070896July 8, 1996 The Randolph County Board of Commissioners met in regular session at 4:00 p.m., Commissioners Meeting Room, 725 McDowell Road, Asheboro, NC. Commissioners Kemp, Frye, Comer, Holmes and Davis were present. Invocation was given by Rev. Ron Greene, Cross Road Baptist Church, Asheboro, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Retirement Plaque The Board presented a retirement plaque to Faye Cox, Library, for 7 years of service. Consent Agenda On motion of Holmes, seconded by Comer, the Board unanimously approved the consent agenda, as follows: ° approve minutes of 6/3, 6/4, 6/10, 6/17, and 6/20; ° approve 2 resolutions (ATTACHED) for D.O.T. additions; ° reappoint Tina Frazier (3 yrs) and Cindy Hilliard (1 yr) to the Nursing Home/Domiciliary Home Community Advisory Committee; ° appoint Joanna Lee to the Asheboro Planning Board to fill the unexpired term of Jeannie Smith (expires 1/98); ° reappoint Sigrid McCain and appoint Charles Bowen and Harold Holmes to the Library Board of Trustees (6 yrs). Announcement of Outstanding County Program Award Neil Allen, Emergency Services Director, announced that Randolph County's LIFE (Linked Information for Emergencies) Program has won an Outstanding County Program Award from the NC Association of County Commissioners. He explained that the LIFE system is much more than just E911. It is integrated with GIS and tax mapping, has central dispatch, and includes law, fire, emergency medical, and jail management software, with multi -agency access to a central data base. Chairman Kemp expressed the Board's appreciation to Annette Lineberry, Computer Services Director, to Mr. Allen and to their staffs for their work on this project. Bid Award - Ambulances Jane Leonard, Deputy Finance Officer, presented bids received for Type I ambulances, as follows: Vendor Chiefs Fire Rescue Northwestern Emergency Vehicles Rescue One Remount Southern Ambulance Builders Unlimited Mobility Wheeled Coach of NC 1995 Model 1996 Model Bid Bond $ 67,000 $ 68,000 No 64,503 65,403 Yes 65,000 Yes 60,711 63,006 Yes 60,500 Yes 62,357 65,357 Yes Ms. Leonard reported that Fred deFriess with Randolph County Emergency Services inspected two units bid by Unlimited Mobility and had found some serious deficiencies with this type of ambulance. The inspection confirmed that the Unlimited Mobility quote did not meet our bid specifications. The next lowest quote was from Southern Ambulance Builders. Mr. deFriess inspected their ambulances and found them to be of consistent good quality. They have two 1995 F-350 ambulances available for immediate delivery. On motion of Frye, seconded by Holmes, the Board unanimously awarded the bid to Southern Ambulance Builders for two 1995 ambulances, for a total of $121,422. Bid Award - Cardiac Pacing and Defibrillators Mrs. Leonard reported that the following bids were received for 8 defibrillators/pacers for the Emergency Services Department: Matrix Medical, Inc. $ 56,512 Physio -Control 36,000 Moore Medical Corp. no bid Mrs. Leonard stated that Matrix Medical, Inc., as an addendum to their bid, offered to take trade-in of our current equipment for a value of between $32,000 to $40,000, making their bid lowest. Field testing oftheir equipment determined that, while their equipment met bid specifications, it still did not perform as well as the Physio -Control unit. Fred deFriess of Emergency Services does not recommend pursuing Matrix Medical's trade-in offer. On motion of Comer, seconded by Holmes, the Board unanimously awarded this bid to Physio -Control for $36,000. Bid Award - Computerized Indexing and Imaging System Mrs. Leonard stated that she received the following bids for computerized indexing and imaging system for the Register of Deeds: Vendor Total Bid Bid Bond Perceptics Corporation no bid n/a Cavin's, Incorporated $118,424 yes Mrs. Leonard explained that General Statutes do not require more than one bid to award the contract. Ann Shaw, Register of Deeds, stated that there are only a few vendors who provide this type of equipment. On motion of Davis, seconded by Frye, the Board unanimously awarded the contract to Cavin's, Incorporated. Bid Award - Shaw Building Computer Equipment David Townsend, Public Works Director, presented the following bids received for computer hardware for communications between the 911 Building and the Shaw Building and between the 911 Building and the Courthouse: Dilan $19,092.82 Liberty Data 20,723.49 Centel 21, 573.00 Data Net 30,497.00 Madge Networks 35,202.00 Mr. Townsend added that the low bidder, Dilan, has the state contract on this equipment. On motion of Frye, seconded by Holmes, the Board unanimously awarded the contract to Dilan. 