050189tkINDOLPH BOARD OF COW41SSIONERS MINUTES May 1, 1989 The Randolph County Board of Commissioners met in regular session at 2:00 p.m. on May 1, 1989 in Courtroom B, Courthouse, Asheboro, NC. Commissioners Frye, Langley, Davidson, Petty and Comer were present. Invocation was given by Rev. John Henderson, Victory Baptist Church, Seagrove. On motion of Davidson, seconded by Comer, the Board approved the minutes of the April 3 and April 7, 1989 meetings. Request for Campaign Contribution for Randolph Hospital Richard Pugh introduced Bob Shaffner and Jim Culberson, Co-chairmen of the current fund-raising campaign for Randolph Hospital, and John Ellis, Randolph Hospital Administrator. Mr. Culberson stated that Randolph Hospital hopes to raise $2,500,000 in campaign contributions as part of a $22,000,000 renovation project planned for Randolph Hospital. He presented a film depicting the proposed renova- tions. Mr. Shaffner asked the Board to consider a contribution of $100,000 a year for the next five years for this project. Chairman Frye stated that the Board will consider this request during the upcoming budget deliberations. Proclamation for Helen Hannon's Retireent On motion of Langley, seconded by Petty, the Board approved a proclamation honoring Helen Hannon on her retirement. A copy of the proclamation is included by reference. Soil Survey Update Joe Kenyon of Soil Conservation Service and Perry Wyatt, leader of the soil survey team, gave a status report on the countywide soil survey project. Mr. Wyatt said that 95,000 of the county's 508,000 acres have been surveyed and mapped. He added that if they remain at full staff, they should complete the survey on time in 1993. Offer of Live Project from Randolph County Schools Darrell Hill, Director of Vocational Education for Randolph County Schools, informed the Board that the County Board of Education has declared the Eastern Randolph Live Project surplus to their needs and that, pursuant to G.S. 115C-518 and G.S. 115C-159, they are giving the Commissioners the right of first refusal on the property before selling it at public auction. On motion of Corner, seconded by Petty, the Board declared they have no interest in purchasing this property. Cm munity Alternatives Program for Disabled Adults Bruce Steel of the North Carolina Division of Social Services presented an overview of the Community Alternatives Program for Disabled Adults (CAP/DA). This program offers adults who need nursing home care an opportunity to remain at home and have nursing care and other services provided through Medicaid. CAP/DA services include adult day health care, chore services, homemaker services, home mobility aids, respite care, preparation and delivery of meals, telephone alert (i.e., "Life- line") and supplies. Mr. Steel said that CAP/DA is linked to the North Carolina Long Term Care Screening Program, which a county must be a participant in before it can offer CAP/DA. County Commissioners must designate a local lead administrative agency to handle the administration of both the LTC Screening Program and CAP/DA. Minutes - Page 2 County Commissioners May 1, 1989 There would be some direct costs to the County, especially until the caseload built up to the point that Medicaid reimbursements for case management would cover the program's costs. Award of Ambulance Remount Bids Patty Sykes, Purchasing Agent, reported bids received for the remounting of two modular ambulance units onto a new cab and chassis. Bids received are as follows: Aero Products, Longwood FL First Response, Inc., Ellenwood, GA $37,990.00 National Ambulance Builders, Orlando FL 32,3 Southern Ambulance Builders LaGrangeGA 9, BID D Universal Rescue Vehicles, Wake Forest, NC 29,070.00 31,700.00 Mrs. Sykes recommended that the bid be awarded to the low bidder and that the performance bond requirement be waived. In lieu of the performance bond, the five percent bid deposit will be retained until delivery and acceptance of both remount units. On motion of Petty, seconded by Comer, the Board awarded the bid to Southern Ambulance Builders, the low bidder, and waived the performance bond requirement. Road -Naming Ordinance on, Planning Director, presented a road -naming ordinance for the Zardc�onidesration. This ordinance establishes the procedures for naming exist- ing and future roads in the county and for the renaming of roads in the county. On notion of Davidson, seconded by Langley, the Board adopted the ordinance entitled "An Ordinance Establishing the Names of Roads in Randolph County and a Procedure for the Future Naming or Renaming of Roads in Randolph County." A copy of this ordinance is included by reference. Repeal of Road -Naming Procedure On motionof Petty, seconded by Comer, the Board repealed the road -naming pro- cedure formerly adopted by the Board of Commissioners. The new road -naming ordinance will replace this old procedure. Tub Grinder for the Landfill Calvin Evans of the Northwest Piedmont Resource Conservation and Development Area made a presentation