020402February 4, 2002 The Randolph County Board of Commissioners met at 4:00 p.m. in the Commissioners Meeting Room, County Office Building, 725 McDowell Road, Asheboro, NC. Commissioners Kemp, Frye, Holmes, Davis, and Mason were present. Chairman Kemp recognized special guests: members of the Randolph County Honor Guard; Barron Mills, retired Randolph County Veterans Service Officer; and members of Boy Scout Troop 500 from Science Hill Friends Meeting, working on their Citizenship in the Community merit badge, and their leader, Mamie Maness. Later in the meeting Chairman Kemp recognized Worth Pugh, a member of Boy Scout Troop 527 of First United Methodist Church, also working on his Citizenship in the Community merit badge, who joined the meeting in progress. Rev. Everett Thomas, Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd, Asheboro, gave the invocation, and, led by Boy Scout Troop 500, everyone recited the Pledge of Allegiance. Special Presentatlons/Reco2nitlons Robert Hester, Field Representative of the North Carolina Association of County Commissioners, (NCACC) announced that Randolph County's "Veterans Fair" program was named one of the top county programs in the state for 2001 by NCACC. The winning programs were selected for superior innovation and collaborative efforts in the categories of General Government, Human Services and Public Awareness. Fourteen programs were selected from nearly 100 entries. The "Veterans Fair" program was one of four Public Education/Participation programs to receive the prestigious award. Terry VanVliet, Randolph County Veterans Service Officer, submitted the program. Mr. Hester asked Ms. VanVliet to come forward to accept, on behalf of the County, a framed certificate for this award. The Board congratulated Ms. VanVliet on this noteworthy accomplishment. Chairman Kemp presented Mr. Hester with an engraved clock plaque in appreciation of his 20 years of service to the 100 counties of North Carolina. Bill Dunlap, Program Coordinator for the Juvenile Day Reporting Center (JDRC), stated that recently a monumental donation by the Randolph -Asheboro YMCA has allowed the JDRC to expand its physical fitness education through an offer of free use of YMCA facilities for physical fitness training. This in-kind donation of facility use equates to $165,000 per year. Mr. Dunlap then recognized Mr. Patrick O'Hara, YMCA General Director, to personally thank him and the YMCA for working with the Juvenile Day Reporting Center in their efforts to reshape court -involved youth into positive, productive adults in our community. The Board thanked Mr. O'Hara for this generous donation. Consent Agenda On motion of Holmes, seconded by Davis, the Board unanimously approved the consent agenda, as follows: ➢ Approve regular session minutes and closed session minutes of the January 7, 2002 meeting and minutes of the January 16, 2002 special meeting; ➢ Approve the following resolutions: WHEREAS, the Department of Transportation has investigated Morning Glory Road in the Forest Park Subdivision; and WHEREAS, the subject street has been found to meet minimum requirements for addition; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Randolph County Board of Commissioners that Morning Glory Road in the Forest Park Subdivision be added to the Division of Highways' Secondary Road System. and WHEREAS, the Department of Transportation has investigated Pointer Drive in Marlboro Country Estates; and WHEREAS, the subject street has been found to meet minimum requirements for addition; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Randolph County Board of Commissioners that Pointer Drive in Marlboro Country Estates be added to the Division of Highways' Secondary Road System. ➢ Approve the following proclamation: WHEREAS, Randolph County, North Carolina, our Nation and the world mourn the loss of thousands of people who died in the tragedies of September 11, 2001; and WHEREAS, we recognize the need to celebrate the heroic actions taken by our firefighters and police officers on September 11 and always; and WHEREAS, service men and women from North Carolina have been deployed to protect and defend our Nation, and many more stand ready to do so; and WHEREAS, trees have long been seen as an enduring symbol of life and renewal; and WHEREAS, trees enhance the appearance of our communities; increase property value; provide food and shelter for wildlife; reduce energy costs, soil erosion and storm water runoff and thus, enhance our mental and physical well-being; and WHEREAS, North Carolina's Master Gardener Volunteers and North Carolina Cooperative Extension educators are helping citizens throughout this State plant trees as an enduring reminder of those we lost September 11 and to honor those who protect and defend us; NOW THEREFORE, the