100388RANDOLJPH COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS MINUTES OCI10BER 3, 1988 The Randolph County Board of Commissioners met in regular session at 2:00 p.m. on October 3, 1988 in Courtroom B, County Courthouse, Asheboro. Commissioners Frye, Langley, Davidson, and Comer were present. Commissioner Petty was absent. Invocation was given by George Elliott, Public Health Director, which was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. On motion of Comer, seconded by Langley, the minutes of the September 6 meeting were approved. Installment Purchase James Stuart of Raleigh law firm Moore & Van Allen presented options for the financing of the Stedman property recently purchased by the County. He also presented a proposed schedule the County should follow in an installment purchse option. County Manager Frank Willis discussed the North Carolina Association of County Commissioners' newly created lease purchase pool and said that this pool would be the best source of financing the Stedman property. The Association has chosen First Union National Bank to administer the lease purchase pool. On motion of Langley, seconded by Comer, the Board voted to retain Moore & Van Allen as the County's bond counsel for the financing of the Stedman property. On motion of Davidson, seconded by Langley, the Board voted to retain First Union national Bank as its investment bankers for the financing of the Stedman property. On motion of Comer, seconded by Langley, the Board set October 17, 7:00 p.m., as the time for a special meeting to further discuss financing of the Stedman property. On motion of Langley, seconded by Comer, the Board voted to take $25,000 from the Contingency Fund to cover legal fees of Moore & Van Allen. Budget amendment #5 is included by reference. Budget Amendment - Public Health Health Director George Elliott told Commissioners that the Health Department is eligible to receive $5,682 of Jordan-Adar.ros Bands and $3,000 from the State for environmental health programs. Also they are to receive $8,750 for. AIDS education. Mr. Elliott said he would hire a half-time health educator with the AIDS funding. This is a total of $17,432 of additional funds coming to the Health Department. On motion of Comer, seconded by Davidson, the Board approved a budget amend- ment to increase the Public Health Department's budget by $17,432. Budget amend- ment #6 is included by reference. Bid Award for Copying Machines Purchasing Agent Patty Sykes advised the Board that she had received informal quotes for providing three copying machines. (A copy of the bid tabulation is included by reference.) Mrs. Sykes recommended that the bid be awarded to Elliott Office Equipment because the contract price includes developer and is based on .0045 per copy for the exact number of copies run in a year. There is also the added advantage of local service. Commissioners Minutes October 3, 1988 Page 2 On motion of Davidson, seconded by Comer, the Board voted to award the bid for three copying machines to Elliott Office Equipment. Bid Award for Laser Equipment Mrs. Sykes informed the Board that the Register of Deeds has been researching the use of a laser -optic filing system for their office. The system would be used for information storage and retrieval and would eventually take the place of microfilming. A complete system from Tab Products sells for $49,995. A compar- able 3M system from Cavins, Inc sells for $55,000. Neither company will sell individual pieces, only a complete system. Courthouse Computer Systems, which currently does all indexing for the Register of Deeds, can sell and install a system for $17,650. They can accomplish this by buying individual pieces direct from the manufacturer and installing them in the Register of Deeds office. The Register of Deeds has already purchased the laser scanner at $3,790. They have a Compaq 286 computer which can be updated to work with the system. For an additional $13,950, the Register of Deeds can have a complete system. The Register of Deeds has budgeted $6,000 for a hard disk for the Compaq and $15,000 for a terminal and computer. These funds would be used for purchasing the above system. On motion of Langley, seconded by Comer, the Board awarded the laser equip- ment bid to Courthouse Computer Systems at $13,950. Additions to Pay Plan and Reclassification Sara Baker, Personnel Officer, requested that a Cook I (Grade 52) and Cook II (Grade 55) be added to the County Pay Plan so that Mental Health's new Crisis Detox Center can appropriately staff that facility. Also, Regional Personnel has reviewed the job duties and responsibilities of a clerical position in the Mental Health Medical Records office and recommends that the position be reclassified from Clerk Typist III (Grade 57) to Medical Records Assistant III (Grade 57). On motion of Davidson, seconded by Comer, the Board approved the above additions and reclassification effective October 1, 1988. Request for New Positions - Social Services Marion Smith came before the Board to request two Income Maintenance Case Workers and one half-time Adult Homes Specialist positions be added to the Social Services Department. He explained that the Medicare Catastrophic Coverage Act of 1988 means a potential of 860 new clients in the medical service program, thus the need for the 2 additional case workers. The additional half-time social worker is needed to handle the increased workload in the Adult Protective Services area.