on a tub grinder for wood waste, which would be used to handle wood waste coming into the landfill. Mr. Evans discussed the proposal for Randolph, Alamance, Chatham, and Orange Counties to jointly purchase a tub grinder and move the operation from county to county during the year. The initial cost would be $190,000, with an annual operating cost of $70,000. He said the ground up wood could be sold for mulch, landscaping and fuel. Currently counties are burying wood waste on extremely valuable landfill acreage. George Elliott, Health Director, stated that a tub grinder is a good idea, but not one of his top priorities since Randolph's landfill has several gullies that can- not be used for anything else but filling in with brush and other wood. Rezoning Public Hearing At 4:00 p.m. the Board held a duly advertised rezoning public hearing. Hal Johnson presented the following requests: Minutes - Page 3 County Commissioners May 1, 1989 1. Ray Poole, High Point, is requesting that 261/2 acres located off SR 1919 behind Ray Poole's Mobile Home Park, New Market Township, be rezoned from RA to MR/CU (Zoning Map 7727). Mr. Poole wants to expand an existing mobile home park of 31 spaces to 57 spaces. This request was delayed from the Commissioners' April meeting. 2. Jennings Bulla, Jr., Asheboro, is requesting that 8 acres located off SR 1416, Back Creek Township, be rezoned from RA to LI/CU (Zoning Map 7732). Mr. Bulla wants to operate a salvage yard. The Planning Board recommended unanimously that this request be denied. 3. Richard Kidd, High Point, is requesting that 2 acres located i mile southwest of intersection SR 1568/SR 1567, Trinity Township, be rezoned from LI/CU to LI/CU (Zoning Map 7717). Mr. Kidd wants to add office space to an existing building and to construct a block structure to house a washed air system for air conditioning the existing plant. The Planning Board recommended unanimously that this request be approved. 4. Dale Britt, Archdale, is requesting that 90 acres located at the end of Koonce Drive off SR 1549, Tabernacle Township, be rezoned from RA to RM (Zoning Map 7703). He wants to use the property for residential manufactured housing development. The Planning Board recommended unanimously that this request be approved. 5. Dwight Meredith, Trinity, is requesting that 10 acres located on SR 1401 (on the west end of Ashley Park Mobile Home Park), Trinity Township, be rezoned from RA to RM/CU (Zoning Map 6795). He wants to expand an existing mobile home park of 21 spaces to 28 spaces. The Planning Board recommended unanimously that this request be approved. 6. Randy Ingram, High Point, is requesting that 2 acres located on the east side of SR 1616, Trinity Township, be rezoned from RA to LI/CU (Zoning Map 6798). He wants to construct a building to upholster furniture and for a small fabric outlet. The Planning Board recommended unanimously that this request be denied. 7. Dorothy Bowles, Sophia, is requesting that 1/4 acre (pre-existing lot), located on the northeast corner of Highway 311/SR 1949, New Market Township, be rezoned from RA to HC/CU (Zoning Map 7745). She wants to use the property for a plant nursery and general purpose sign. The Planning Board recommended unanimously that this request be approved. Comments - Request #1 Ray Poole told the Board that he plans to upgrade the road into the park. Comments - Request #2 Sam Cranford, representing 18 people who own Lakewood, adjoining property, spoke to oppose the request because of environmental concerns. Joe Sechler, Route 2, Box.83A, Asheboro, adjoining property owner, voiced his concernsf)W-attle drinking water from the creeks receiving runoff from the proposed salvage yard. Minutes - Page 4 County Commissioners May 1, 1989 Lynn McNeill, Route 2, Box 143, Asheboro, adjoining property owner, opposed the request on grounds that it would devalue his property. He said he was also speaking for neighbor Tommy Hunt, who could not be present. Comments - Request #3 No one spoke regarding this request. Comments - Request #4 Dale Britt, applicant, spoke in support of his request. Comments - Request #5 Dwight Meredith, applicant, spoke in support of his request. Comments - Request #6 William Henson, adjoining property owner, opposed the proposed building so close to his front door. Meredith Halsby, adjoining property owner, said the proposed site would be a bad location between two residences and said she had concerns about runoff. Comments - Request #7 No one spoke regarding this request. Action on Rezoning Requests On motion of Langley, seconded by Petty, the Board approved the request of Ray Poole. On motion of Davidson, seconded by Comer, the Board denied the request of Jennings Bulla. On motion of Comer, seconded by Petty, the Board approved the request of Richard Kidd. On motion of Langley, seconded by Davidson, the.Board approved the request of Dale Britt. On motion of Comer, seconded by Petty, the Board approved the request of Dwight Meredith. On motion of Langley, seconded by Comer, the