Randolph County Board of Commissioners hereby proclaims March 2002 as "TREES OF STRENGTHMONTH" in Randolph County, North Carolina and commends this observance to all of our citizens. ➢ Appoint Dr. Tina Byrd (veterinarian) to the Board of Health (3 year term). Voluntary Agricultural Districts Ordinance Hal Johnson, Planning Director, stated that he, Lynn Qualls, Barry Foushee, Alice Dawson, and Cheryl Ivey had spent numerous hours revising the draft ordinance that was presented to the Commissioners on January 7, 2002 in an attempt to simplify and/or clarify the process and procedures outlined in the ordinance. He reviewed the revisions and answered several questions from the Board. On motion of Frye, seconded by Davis, the Board unanimously adopted the revised Voluntary Agricultural District Ordinance as presented (ATTACHED), to become effective upon the appointment of the Agricultural Advisory Board. Adoption of Growth Management Plan Hal Johnson, Planning Director, reviewed revisions made to the Growth Management Plan and Zoning Ordinance amendments to reflect the Board of Commissioners' instructions during the January 16, 2002 special meeting. On motion of Frye, seconded by Holmes, the Board unanimously adopted the following Resolution Establishing the Randolph County Growth Management Plan and related Randolph County Zoning Ordinance amendments (ATTACHED) and voted to exempt from the provisions of the adopted Growth Management Plan any applications received prior to S: 00 p. m. February 4, 2002: WHEREAS, major economic, social and land use changes are occurring in Randolph County at a tremendous pace; and WHEREAS, the continued maintenance of sustainable residential and economic development expansion is considered necessary for the quality of life and general welfare of current and future Randolph County citizens; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE RANDOLPH COUNTYBOARD OF COMMISSIONERS: It is the intent of the Randolph County Board of Commissioners to address the potential decline of Randolph County's special quality of life unless specific growth management action is taken to prevent it and to enhance the continued challenge of providing a high level of public services while keeping property taxes at a reasonable level. Furthermore, by establishing this Growth Management Plan, it is the intent of the Board of County Commissioners to: 1) Recognize that all individual growth management decisions are part of a larger interconnecting framework of building sustainable and quality growth within Randolph County; 2) Discourage high-density development in areas where significant urban infrastructure is not anticipated; 3) Encourage rural lot designs in those areas where urban infrastructure is not anticipated that will enhance groundwater recharge ability while preserving open space; 4) Recognize that growth management policies should afford flexibility to County boards and agencies that will enable them to adapt to the practical requirements often necessary for rural development; S) Performance zoning criteria, such as open space or heritage asset preservation, should help expedite development project approval; 6) Recognize and respect constitutionally protected private property rights in the interpretation of all policies and to achieve community goals such as open space preservation through incentives to landowners in voluntary programs that recognize consumer demand; 7) Ensure the opportunity for landowners to achieve the highest and best uses of their land that are consistent with growth management policies in order to protect the economic viability of the County's citizens and tax base; 8) Minimize the effects of large developments in rural areas on the visual landscape and protectfarmers from residential neighbors who may notfully understand the nature offarming; and 9) Consider the costs as well as the benefits of growth management policies in order to preserve affordability for citizens' real estate and housing needs. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, to implement this Growth Management Plan, Randolph County staff and related boards should use the policies established as guidelines in evaluating rezoning and growth related issues. The evaluation criteria should also be used to assist citizens in making decisions that are consistent with Randolph County growth management policies. Request for New Building Inspector Position Paxton Arthurs, Chief Building Inspector, told the Board that he has two plumbing/mechanical inspector positions and needs a third. The two current inspectors have been unable to keep up with the workload for quite some time. He said he had delayed making this request because of the possibility of a drop in construction activity. However, in the past six months both permit and visitation