020188.1,•1 1 •1 t 1 11' Ali' , . •:: The Randolph County Board of Commissioners met in regular session at 2:00 p.m. on February 1, 1988 in Courtroom B, Courthouse, Asheboro, NC. Commissioners Frye, Langley, Davidson and Comer were present. Commissioner Petty was absent. Invocation was given by Rev. Emmanuel Holland of Mt. Zion Holy Church in Asheboro. Approval of Minutes On motion of Comer, seconded by Langley, the Board approved the minutes of the January 4 and January 26 meetings. Mental Health Director The Board welcomed the new Randolph County Area Mental Health Director, Louise Galloway, who previously worked in Guilford County. Mrs. Galloway expressed her appreciation for the warm reception she has received from everyone here. Resolution to Deed Crisis Detox Property to Mental Health The County Attorney explained that mental health authorities cannot own prop- erty in their own name unless county commissioners vote to allow that by resolution. The City of Asheboro deeded to the County a lot on Pritchard Street for a Mental Health Crisis Detox Center, but included a restrictive clause in the deed saying that if a crisis detox facility is not built and if it is not built within two years, the deed will revert to the City of Asheboro. On motion of Davidson, seconded by Comer, the Board approved a resolution deeding the property for a Mental Health Crisis Detox Center to the Randolph County Area Mental Health, Mental Retardation and Substanec Abuse Authority. A copy of the resolution is included by reference. Memorandum of Understanding to Cover Crisis Detox Center on County Insurance County Manager Frank Willis informed the Board that even though Mental Health will hold title to the Crisis Detox Center, the County can include that property in its insurance coverage. On motion of Langley, seconded by Comer, the Board approved a. memorandum of understanding allowing the County to cover the Mental Health Crisis Detox Center under its insurance policy. A copy of the memorandum of understanding is included by reference. Reversion Clause in Deed to Caviness School (Willie M. Program) County Attorney Ed Gavin reminded the Board of the reversion clause in the County's deed to Caviness School which states that the deed will revert to the Randolph County Board of Education when the Mental Health Center ceases to operate the Willie M. Program there. This program is being phased out of Caviness School and those students are being mainstreamed back into the public schools. Crime Prevention Grant Mr. Willis told the Board that the County has received the crime prevention grant that we applied for recently. We have received $30,327 for the remainder_ of this fiscal year. We must allocate a, new position for a crime prevention officer and must increase the Sheriff's budget and the restricted governmental revenues by $30,327. Commissioners' Minutes February 1, 1988 Page 2 On motion of Comer, seconded by Davidson, the Board approved a new position of Deputy Sheriff -Sergeant, Grade 64, for a crime prevention officer and approved a budget amendment of $30,327 for the crime prevention grant. A copy of the budget amendment is included by reference. Eastside Improvement Association Addie Luther, fundraising chairperson for Eastside Improvement Association, a non-profit group attempting to establish a pre-school day care facility in the old Central School in Asheboro, came before the Board to request their financial support for this project. Chairman Frye indicated that the Board would look into the matter to see if there is some way they can make a contribution to Eastside Improvement Association. He commedned Mrs. Luther on winning the 1987 Nancy Susan Reynolds Award and said the lives of all Randolph County people have been enhanced by her work in the community. Public Hearing: Naming of Happy Hollow At 2:30 p.m. the Board held a duly advertised public hearing on the naming of Happy Hollow Community. The Clerk to the Board reported that all requirements listed in the procedure for naming communities had been met. No one spoke in favor of or in oppisition to the proposed name. The public hearing was closed. On motion of Comer, seconded by Langley, the Board approved the name of Happy Hollow for the petitioned area. D.O.T. Additions On motion of Davidson, seconded by Comer, the Board approved the addition of Koonce Drive in Indian Creek Subdivision, Forest Manor Drive, and Poplar Ridge Road in Poplar Ridge Subdivision to the State System of Roads. Copies of resolutions are included by reference. Community Work Experience Program Marion Smith, Social Services Director, presented information on the Community Work Experience Program (CWEP), an employment program for recipients of AFDC. The State Director of Social Services has asked that all counties complete a form indicating their interest level in this program. Mr. Smith explained that the program would be funded 50% federal funds, 257c state funds, and 25% county funds. It emphasizes the development of individual employment and training plans. Mr. Smith said that Randolph County could initiate this program for an approximate cost to the County of $11,375. He introduced Gray Gaskins, an instructor at RTC, who has been working with AFDC and food stamp recipients at the basic education level. With CWEP, clients would enroll in diploma and skills courses in an attempt to get off welfare altogether. The Board instructed the Clerk to request more information