- On rea._ On motion of Langley, seconded by Comer, the Board approved two Income Main- tenance Case Worker positions, with the County's share for the remainder of the year being $6,966.86. Budget Amendment #7 is included by reference. On motion of Davidson, seconded by Comer, the Board approved a half-time Social Worker position, with the County's share for the remainder of the year being $1,003.00. Budget Amendment #8 is included by reference. School Facilities Standards Chairman Frye said that he and the Manager would meet with school representa- tives to see what concerns were shared relative to the new School Facilities Standards. Commissioners Minutes October 3, 1988 Page 3 Appointment of Deputy Tax Collector Tax Collector Billy Chilton requested that Kay Moffitt be appointed Deputy Tax Collector so that she can sign and process collection papers and make bank deposits. He noted that bond for other deputy collectors is set at $50,000 and should be the same for her. On motion of Langley, seconded by Comer., the Board appointed Kay Moffitt as Deputy Tax Collector and set bonding at $50,000. Public Hearing - Co�ty Development Block Grant Closeout At 3:30 p.m. the Board held a duly advertised public hearing on the closeout of the Community,Development Block Grant awarded to Randolph County May 30, 1986, for installation of water and sewer lines and railroad siding for U1traCraft, located in the Liberty Industrial Park. Chairman Frye declared the public hearing to be in session and explained that its purpose was to allow for public comment and review prior to final close- out of the grant. County Manager Frank Willis reviewed the project and compared what actually happened to what was projected to happen, as outlined below: Budget: Private Investment: Projected $3,560,000.00 Actual $3,590,512.38 Employment: Actual Projected Total Employment on 9-19-88 113 Total Employed at Award 5-30-86 8 Total Employed After Award 105 65 Number Currently Filled by LMI 68 46 % of LMI to Total Jobs 64.76% 70% Mr. Willis recognized several people who had been helpful during the grant process, especially Lynn Priest, planner for the City of Asheboro, who administered the grant for the County. Lynn Priest spoke to commend Frank Willis and his staff for their excellent work on this project and to say how much he had enjoyed working with them. He encouraged the County to consider applying for another community development block grant in the future as a method of helping existing industry in the county to expand. Budget Amount Expenditures Unexpended Balance Water & Sewer $ 252,129 $ 236,987.52 $ 15,141.48 Rail Siding 107,871 101,777.26 6,093.74 Administration 18,000 3,241.89 14,758.11 Totals $ 378,000 $ 342,006.67 $ 35,993.33 Private Investment: Projected $3,560,000.00 Actual $3,590,512.38 Employment: Actual Projected Total Employment on 9-19-88 113 Total Employed at Award 5-30-86 8 Total Employed After Award 105 65 Number Currently Filled by LMI 68 46 % of LMI to Total Jobs 64.76% 70% Mr. Willis recognized several people who had been helpful during the grant process, especially Lynn Priest, planner for the City of Asheboro, who administered the grant for the County. Lynn Priest spoke to commend Frank Willis and his staff for their excellent work on this project and to say how much he had enjoyed working with them. He encouraged the County to consider applying for another community development block grant in the future as a method of helping existing industry in the county to expand. Commissioners Minutes October 3, 1988 Page 4 Chairman Frye invited anyone present to speak on this matter. No one spoke. Chairman Frye declared the public hearing closed. County Forestry Program Update Vic Owen, District Forester, reported that in the last year Randolph County foresters had planted almost 1600 acres of pines and that we continue to lead the area in regeneration. He said gypsy moth traps have revealed 4 possible gypsy moths; they are awaiting lab results at this time. Mr. Owen indicated that Randolph County will soon be needing an additional assistant forest ranger. Public Hearing - Rezoning Requests At 4:00 p.m. the Board held a duly advertised public hearing on rezoning requests. Planning