Board denied the request of Randy Ingram. On motion of Davidson, seconded by Petty, the Board approved the request of Dorothy Bowles. Resolution for Agricultural Extension Service's 75th Anniversary On motion of Petty, seconded by Comer, the Board adopted a resolution honoring the Agricultural Extension Service on its 75th anniversary. A copy of the resolution is included by reference. Budget Amendment - Eff Back Wages On motion of Langley, seconded by Davidson, the Board approved a budget amendment of $111,187 from the Fund Balance to Emergency Services in order to pay back wages to EMT's pursuant to a U.S. Department of Labor ruling. A copy of budget amendment #21 is included by reference. Minutes - Page 5 County Commissioners May 1, 1989 In response to a question by an EMT in the audience, Chairman Frye explained that organizational changes within the Emergency Services Department, including the way fringe benefits are calculated, have been initiated in order to comply with Department of Labor standards and rulings. Budget Amendment for Library, Health, and CBA On motion of Comer, seconded by Petty, the Board approved a budget amendment to reflect an increase of $8,306 from the State to the Library; a decrease of $3,000 from the State to the Health Department (TB funds); and a decrease of $8,335 from the State to the CBA Program. A copy of budget amendment #22 is included by reference. Proclamation for May as Mental Health Month On motion of Langley, seconded.by Petty, the Board approved a proclamation declaring May to be Mental Health Month in Randolph County. A copy of the procla- mation is included by reference. D.O.T. Addition On motion of Davidson, seconded by Comer, the Board approved a resolution approving the addition of. Salem Avenue to the State System of Roads. A copy of the resolution is included by reference. Proclamation for Teacher Appreciation Week On motion of Petty, seconded by Comer, the Board approved a proclamation de- claring May 7-13 to be Teacher Appreciation Week in Randolph County. A copy of the proclamation is included by reference. Change in'Regular Meeting Date in July Because of the 4th of July holiday and vacation schedules, the Board changed their regular meeting date in July from July 3 to July 10. Resolution Supporting the Establishment of the NC Highway Trust Fund The Board discussed at length the pros and cons of the establishment of the NC Highway Trust Fund. On motion of Petty, seconded by Comer, the Board approved a resolution endorsing the NC Highway Trust Fund. Commissioners Langley and Davidson voted in opposition to this motion. A copy of the resolution is included by reference. Facilities Plan Report Commissioner Langley informed the Board that he and Commissioner Comer, as instructed by the full Board, had reviewed the staff's proposed facilities plan and had talked with all the departments affected by various moves. Commissioners Langley and Comer recommend that the following departments be placed in the following loca- tions: STEDMAN BUILDING First Floor Tax Department, Planning & Zoning, Building Inspect- ions, Central Store, Commissioners Meeting Room Second Floor Administration, Board of Education Minutes - Page 6 County Commissioners May 1, 1989 COURTHOUSE Basement Clerk of Court, Board of Elections, Veterans Service Officer First Floor Clerk of Court, DWI Coordinator, Mental Health ADETS Coordinator, Register of Deeds Second Floor Courts and Court -Related, Law Library, Attorneys' Work Room COURIER -TRIBUNE BUILDING Basement Storage, Voting Machines, Ballot Boxes, Air Condition- ing Shop First Floor Maintenance Offices, Saw Shop, Paint Shop Warehouse General Storage ADMINISTRATION BUILDING Basement Magistrates, Juvenile Court Counselors First Floor Adult Probation Officers MCDOWELL CENTER Health Department Receive space vacated by Building Inspections, Food Service and Emergency Services Administration Social Services Receive space vacated by Board of Education Board of Education Retain the A/V Room until they build a a warehouse Agriculture Receive the A/V Room when the Board of Education vacates it Mr. Langley also recommended the following: • that a drive -up window not be built at the Stedman Building because of the cost to do so. • that a certain Planning & Zoning office currently used by Randle Brim be recon- verted to a bathroom. • that a small workroom be built in the Register of Deeds Vault. • that County Attorney Ed Gavin further investigate the space problems of the current Law Library. • that the entire Board of Commissioners tour the second floor of the Stedman Building to determine the specific allocation of space between County Administra- tion and the Board of Education. The Board agreed to meet at 5:00 p.m. on Monday, May 8, 1989, at the Stedman Building for purposes of touring the second floor. This meeting will be immediately prior to the Road Naming Public Hearing scheduled for 7:00 p.m. on May 8 in Courtroom A. Adjournment On motion of Davidson, seconded by Comer, the Board adjourned.