on the program before they make a decision. Request for Sewer Extension for Industry Contractor Joe Trogdon came before the Board to request that they finance a sewer line extension under the railroad to an industry locating at the end of Coimnerce Place. The extension would be around 500 feet and would cost $20,000- $25,000. The industry is Prestige Fabricators, a local industry already in business who is planning an expansion throught the construction of a 70,000 square -foot building. The Board took no action on this request at this time, but told Mr. Trogdon they would make a decision at a later date. Commissioners' Minutes February 1, 1988 Page 3 Road Assessments Policy Chairman Frye stated that a group of citizens has asked the County to exercise their option under G.S. 153A-185 and 153A-205 to assess property owners for the costs of paving their road when at least 75% of the property owners representing at least 75% of the lineal feet of frontage abutting the street have signed a petition requesting such. The County became involved in road assessments once several years ago with Farley Drive, but in that case 1007o of the property owners signed the petition. The County advanced the payment to D.O.T. for the citizens and was then reimbursed later by the citizens. Mr. Frye stated that the Board needs to estab- lish a policy on road assessments. County participation involves extensive paper- work and legal requirements. Mr. Gavin pointed out that the enabling statute applies only to subdivision streets or residential streets. Billy Chilton, Tax Assessor, briefed the Board on the Tax Department's role in road assessments and detailed work that was involved with the assessment of Farley Drive. He said that one property owner had never paid his assessment and that the Tax Department is preparing a foreclosure on that property now. Mr. Gavin advised the Board that their decision would have far-reaching consequences because what they do for one group, they must do for all. On motion of Langley, seconded by Comer, the Board voted to adopt a policy to participate in road assessments with property owner participation at the 100% level. Special Meeting: Facilities Study Report The Board agreed to meet in special session at 7:00 p.m. on February 15, to discuss the facilities study report received on January 26. Department heads, judges, and others involved are to be invited. Chairman Frye said that the next phase of the study would be a pre -design stage for purposes of gathering more specific information on costs. Public Hearing: Rezoning Requests At 4:00 p.m. the Board adjourned to a duly advertised public hearing for rezoning requests. Planning Director Hal Johnson presented the following requests for consideration: 1. Roby Kidd, Jr. of Asheboro is requesting that approximately 5 acres of land located right off Highway 64 on SR 2611; approximately 2 miles on right, Grant Township, be rezoned from Residential Agricultural to Highway Commercial (Zoning Map 7790). The applicant has an existing electrical business on the property. The Planning Board recommends unanimously that the request be approved as consistent with the Land Development Plan. 2. David and Dreama Brown, Thomasville, are requesting that zpproximately one acre of land located off Highway 62, Hillandale Subdivision, Section 2, Lot 157, Trinity Township, be rezoned from Residential Restricted to Residential Agricultural/Conditional Use (Zoning Map 6797). It is the desire of the applicant to use an existing building for the sale of seafood. The Planning Board voted 4/3 to recommend approval of the request. Dissenting voters felt that the request for this Rural Family Occupation is not consistent with the Restricted Residential character of Hillandale Subdivision. Commissioners' Minutes February 1, 1988 Page 4 3. Robert Wayne Mosley, High Point; is requesting that approximately 3 acres of land located on the south side of SR 1921 between SR 1923 and SR 1922, New Market Township, be rezoned from Residential Agricultural to Light Industrial/ Conditional Use (Zoning Map). It is the desire of the applicant to locate and operate a junkyard on the property. The Planning Board voted 5/2 to recommend that the request for junkyard expansion be denied as inconsistent with the Residential Agricultural character of the community. 4. Richard Stockner, Asheboro, is requesting that approximately 27 acres of land located on the east side of Highway 220 approximately 100 feet north of the intersection of SR 1938 and Highway 220 Business, Level Cross Township, be rezoned from Residential Agricultural to Light Industrial. It is the desire of the applicant to use the property for industrial development. The Planning Board voted 4/3 to recommend the request be denied as inconsistent with the Residential Agricultural character of this side of Highway 220. At this point in the meeting, Mr. Stockner, through his attorney Jon Megerian, withdrew this rezoning request. 