061091RANDOLPH COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSION June 10, 1991 The Randolph County Board of Commissioners met in special session at 6:30 p.m. on June 10, 1991, in the Commissioners Meeting Room, County Office Building, 707 McDowell Road, Asheboro. Commissioners Frye, Davidson, Langley and Comer were present. Commissioner Petty was absent. The purpose of the meeting was to hear budget requests. Proclamation - Goodyear Tire and Rubber Week On motion of Davidson, seconded by Langley, the Board adopted a proclamation declaring June 23-30, 1991 as Goodyear Tire and Rubber Week in Randolph County, in honor of the second straight "Best of Class" supplier award being presented to the Asheboro Wire Plant. A copy of this proclamation is included by reference. Tax and Reappraisal Billy Chilton discussed a computerized ambulance billing system requested in his proposed budget and noted that all capital outlay requests related to this system. He stated that after this budget year, the County can do an in-house revaluation. Mr. Chilton advised the Board that in projecting property tax revenues in the spring for the upcoming budget, growth estimates of 4.59 for the current year had been used. It.has now been determined that actual growth was 2.77. This means that revenues for the 1991-92 budget have been overestimated by about $220,000. Veterans Service Office Barron Mills noted that his budget is less than last year because capital outlay is down and, being a new employee, his salary is less. He stated that his clientele may increase ne::t year because Guilford County is considering eliminating their Veterans office. Soil and Water Conservation Laverne Yarborough explained what their travel line item funds will be used for. Cooperative Extension Service Harvey Fouts said they plan to buy another printer for the computer system purchased last year. Maintenance and repair funds are up because their van is getting older. Sheriff and Jail Sheriff Litchard Hurley requested that the 7 new positions he had asked for, which the Manager did not include in his proposed budget, be reinstated. He said that if he could have just 2 identification specialists, he could restructure the department so that they could help every unit and that he would be willing to delete 2 of his replacement vehicles to get hem. Manager Frank Willis discussed projected revenues for the new drug task force and said that the 4 new positions would be paid for from the grant funds. He reported that the cost for the electronic house arrest program will be about $27,000 and revenues from the program are projected at $24,000. Major Allen McNeill stated that the vice -narcotics position added in February had been paid for from seized drug money, but they are asking the County to pick up this cost now. Register of Deeds Ann Shaw explained that the PC she is requesting will automate receipts and tabulate all her reports. She is also requesting a magnetic tape backup for the optical disk system, which will save 2 hours daily now spent making paper copies for archives. Elections Maria Bliss stated she will need an additional $2,772 in her budget to cover social security which must now be taken out on all election officials. She also requested an additional $2,943 for voting machine programming services. Library Nancy Brenner gave statistics on increased usage of the library system. She requested that all part-time employees be put on the same step and grade as full-time employees and noted that if the replacement station wagon is not approved she will need to increase the maintenance and repair line item. She pointed out she has proposed an increase in town library grants in the new budget. She reported that the library is in the process of computerizing the card catalog system. Maintenance Lee Groce discussed the Maintenance Department's involvement with programming voting machines in the past few years, stating that it has taken a great deal of time away from other work. He said that most of the machines are in very good shape and that our contract programmer has recommended replacing ten of them. He mentioned his request that one position be upgraded from grade 54 to grade 60, stating that this person could possibly program voting machines. Facilities Plan Mr. Willis advised the Board that some long-range facility planning is needed, and Chairman Frye stated that he and Commissioner Davidson would work with the Manager on this project. Legal Department Nothing was noted on this budget. Governing Body Chairman Frye stated that the entire Board's travel budget is less than that of one Guilford County Commissioner. Adjournment On motion of Davidson, seconded by Langley, the Board adjourned.