of Comer, seconded by Davis, the Board unanimously awarded this contract to the low bidder, Pugh Oil Company. Rezoning Public Hearing At 4:00 p.m. the Board adjourned to a duly advertised public hearing to consider rezoning requests. Hal Johnson, Zoning Administrator, presented the following requests: 1. Donald Phillips, Randleman, requests that 6.7 acres at the intersection of Bus 220N/Two Ponds Drive,.Level Cross Township, be rezoned from RA to LI/CU to relocate a commercial printing operation and construct a 15,000 sq. -ft. building. The Planning Board unanimously recommended approval. 2. Archie Rich, Asheboro, requests that 2.4 acres on Hwy 64, Tabernacle Township, be rezoned from RA to LI/CU to operate a furniture manufacturing business on the property. The Planning Board unanimously recommended denial. 3. Richard Holmes, Summerfield, requests that 2 acres (from 41.6 acres) on Hwy 64, Columbia Township, be rezoned from RA to HC/CU to sell horse trailers and related equipment. The Planning Board unanimously recommended approval. 4. GHS Corporation, Denton, requests that 5 acres (from 37.34 acres) at the corner of Hwy 49/SR 1183, New Hope Township, be rezoned from RA to LI for industrial purposes. The Planning Board unanimously recommended approval. 5. C.E.R. Development Company, Asheboro, requests that 254.12 acres off Pisgah Covered Bridge Road (addition of Quail Ridge Subdivision), Union Township, be rezoned from RA to RM to develop 36 additional lots. The Planning Board recommended 6-1 that the request be approved. 6. Richard Hill, Randleman, requests that 20.32 acres on Poole Road, New Market Township, be rezoned from RA to LI for industrial purposes. The Planning Board recommended 4-3 that the request be denied. 7. Larry East, Sophia, requests that 67.07 acres on. Hwy 311, New Market Township, be rezoned from RA to LI to develop an industrial park of 21 lots. The Planning Board recommended 6-1 to approve this request with the understanding that the developer pave the road to the portion of his property abutting Stewart Road. Comments - Request #1 Donald Phillips, applicant, said he has recently bought another lot -for his printing business, but would still like to develop this lot. He would like a light industrial zoning with no restrictions because he doesn't know what he might use this property for. W. I. Tilley, owner of the property, said he has no plans for it and it would be an asset to have it developed. W.C. Tilley, adjacent property owner, supported development of this property. Comments - Request #2 Archie Rich, owner, said his proposed business wouldn't cause noise, air or traffic problems and that he is willing to put up any type of screen required. Donald Franks, James Skeen,and Sandra Mahlmeister, area residents, supported the request. John Spangler, Phyllis Haithcox, Brenda Purdue, Candice Haithcox, Kenneth Hill, and Betty Causey, neighbors, opposed the request, stating that when they bought their lots, they understood the entire development was restricted. Comments - Request #3 Richard Holmes, applicant, said he intends to build on. this property. Comments - Request #4 Lavon Hopkins of GHS stated that they will do some repair on-site and will be a distribution and retail sales center for commercial lawn mowers. Lilly Mae Scarboro spoke in favor of the request. Comments - Request #5 Sonny Edmondson of CER Development spoke in support of the request. Walter Luther, 5071 Pisgah Covered Bridge Road, spoke in apposition of this request. About 30 people from .the audience stood in support of Mr. Luther's comments. Pam Bacon, Pat Myers, William Thomas, Lee Davis and Larry Collins also spoke in opposition. Comments - Request #6 Jadene Hill, wife of the applicant, and Carol Mitchell, whose father owns the business nextdoor, spoke in support of the request. Rome Collins, Lawrence Nickelson, and James Tuttle, neighbors, opposed this request. Comments - Request #7 Terry Boling, on behalf of the applicant, said it would be an unfair burden to be required to pave the portion of the road as recommended by the Planning Board. Beverly Shipton, James Shipton, and Harris Brown, neighbors, opposed this request. Chairman Kemp closed the public hearing. Board Action on Requests On motion of Frye, seconded by Holmes, the Board unanimously approved the request of Donald Phillips as recommended by the Planning Board --for a printing operation only. On motion_ of Davis, seconded by Holmes, the Board voted 4-1 to deny the request of Archie Rich. Commissioner Frye opposed this motion. Or. motion of Holmes, seconded by Frye, the Board unanimously approved the request of Richard Holmes. On motion of.Frye, seconded by Davis, the Board unanimously approved the request of GHS Corporation. On motion of Frye, seconded by Comer, the Board voted 4-1 to deny the request of C.E.R. Development Company. Commissioner Kemp opposed this motion. On motion of Frye, seconded by Comer, the Boar4 voted 3-2 to deny the request of Richard Hill. Commissioners Davis and Holmes opposed this motion. Commissioner Frye made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Holmes, to approve the request of Larry East, on the condition that Mr. East pave the road as specified by the Planning Board. After discussion, Commissioners Frve and Holmes withdrew this motion and second. On motion of Frye, seconded by Holmes, the Board unanimously voted to re- refer the request of Larry East to the Planning Board. 