050283MINUTES RANDOLPH COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS May 2, 1983 The Randolph County Board of Commissioners met in regular session at 9:00 a.m. on Monday, May 2, 1983 in the Commissioners Meet- ing Room, Administration Building, 145'Worth Street, Asheboro, North Carolina. The following members were present for the meeting: Chairman Bill Boyd, Richard Pugh, Richard Petty, Darrell Frye, and Floyd Langley. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Bill Boyd, who then gave the invocation. On motion of Richard Pugh, seconded by Darrell Frye, the minutes of the April 6, 1983 meeting were approved. Alan Pugh, attorney representing American Cablevision of Asheboro, came before the Board to present a resolution calling for the transfer of ownership of Archdale Cable T.V., Inc. CATV Franchise to American Television and Communications Corporation. He noted that the transfer of ownership must be approved by the County Commissioners and must also go before the City of Archdale at its next meeting. Mr. Pugh introduced Mr. Ed Gunther, Regional Manager for American Television and Communications Corporation, and Mr. Dan McLaughlin, Manager of American Cablevision of Asheboro, who answered several questions for the Commissioners concerning the franchise. On motion of Darrell Frye, seconded by Floyd Langley, the Board of Commissioners unanimously approved the resolution presented by American Cablevision of Asheboro to transfer the franchise. A copy of this resolution is incuded by reference. Katy Vuncannon, Area Director of Mental Health, came before the Board to announce that Mental Health officials are looking at some property near North Asheboro Junior High, owned by the Asheboro City Schools, as a possible building site for a Willie M. group home. She read to the Commissioners a letter that went out to residents within 1/2 mile of the site last week concerning Mental Health's plans. Mental Health will present its request to the Asheboro City School Board at its May 12 meeting. If the request is approved there, then the County Commissioners would need to meet as soon as possible to give their approval. Bob Crumley, County Attorney, reported that he had, consistent with the Board's approval at their April meeting, settled the Motor Freight Carriers suit on behalf of Randolph County. The settlement -includes receipt of $577.82 in full payment of all tax liability for the year 1981, and- $82.40 in full payment of the contested tax liability for the year 1982. On motion of Floyd Langley, seconded by Richard Pugh, the Commissioners unanimously, ratified Mr. Crumley's action on the Motor Freight Case. Regarding the Railroad Tax suit, the County has about $250 at risk and has spent $150 on a joint defense fund with future risk in mind. Mr. Crumley recommended not .... . - • -- r - __ ii__ r -_l..--.7 ..44- n- m^4 -inn of PaYYP11 Commissioners' Minutes May: 2, 1,983 Page 2 Frye, seconded by Richard Pugh, the Commissioners unanimously authorized Mr. Crumley to notify the State that Randolph County has no desire to enter a joint defense for the Railroad suit and, if served, Randolph County will not contest the suit. Bob Crumley reported that he had received replies from sev- eral legislators concerning the General Revenue Sharing resolution the Commissioners endorsed at their last meeting. On motion of Richard Pugh, seconded by Darrell Frye, the Commissioners voted to adjourn to a public hearing scheduled for the Department of Transportation, concerning their Secondary Roads Priority List. At 11:00 the Commissioners' regular meeting reconvened. Chair- man Boyd announced that the Department of Transportation had asked that the Commissioners withold approval or disapproval until D.O.T. offic- ials could check on an issue brought out in the public hearing. On motion of Richard Petty, seconded by Darrell Frye, at 11:10 the Commissioners unanimously voted to adjourn for a public hear- ing on industrial revenue bonds for Macfield Texturing, Inc. At 11:15, on motion of Richard Pugh, seconded by Floyd Langley, the Commissioners unanimously voted to close the hearing. On motion of Richard Pugh, seconded by Richard Petty, the Commissioners unanimously approved in principle the issuance of $3,500,000 in revenue bonds for Macfield. Minutes for this public hearing are -recorded separately. On motion of Richard Pugh, seconded by Darrell Frye, at 11:20 the Commissioners moved to adjourn to a public hearing on the naming of "Lake Country Drive" in Back Creek Township. On motion of Richard Petty, seconded by Floyd Langley, the Commissioners unanimously voted to close the hearing: On motion of Richard