totals have increased, and the outlook for construction continues to be favorable. Revenue for the year was budgeted at $269,000, but $316,237 has already been collected for permits and fees so far. Hiring a level 1 inspector by April 1 would cost the County only $8,199. Mr. Arthurs said an important aspect of the Inspections Department in the eyes of the public is to provide a quick turn -around time. Lately he has received several complaints from contractors and homeowners whose jobs have been delayed because of waiting for a plumbing or mechanical inspection. On motion of Davis, seconded by Holmes, the Board unanimously allocated an additional plumbing/mechanical position to the Building Inspections Department and approved Budget Amendment #20, as follows: GENERAL FUND - # 20 A" ro riadon Increase' Building Inspections $8,199 Revenue Increase'> Permits and Fees $8,199 The Board discussed the need for customer service training for the Building Inspections employees and other departments that deal with the public. Kim Newsom, Personnel Director, advised the Board that the County is currently undergoing in-house customer service training for all employees. Award of Audit Contract Will Massie, Deputy Finance Officer, reported that the CPA firm that has performed the County's independent audit for several years has closed its Asheboro office. Therefore, we must select a new audit firm. The County Commissioners support local businesses whenever possible, and there are two local firms with the qualifications to conduct this type of audit. Accordingly, the County requested proposals from both of these firms. The first firm, Maxton C. McDowell, CPA, has been involved in governmental audits for many years, including Seagrove, Ramseur and Franklinville. The firm has hired Steve Hackett, the CPA who has managed the audits of Randolph County, the City of Asheboro and the Randolph County Board of Education for several years. The second firm, Cherry Bekaert & Holland LLP, conducts the audit of the Asheboro City Schools. Their proposal includes bringing in an experienced governmental audit partner and other trained personnel from one of their other offices around the state. The two firms' fee proposals are as follows: Firm 2001-2002 2002-2003 2003-3004 (contract) (estimated) (estimated) Maxton McDowell $37,200 $39,700 $40,500 Cherry Bekaert & Holland $39,500 $41,500 $43,500 Mr. Massie recommended the firm of Maxton McDowell to perform the County's 2001-02 audit. If we contract with Maxton McDowell, Steve Hackett will continue to serve as audit manager for us, providing consistency and minimizing the impact on our personnel as the audit progresses. Mr. Massie added that we are developing a new chart of accounts to be used during the 2002-03 year. It makes sense to continue with an experienced auditor rather than having an audit firm who must learn different accounting systems for two years in a row. On motion of Holmes, seconded by Davis, the Board voted unanimously to award the audit contract for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2002 to Maxton C. McDowell, CPA, for $37, 200. Consideration of April Meeting Date The Board discussed the possibility of changing their April meeting date, which is Easter Monday. No one had a conflict; therefore, the meeting date remains April 1 as scheduled. Budget Amendment — Mental Health On motion of Frye, seconded by Mason, the Board unanimously approved the following budget amendment: MENTAL HEALTH - # 21 A' ro riadon Increase'> Mental Health Expenditures $1,113,164 Revenue Increase> State Mental Health Revenue Mental Health Fund Balance Appropriated Local Mental Health Revenue $368,617 $300,000 $444,547 Budget Amendment — Aging Services (Rural Operating Assistance Program) County Manager Frank Willis stated that NCDOT's Transportation Division has increased two of the three ROAP grant components, requiring a budget amendment. On motion of Davis, seconded by Holmes, the Board unanimously approved the following budget amendment: GENERAL FUND - # 22 Appropriation Increase> Aging Services $30,968 Revenue Increase' Restricted Intergovernmental $30,968 Budget Amendment — Elections Mark Coakley, Elections Supervisor, requested a budget amendment for the purchase of an automated retrieval unit for the storage of voter registration cards. He noted that he had the funds in his 2000-01 budget for this purchase, but the early voting requirements forced him to use these funds for part- time salaries. The Elections office currently stores all voter registration cards in 129 file cabinet drawers, with only 8 drawers remaining for all future cards. The proposed Lektriever unit can store these cards plus an additional 32,000 cards in a condensed space. The freed -up space that would be created is needed for training of election