4 -Year Reappraisal Cycle Billy Chilton, Tax Assessor, presented a proposal to do revaluations on a 4 -year cycle instead of an 8 -year cycle. He explained how inequities continue to increase during the years between revaluations. He stated that if the Board approves a 4 -year cycle, the next revaluation will be effective January 1, 1997. The Tax Department would have to present the Schedule of Values to the Board by March, 1996. Mr. Chilton said a decision must be made within the next 2-3 months to give his staff time to prepare the Schedule of Values on time. Proposals for Transfer Station David Townsend, Public Works Director, reported on his findings after studying the cost of a County lined landfill system vs. a transfer station system. He stated that he had received proposals from Browning Ferris Industries (BFI), Waste Management of the Piedmont, Waste Industries, and Addington Environmental for the transfer station system. Proposals included 3 services: operations of a County transfer station, hauling solid waste from the transfer station to an acceptable landfill, and disposal of solid waste. Mr. Townsend recommended that he be authorized to negotiate with the following: operation of transfer station --BFI and Waste Industries; hauling service --BFI and Waste Industries; disposal of solid waste --BFI and Addington Environmental. On motion of Frye, seconded by Davis, the Board unanimously.accepted Mr. Townsend's recommendation to select the vendors identified above as having the best two proposals and authorized Mr. Townsend to begin negotiations with these vendors to develop the best contract(s) for handling solid waste issues for the County. The Board clarified that this motion does not in any way obligate the County to.enter into any contract with any.of these vendors. Update on Social Services Building Larry Austin, architect, explained the components of cost estimates (totaling $993,500) of construction work to be performed in renovating the old Harris -Teeter building for Social Services. Cost estimates have increased substantially since the original estimates because of various factors, including federal regulations requiring private offices, asbestos abatement, and roof replacement. Mr. Austin's projected schedule calls for construction work to be completed by December 31, 1995. Frank Willis, County Manager, stated that an additional $652,545 would be needed from fund balance to cover these updated cost estimates, which includes $29,500 in architect fees for Mr. Austin. On motion of Holmes, seconded by Comer, the Board unanimously approved Budget Amendment #35 (ATTACHED), which transfers $652,545 from fund balance for the Social Services renovations, and awarded a contract to Larry Austin. for $29,500. Date of lurch Meeting The Board agreed to move the March meeting from the 6th to the 13th since Commissioners Frye and Davis will be attending a NACo conference on the 6th. The meeting will begin at 4:00 p.m., and the rezoning public hearing.will begin at 6:30 p.m. Change in Regular Meeting,Time The Board discussed their earlier decision to meet at 6 p.m. and to have a second meeting on the 4th Monday to hear rezoning requests. They decided not to have a second meeting during the month, to meet at 4 p.m. instead of 6 p.m., and to schedule all rezoning public hearings at 6:30 p.m. during their regular meetings. Budget Amendment - Health On motion of Holmes, seconded by Comer, the Board unanimously approved Budget Amendment #33 (ATTACHED), which reflects an additional $30,000 in Rural Obstetrical Care Incentive funds and $12,344 in Immunization Action, Plan funds from the State for the Health Department. Budget Amendment - Social Services (CPL Project Share) On motion of Holmes, seconded by Comer, the Board unanimously approved Budget Amendment #34 (ATTACHED), which reflects an additional $9,103 in State funds for Social Services made available through CP&L Project Share. These funds are for CP&L residential customers in life-threatening situations related to cooling or heating. Closed Session - Attorney Position and Acquisition of Real Estate On motion of Holmes, seconded by Comer, the Board unanimously voted to go into closed session at 12:30 a.m. to consider the qualifications, competence, performance, character, fitness, conditions of appointment, or conditions of initial employment of an individual public officer or employee or prospective public officer or employee; and also to establish or instruct the staff or agent concerning the negotiation of the price and terms of a proposed contract concerning the acquisition of real property, pursuant to North Carolina General Statutes §143-318.11 (a)(5,6). Adjournment At 1:50 a.m. the Board reconvened regular session and adjourned without taking any action relative to closed session.