Petty, seconded by Darrell Frye, the Commissioners unanimously voted to name the road in question "Lake Country Drive." Minutes of this public hearing are recorded separately. Bob Crumley related to the Board that the Attorney General has ruled that Mental Health officials cannot make improvements to property used for Willie M. programs and owned by non-profit organiza- tions unless the County is the owner. Since Caveness School is owned by Randolph County Board of Education, but used by the Willie M. pro- gram, the school would have to be deeded to the County in order for Mental Health to be reimbursed by the State for their expenditures on Caveness School for the Willie M. program there. The County Board of Education has agreed to deeding the school to the County with 3 contin- gencies: (1) that the part of the school that has been used for stor- age continue -to be available for the Board's use; (2) that the Board have the right to access and use the facility as a Community School site; and (3) that this agreement is good only so long as the Willie M. program is- housed there; then the deed automatically reverts to the Randolph County Board of Education. Mental Health is to be responsible for all routine maintenance, grounds, and renovation costs (except the heating system, which will be serviced by the County Schools Mainte- nance Department and charged to Mental Health). On motion of Darrell Frye, seconded by Floyd Langley, the Commissioners unanimously approved the transfer of this deed, with the understanding that Mental Health, not Randolph County, will pay for all maintenance and upkeep, and they instructed Bob Crumley to change the wording of the Memo of Under- standing to clarify this point. Commissioners' Minutes May 2, 1983 Page 3 Chairman Bill Boyd read a resolution passed by Columbus County Commissioners concerning additional paperwork for Social Ser- vices Departments. Columbus County is requesting that all other count- ies in -North Carolina pass this resolution and send it to congressmen, representatives, and the N.C. Department of Human Resources. On motion of Floyd Langley, seconded 'by Darrell Frye, the Commissioners unanimously passed this resolution: A copy' of this resolution is included by reference. Bob Crumley informed the Commissioners that there is a vacant position on the Randolph County Planning Board, with the resignation of Andrew Lueker. Frank Willis, Finance Officer, presented the proposed budget- ary calendar for the 1983-84 fiscal year. On motion of Richard Pugh, seconded by Darrell Frye; the Commissioners unanimously approved the calendar. A copy of this calendar is included by reference. On motion of Richard Pugh, seconded by Darrell Frye, the Commissioners unanimously approved a proclamation declaring May 7 as Shrine Hospital Weekend in Randolph County. A copy of this proclama- tion is included -by reference. On motion of Floyd Langley, seconded by Darrell Frye, the Commissioners unanimously approved 5 budget amendments for Mental Health. A copy of these amendments is included by reference. On motion of Richard Pugh, seconded by Darrell Frye, the Commissioners unanimously approved a transfer of $44,000 from the Contingency Fund to the Sheriff's Department to cover unexpected expen- ses resulting from the Ran -Gold Undercover Operation and from the doubling of the jail population during this budget year. Bob Crumley noted that the County will recover some of this money from proceeds from the Sheriff's auction of unclaimed property. A copy of this budget amendment is included by reference. In an update on Emergency Services, Bob Crumley related that the County has received many applications already for the Director's position and that we have rehired one paramedic who left a year ago, an indication that morale is picking up. Mr. Crumley also stated that he has met with EMS shift supervisors and that they, too, feel morale is getting better. Chairman Bill Boyd announced that the Commissioners may be considering a change in meeting place. With the recent reorganization, four more people will be working in the Administration Buuilding and the present Commissioners Meeting Room is the only space available in this building for additional staff. Courtroom B is not used at all except for an occasional hearing, and it has a larger seating capacity than the present Commissioners Meeting Room. He invited the Commis- sioners to visit Courtroom B immediately after adjourment in order to discuss the possibility of using it as the regular Commissioners Meet- ing Room. On motion of Richard Pugh, seconded by Floyd Langley, the Commissioners unanimously voted to -adjourn.