workers. On motion of Frye, seconded by Mason, the Board unanimously approved the following budget amendment: GENERAL FUND - # 23 Appropriadon> Increase> Board of Elections $21,000 Revenue Increase' Fund Balance Appropriated $21,000 Budget Amendments — Glenola Community Water Project Will Massie, Deputy Finance Officer, informed the Board that the capital project to construct a water distribution system in the Glenola area has been completed and budget amendments are necessary to transfer the remaining funds to the General Fund. On motion of Holmes, seconded by Davis, the Board unanimously approved the following budget amendments: GLENOLA CAPITAL PROJECT ORDINANCE - # I A" ro riadon Increase' Transfer to General Fund $11,564 Revenue Increase' Interest Income $11,564 GENERAL 'FUND - # 24 Revenue Increase Decrease Transfer from Glenola Capital Project $11,564 Appropriated Fund Balance $11,564 Budget Amendment — Health Frank Willis, County Manager, stated that the County has been awarded $10,000 in Healthy Carolinians funds, but our Health Promotion program funds have been decreased by $2,853. On motion of Holmes, seconded by Mason, the Board unanimously approved the following budget amendment: GENERAL FUND - # 25 Appropriation Increase' Public Health $7,147 Revenue Increase'> Restricted Intergovernmental $7,147 Budget Amendment — Home and Community Care Block Grant (HCCBG) Frank Willis, County Manager, stated that the Aging Services Planning Committee met on January 8, 2002 and approved the distribution of additional HCCBG funds totaling $6,010. On motion of Frye, seconded by Davis, the Board unanimously approved the following budget amendment: GENERAL 'FUND - # 26 Appropriadon Increase' Aging Services $6,010 Revenue Increase' Restricted Intergovernmental $6,010 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Commissioner Mason left the meeting at this point and did not return. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Budget Amendment — Register of Deeds Jane Leonard, Deputy Finance Officer, reported that the State has authorized an increase in many of the fees charged by the office of the Register of Deeds. Of this increase, 10% must be retained by the County to be used for automation enhancement and preservation costs in that office. It is estimated that the Randolph County Register of Deeds will collect $30,000 in automation funds for the remainder of this fiscal year. The Register of Deeds plans to use a portion of this money for the establishment of a web site for her department. On motion of Davis, seconded by Frye, the Board unanimously approved the following budget amendment: GENERAL FUND - # 27 Appropriation Increase Register of Deeds $30,000 Revenue Increase '> Permits and Fees $30,000 Budget Amendment — ADM Debt Service Jane Leonard, Deputy Finance Officer, reported that the Office of State Budget, Planning and Management has given final approval of the application to use Public School Building Capital Fund (ADM) as payment for a portion of the 1995 COP'S debt service in this fiscal year. The approved amount was $1,867,260. The appropriation for this payment is currently budgeted; however, the revenue source will need to be amended to reflect the change in funding. On motion of Holmes, seconded by Davis, the Board unanimously approved the following budget amendment: GENERAL FUND - # 28 Revenue Increase Decrease Restricted Intergovernmental $1,867,260 Miscellaneous $1,867,260 Citizen Comment Annarae Hodgin, 5977 Buffalo Ford Road, Ramseur, thanked the Board for adopting the Voluntary Agricultural District Ordinance. Closed Session On motion of Frye, seconded by Davis, the Board voted unanimously at 6:00 p.m. to go into closed session to discuss matters relating to the location or expansion of business in the area served by the Board, pursuant to NCGS 143-318.11(a)(4). They returned to regular session at 6:12 p.m. and recessed until 6:30 p.m. Rezoning Public Hearing The Board adjourned at 6:30 p.m. to a duly advertised public hearing to consider rezoning requests. Hal Johnson, Planning Director, presented the following requests and Chairman Kemp opened the public hearing for comments on each request and closed it before voting on each request. 1. RANDOLPH COUNTY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, Asheboro, is requesting that 40 acres located at 7310 US Hwy 311, New Market Township, Randleman Lake Watershed, be rezoned from Light Industrial to Heavy Industrial/Conditional Use. Parcel ID # 7736862231. The proposed Conditional Use Zoning would specifically allow the entire existing facilities to be used for furniture manufacturing. The Planning Board recommended unanimously that this request be approved. Bonnie Renfro, EDC President, said this property is in bankruptcy and has been listed to render debts to creditors. To facilitate the sale of the property, the firm of attorneys assigned by the bankruptcy court to sell this property has asked EDC to see that this property be zoned Heavy Industrial. She said Braxton Culler Furniture Company intends to purchase this property and relocate here. On motion of Davis, seconded by Frye, the Board unanimously approved this request. 