Director Hal Johnson presented the following requests: 1. W. G. Sink, Thomasville, is requesting that approximately 119 acres of land located on the southeast side of Business Loop I-85 at the Guilford County line, Trinity Township, be rezoned from Residential Agricultural to Light Industrial (Zoning Map 6798). It is the desire of the applicant to use the property for industrial development. The Planning Board recommended unani- mously that the request be approved as consistent with the land use plan. 2. Jack Rayle, Randleman, is requesting that approximately 3i acres of land located on the corner of SR 1938/Business Highway 220, Level Cross Township, be rezoned from Residential Agricultural to Highway Commercial/Conditional Use (Zoning Map 7758/7768). It is the desire of the applicant to operate a used car sales business and well pump repair business on the property. The Planning Board recommended unanimously that the request be denied as incon- sistent with the land use plan. Comments - Request #1 W. G. Sink, applicant, said neighbors support his plans because they think it will improve the appearance of the property. Comments - Request #2 Jack Rayle, applicant, said he thought the property was zoned commercial when he began working on it. Tillie Ragsdale, Rt. 4, Box 262, Randleman, neighbor, presented a petition signed by 23 of the area residents who oppose the request. She said the proposed usage would devalue the residential properties in the neighborhood. Ann Whitesell, neighbor who circulated the petition, stated that Helen Taylor had signed for herself and for her son, who was also opposed to the request. Gwendolyn Cox, neighbor, suggested that Mr. Rayle put his proposed business on the same site as his service station. Tony Elliott, adjoining property owner, said he wanted to maintain the integrity of the neighborhood and didn't want to have to look at a used car lot for years to come. Chairman Frye declared the public hearing closed. Commissioners Minutes October 3, 1988 Page 5 Action - Rezoning Requests On motion of Davidson, seconded by Comer, the Board approved the request of W. G. Sink. On motion of Langley, seconded by Comer, the Board denied the request of Jack Rayle. Executive Session - Investigation On motion of Comer, seconded by Langley, the Board voted to go into executive session at 4:30 p.m. for the purpose of discussing an investigation. At 5:10 p.m. executive session ended and regular session reconvened. Massage Parlor Ordinance Chairman Frye instructed the County Manager to review the County's massage parlor ordinance for appropriate wording and any needed updates and to bring his recommendations for amendments to the November 7 meeting. Appointment - Mental Health Board On motion of Corner, seconded by Davidson, the Board appointed Dr. Ann Suggs to fill the unexpired term'of Dean Bailey on the Mental Health Board. This term expires June, 1991. Budget Amendment - Mental Health On motion of Davidson, seconded by Langley, the Board voted to increase the Mental Health Budget by $166,526 to reflect additional state funds received. Budget Amendment #4 is included by reference. Fire Commission Neil Allen reported that in 1975 the County Commissioners adopted a resolution creating the Randolph County Fire Commission. The purpose of the Commission was to inspect all fire stations initially and annually, to notify County Commissioners of any deficiencies, to settle boundary disputes, and to review fire department budgets annually. Its membership was made up of the fire marshal, president of the Fire- men's Association, and 4 at -large members, of which at least one had to be a civilian. Mr. Allen said that over the years the Fire Commission had become in- active and all terms had expired. He said that Julian Fire Department personnel has asked the County to examine fire coverage boundaries. They have been responding to an area that is not in any department's tax district. There are a few other areas like this in the county. After discussion, the Board instructed Mr. Allen and County Attorney Ed Gavin to report back at the November meeting as to what the County Commissioners' legal duties and responsibilities are relative to volunteer fire service in the county, to bring any recommendations for updating the resolution establishing the Fire Commission, and to bring recommendations for appointments. D.O.T. Addition and Abandonment On motion of Comer, seconded by Davidson, an abandonment for the State System of Roads. included by reference. the Board approved an addition and Copies of the resolutions are Appointment - County Planning Board On motion of Langley, seconded by Comer, the Board reappointed Doyle Stout to a three-year term on the Randolph County Planning Board. Adjournment n-: __+4..., .-.-F Tl�,�.� r7c..z.-� c-c�ni-.nrlor7 hc� T onml oc� th[� R-�arr7 ar7 intirnPrl