060182r I MINUTES RANDOLPH COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS MEETING June 1, 1982 The Randolph County Board of Commissioners met in regular session on June 1, 1982, at 9:00 A.M. in the Commissioners' Meeting Room, Administration Building, 145 Worth Street, Asheboro, North Carolina. The following members were present: Richard K. Pugh, Chairman, Thurman Hogan, Kenyon Davidson, Bill Boyd, and Richard Petty. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Richard K. Pugh. A motion was made by Thurman Hogan, seconded by Richard Petty to approve the minutes of the May 3, 1982, meeting. This motion was unanimously approved. On motion of Thurman Hogan, seconded by Bill Boyd, it was unanimously approved that the Commissioners would meet on June 15, 1982 at 3:30 P.M. for the Randolph County Schools proposal; at 4:30 P.M. for the Asheboro City Schools proposal; and at 7:00 P.M. for the Budget Public Hearing. The meetings would take place in the Commissioners Meeting Room, Administration Building, 145 Worth Street, Asheboro, North Carolina. Bob Crumley presented the Budget Message to the Board of Commissioners for their consideration. On motion of Richard Petty, seconded by Kenyon Davidson, special district tax rates were unanimously approved as follows: Eastside Fire District 6C Climax Fire District 10c Guil-Rand Fire District 10q Julian Fire District 10q Level Cross Fire District 8C Ulah Fire District 7C Westside Fire District IOC Fairgrove Fire District 3C Randleman Fire District 10q Seagrove Fire District lOC Staley Fire District 10C Asheboro City Schools District 18C Archdale -Trinity School District 13C A discussion by the Board of Commissioners and the County Manager regarding how many hours are required for the employees of Randolph County to be eligible for Blue Cross/Blue Shield insurance. No action was taken by the Board, thus the minimum requirement would remain at thirty (30) hours per week. On motion of Thurman Hogan, seconded by Bill Boyd, a Resolution for the addition of Brokaw Road into C. M. Kennedy Estate subdivision was unanimously approved. A copy of this Resolution is included by reference. On motion of Bill Boyd, seconded by Richard Petty, a Resolution was presented to the Board of Commissioners by the Department of Transportation concerning proposals discussed at the Department of Transportation meeting held on May 27, 1982 was unanimously approved. A copy of this Resolution is included by reference. Minutes Randolph County Board of Commissioners Meeting June 1, 1982 Page 2 Bob Crumley presented the two proposals that were submitted for the janitorial services for the Ira L. McDowell Governmental Center, the addition to the Court- house, and yearly carpet cleaning for the entire county offices to the Board of Commissioners. On motion of Bill Boyd, seconded by Thurman Hogan, the proposal from Greene Janitorial Service was unanimously approved. Richard Pugh stated that he and George Elliott visited the Tabernacle dumpster site and had talked with citizens of the community and the citizens still objected to the dumpster site location. On motion of Richard Petty, seconded by Kenyon Davidson, it was approved that the Tabernacle site would be temporarily abandoned and work would begin for the New Market dumpster site. Thurman Hogan opposed this motion. The County Manager/Attorney was instructed to negotiate a settlement with the land owner of the proposed site and also with Myrick Construction Company. On motion of Kenyon Davidson, seconded by Richard Petty, it was unanimously approved that the Randolph County School right-of-way request be granted. A condition of this request was that the Randolph County School system would maintain the portions of the parking lot used by the county school system from Balfour Drive. Bill Boyd presented a report on the needed repairs to the Archdale building totaling approximately $11,000. A motion by Thurman Hogan, seconded by Kenyon Davidson, for these designated repairs to be made (from the 1982-83 budget) was unanimously approved. Bob Crumley was asked to contact the Guil-Rand Fire District regarding the possibility of our ambulance being stationed in their building thus avoiding the cost of adding a garage at our Archdale building for the ambulance. Bob Crumley also informed the Board of Commissioners of a request from Randolph Technical College and the Library for space in our Archdale building.- This matter was deferred to a later time. It was decided by the Commissioners to table the proposed move of Computer Services until the July meeting in order to give Thurman Hogan and Kenyon Davidson additional time to check further for available space. Richard Pugh requested the Commissioners to contact Bob Crumley with names to be submitted for the Board of Directors of Piedmont Triad Development Authority, Inc. A petition was presented to the Board of Commissioners by William and Hilda Tucker containing 2,104 names requesting the Health Department to continue services in the Archdale area. After much discussion, Richard Pugh stated that the decision was made by the Board of Health and not the Board of Commissioners. George Elliott stated that this decision had not been changed. The regular session of the Board of Commissioners meeting was adjourned for a recess in order for a scheduled Public Hearing. At 11:00 A.M. A Public Hearing was conducted regarding a re -zoning request of Wayne McDonald that approximately 13.79 acres located on Prospect Street Ext., State Road 1619, Zoning Map 1-1, Tax Map A-3-1, Trinity Township, owned by Wayne McDonald, be re -zoned to a Conditional Use Highway Commercial and that a Conditional Use Permit be C I R Minutes Randolph County Board of Commissioners Meeting June 1, 1982 Page 3 issued. After much discussion, a motion by Bill Boyd, seconded by Richard Petty, for a Conditional Use Permit to be issued with specific conditions was unanimously approved. A copy of these conditions is included by reference. Billy Chilton, Randolph County Tax Supervisor, presented two revaluation proposals to the Board of Commissioners. The proposals were both under $310,000. On motion of Thurman Hogan, seconded by Richard Petty, it was unanimously approved that Mr. Chilton could contact these firms regarding further negotiations. On motion of Thurman Hogan, seconded by Bill Boyd, the Budget Adjustment reports presented by Frank Willis was unanimously approved. Richard Pugh reminded the Board of Commissioners of the Budget Hearing Meeting on Tuesday, June 15, 1982. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned by Chairman Richard K. Pugh.