2. W.G.S. INC., Trinity, is requesting that 32.40 acres located on Prospect Street, Trinity Township, be rezoned from Residential Agricultural to Light Industrial/Conditional Use. Parcel ID # 6798255897. The proposed Conditional Use Zoning would specifically allow the development of a 10 -lot industrial park. Property Owner: Homer Ragan. The Planning Board recommended unanimously that this request be approved with the following condition: 25' existing buffer along the western property line (adjoining the subdivision). W. G. Sink, 3481 Finch Farm Road, said a church is interested in tract #10. He said the land will support 10 septic tanks, and he intends to have light industrial buildings with restrictions. On motion of Frye, seconded by Holmes, the Board unanimously approved this request with the condition that the existing 25' buffer remain along the western property line adjoining the subdivision. 3. ISMAT CHAUDHRY, Ramseur, North Carolina, is requesting that 3.75 acres located on the corner of US Hwy 64 East and Reed Creek Road, Columbia Township, be rezoned from Residential Agricultural to Highway Commercial/Conditional Use. Parcel ID # 8712056789. The proposed Conditional Use Zoning would specifically allow the operation of a convenience store, restaurant and office with the following conditions: * 50 -ft. no -cut natural vegetative buffer along the entire western property line; * 6 -ft. privacy fence along the western side of the entire development, at the 50 -ft. setback line; * 2 alternating rows of evergreen trees along the west side of the privacy fence; and additional evergreen trees in the bare areas of the 50' no -cut natural vegetative buffer area. The Planning Board recommended unanimously that this request be approved. Jon Megerian, attorney for Mr. Chaudhry, said this is an appropriate rezoning, and the subdivision next to this parcel will be protected with buffers. On motion of Holmes, seconded by Davis, the Board unanimously approved this request with the conditions named above. 4. EDENS & AVANT, Columbia, South Carolina, are requesting that 13.50 acres (out of 31.20 acres) located on Business 220 South, Cedar Grove Township, be rezoned from Residential Agricultural to Community Shopping/Conditional Use. Parcel ID # 7658524891. The proposed Conditional Use Zoning would specifically allow the development of a shopping center. Property Owner: Leroy White. The Planning Board recommended unanimously that this request be approved. Jon Megerian, attorney for the applicant, stated that the trailer park that is on the property now is a non -conforming use and that the planned development will be a better use. He said construction would be about a year away, so residents in the park would have ample time to relocate. He pointed out that Mr. White could close the park even if he didn't intend to sell it and renters would have seven days, under state law, to vacate the premises. Louise Needham, 3293 Staley Farm Road, said she rents two trailers in the park. She had concerns about what to do with these trailers after the renters left. The trailers are too old to be allowed in another park. Fred Williams of Edens & Avant said all mobile homes are to be removed from the property before they purchase it. The removals will be the responsibility of the current owner, Leroy White. On motion of Frye, seconded by Davis, the Board unanimously approved this request. 5. HOLIDAY TOURS, Randleman, is requesting that 8.50 acres (out of 29.20 acres) located at 10367 Randleman Road, Level Cross Township, Randleman Lake Watershed, be rezoned from Highway Commercial to Highway Commercial/Conditional Use. Parcel ID # 7758808148. The proposed Conditional Use Zoning would allow the operation of existing tour travel operations and parking areas - future expansion will consist only of proposed future parking area. The Planning Board recommended that this request be approved by a vote of 6 to 1 with the following conditions: * 8 -ft. privacy fence along the no -cut buffer line to the transmission lines; * adequate storm water drainage to the natural draining ditch in rear of the property; * commercial slats in the existing chain link fence at the northern concrete parking area; * maintain a 50 -ft. no -cut natural buffer along the northern property line; and * plant three rows of alternating evergreen trees in a specified area on the northern side. David Brown, President of Holiday Tours, 3805 Buncombe Drive, Greensboro, said he has met with Mr. Parrish, the neighbor to the north, and Mr. Parrish does not want a fence and buffer because Mr. Parrish is getting an adjacent parcel of land from Holiday Tours that will serve as a buffer. Mr. Parrish was present and concurred with the map that Mr. Brown showed to the Board to indicate the parcel to be given to Mr. Parrish. On motion of Davis, seconded by Frye, the Board unanimously approved this request, with the conditions that the plat be revised to show the land that is being conveyed to Mr. Parrish from Holiday Tours as agreed to by the two parties and that a drainage plan be submitted for approval by the Planning Department staff. 