5. Richard Stockner, Asheboro, is requesting that approximately 12 acres of land located 6 miles north of Randleman on the east side of Highway 220 Business, Level Cross Township, be rezoned from Residential Agricultural to Light Industrial/ Conditional Use (Zoning Map 7768). It is the desire of the applicant to use the property for a unified business development. The Planning Board voted 4/3 to recommend that the rezoning be denied as not consistent with the Residential Agricultural character of this side of Highway 220. Comments - Request #1 Roby Kidd spoke in support of his request. No one spoke in opposition to this request. Comments - Request #2 Dreama Brown spoke in support of her request and stated that she had talked with Jack Workman of the County Health Department and understands the health regulations required for their proposed business. No one spoke in opposition to this request. Comments - Request #3 Wayne Mosley said he has had junked cars on his property since the 60's and that he had submitted a petition to the Planning Board showing that most of his neighbors do not oppose his proposed junkyard. Kim Angel, nextdoor neighbor, said the cars are 65 feet from his house and he doesn't want them there. He presented a petition with 79 names of neighbors who oppose the junkyard. Bob Webby, neighbor on Farlow Drive, opposed the junkyard because it will detract from the neighborhood. He said Mr. Mosley already has 3 trailers, hoods, boilers, and other items, as well as the junked cars, on his lot and that this encourages passing traffic to throw out more junk in the area. Commissioners' Minutes February 1, 1958 Page 5 Yvonne Ridge, Farlow Drive, said Mr. Mosley misrepresented his petition. He indicated he only wanted to add 2 cars and did not tell anyone he had requested a junkyard. David Angel, nextdoor neighbor, opposed the junkyard because it would detract from the neighborhood. Charlie Boyles, Guilford County, said he owns property in this area and opposes the junkyard. He commended the Commissioners for supporting the Planning Board. Chairman Fyre said that he had received numerous phone calls and letters from neighbors saying that Mr. Mosley had misrepresented his petition. Mr. Mosley said he had not misrepresented his intentions on the petition because the wording indicated he wanted to add 10 more cars. Comments - Request #5 Jonathan Megerian, attorney for the applicant, said that the felt that the reason the Planning Board had denied Mr. Stockner's request was that two prop- erties (this one and the one withdrawn) had been considered as one unit and that this property should be considered separately from the other one now. He said the Firebaughs and Byerleys, adjoining property owners, had signed. a petition in favor of the rezoning. He said the power lines crossing the property make it unsuitable for residential use and that there is already industry in the area. Randy Davis, Route 1, Randleman, said industry is the best use for the area and it will provide jobs. Parrish Clodfelter, Level Cross, spoke in opposition to the request. William Lewis, who owns a pasture next to the Firebaugh property, opposed the request and said he has to pick up insulation and other materials which blow into the pasture from the Firebaugh business. Jonathan Spencer, Route 4, Randleman, said he owns a house 200-300 yards from the site and opposes the rezoning. George Ross, Route 4, Randleman, said the proposed industry will lower the value of surrounding residential property, create extra noise and traffic, and that Guilford County residents are using Randolph County to locate industries such as the proposed one because regulations are not nearly so strict. `Pony Elliott stated that he has just bought a house in this neighborhood, which he wouldn't have done if he had known it might be rezoned. Tillie Ragsdale, Route 4, Randleman, said this would be spot zoning, would lower property values, and that Commissioners should consider the Planning Board's recommendation. Richard Stockner said that businesses in the area use Randolph County employees. Robert Ragsdale, Route 4, Randleman, said he would never have moved to the area 4 years ago if he knew industrial development would take place. Commissioners' Minutes February 1, 1988 Page 6 Bill Dorsett, area resident, said that other development there was grand- fathered in and that the purpose of zoning was to protect people's property. He said the burden to prove rezoning would give a greater benefit lies with the applicant. Robert Whitesell, Route 4, Randleman, said he opposes metal buildings and that he doesn't see how they help the neighborhood. They will lower the value of his property. Gwendolyn Cox, area resident, opposed the request. She said the Randleman Lake will take enough of our farm land; we should keep the rest. Action 'Taken on Rezoning Requests On motion of Davidson, seconded by Comer, the Board approved the rezoning request of Roby Kidd. On motion of Comer, seconded by Langley, the Board approved the rezoning request of David and Dreama Brown. On motion of Langley, seconded by Comer, the Board denied the rezoning request of Wayne Mosley. On motion of Langley, seconded by Comer, the Board denied the request of Richard Stockner. Budget Amendment On motion of Langley, seconded by Comer, the Board approved a budget amend- ment to increase the Social Services budget by $2,285 for CP&L Crisis Intervention funds. A copy of the budget amendment is included by reference. Appointment On motion of Davidson, seconded by Comer, the Board approved the reappoint- ment of Charles Havens to the Asheboro Planning Board, for a five-year term expiring January, 1993. Petition to Pave Roads that Kelly Chairman Frye presented petitions from citizens in the Staley area requesting their road be paved. He instructed the Manager to forward these to Lex at D.O.T. Adjournment On motion of Davidson, seconded by Comer, the Board adjourned.