6. ERNEST MELVIN, JR., Franklinville, North Carolina, is requesting that 21.65 acres located at 3845 Shady Brook Drive, Franklinville Township, Sandy Creek Watershed, be rezoned from Residential Agricultural to Residential Mixed/Conditional Use. Parcel ID # 7794761300. The proposed Conditional Use Zoning would specifically allow the development of a 4 -lot subdivision for site -built homes, modular homes, and double -wide or single -wide mobile homes on permanent masonry foundation. Property Owners: John and Mary Wren. The Planning Board recommended unanimously that this request be denied. John Wren, 3611 Pinetop Road, Greensboro, said he had owned this property since 1996. He had a renter who burned down a trailer, so he doesn't want to rent any more; he wants to sell the property. Clayton Melvin, 3844 Shady Brook Drive, said the purpose of the proposed development is to control the development of the neighborhood. John Miller, 4506 Summit Avenue, Greensboro, said he wants to buy lot 4. He said he is aware of the condition of the road, and that it is not a problem for him. Judi Hunter, 117 Bruce St., Greensboro, said she is the applicant's mother-in-law and she wants to buy one of the lots. She said the road is not a problem for her. Tyena Burkett, 3763 Shady Brook Road, said she has lived at this address for 15 years. She opposed the request and expressed concerns about the road condition, the water table, the watershed, and wildlife. Phillip Birchall, 3605 Shady Brook Road, opposed the request and said he concurred with Ms. Burkett's comments. James Robb, 3580 Shady Brook Road, opposed the request because of traffic and problems with dust. Chairman Kemp asked for a show of hands of those opposed to this request. Eight people raised their hands. On motion of Holmes, seconded by Davis, the Board voted three to one to approve this request. Commissioner Frye opposed the motion. 7. MICHAEL HURLEY, Asheboro, is requesting that 0.90 acre located on US Hwy 64 West, Tabernacle Township, Lake Reese Watershed, be rezoned from Residential Agricultural to Highway Commercial/Conditional Use. Parcel ID # 7712231707 and 7712149006. The proposed Conditional Use Zoning would specifically allow an automotive repair business in the proposed 30' x 80' building. The Planning Board recommended unanimously that this request be approved with the following condition: 25' natural buffer along the eastern property line. Michael Hurley, 148 Spring Forest Road, said he would operate this business from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. and that there would be no outside storage. He said the neighbor to the north wants a buffer. Ronald Gallimore, 515 Hoover Hill Road, the neighbor to the north, expressed concern about buffering. Mr. Hurley said he would probably have to put up a security fence anyway, and that could serve as a privacy fence. On motion of Frye, seconded by Holmes, the Board unanimously approved this request, with the following conditions: * privacy fence along that portion of the northern property line (Gallimore property line) that is parallel to Highway 64; * no outside storage; * 25 foot natural buffer along the eastern property line; * hours of operation to be 8 a.m. to 6 p. m. 8. ROSE MCMASKILL, Randleman, is requesting that .75 acre (out of 1.47 acres) located at 8911 US Hwy 220 Business North, Level Cross Township, Randleman Lake Watershed, be rezoned from Residential Mixed to Highway Commercial/Conditional Use. Parcel ID # 7767402632. The proposed Conditional Use Zoning would specifically allow a cars sales lot with office in an existing 40'x 60' building with a maximum display of 4 cars. Property Owner: Madison Price Estate. The Planning Board recommended unanimously that the request be approved. license. Eric Gray, 4639 Plainfield Road, said the rezoning is necessary because he wants to get his dealer's On motion of Davis, seconded by Frye, the Board unanimously approved this request. Adiournment The meeting adjourned at 8:20 p.m. Phil Kemp, Chairman J. Harold Holmes Robert O. Mason Darrell L. Frye Robert B. Davis Alice D. Dawson, Clerk to the Board