1996-97 Classification Plan Hal Scott, Jr., Personnel Director, presented proposed amendments to the Randolph County Classification Plan for 1996-97. On motion of Frye, seconded by Holmes, the Board unanimously approved the amendments (ATTACHED) as presented. Collection Settlement Report Billy Chilton, Tax Assessor, presented the annual settlement reports for taxes and ambulance fees collected during fiscal year 1995-96. Based on the final total levy, excluding motor vehicles, the tax collection rate was 98.24%. The ratio of total collections to total levy was 102.18%. Collection rate for ambulance fees was 76.2% On motion of Davis, seconded by Comer, the Board unanimously approved the settlement report (ATTACHED) and ordered that it become a part of these minutes. Charge to Collect Taxes The Board authorized Billy Chilton, Tax Collector, to collect taxes for the 1996-97 fiscal year, as set forth in the Charge To Tax Collector (ATTACHED). Certificate of Appreciation to J.W. Plummer The Board presented a certificate of appreciation to J.W. "Willie" Plummer, charter member ofthe RCC Board of Trustees, for his 33 years of service on that board. Animal Cruelty Investigator Appointment On motion of Frye, seconded by Holmes, the Board unanimously appointed Lynn Scherer to a one-year term as County Animal Cruelty Investigator. Mrs. Scherer's appointment was endorsed by the Sheriff and Health Director. On motion of Frye, seconded by Comer, the Board unanimously approved the badge Mrs. Scherer presented, which she will use in her official cruelty investigator position. House Arrest Fees Major Allen McNeill requested that monitoring fees for participants in the House Arrest program be raised from $4 to $5 per day. On motion of Davis, seconded by Holmes, the Board unanimously approved this fee increase. Local Law Enforcement Block Grant - Advisory Board Appointments Major McNeill related that the U. S. Department of Justice has offered the Sheriffs Department a block grant of $26,496, which requires a 10% local match. The money can be used for a wide variety of programs, but an advisory board must be appointed by the County Commissioners to approve the application. On motion of Frye, seconded by Davis, the Board unanimously appointed the following to this advisory board: Litchard Hurley, Sheriff, Lynda Skeen, Clerk of Court; Andy Gregson, Assistant D.A.; Buddy Coleman, Assistant Superintendent, Randolph County Schools; and Talmadge Baker, Crimestoppers board member. Budget Amendment - Family Crisis Center Grant Elaine Haigler, Family Crisis Center Director, reported that the Center had recently received a $22,804 grant from the Governor's Crime Commission. The funds will be used for intervention. She said that grant funds are required to flow through the County and be accounted for in a separate account. On motion of Holmes, seconded by Comer, the Board approved Budget Amendment #1 (ATTACHED), which increases restricted intergovernmental revenue by $22,804 to reflect this flow-through grant for Family Crisis Center. September Meeting Date Change The Board agreed to hold their regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, September 3, because ofthe Labor Day holiday on Monday, September 2. Voting and Alternate Delegate to NCACC Annual Conference On motion of Holmes, seconded by Davis, the Board unanimously appointed Chairman Kemp and Vice Chairman Frye to serve as voting delegate and alternate voting delegate, respectively, at the NCACC annual conference in August. Budget Amendment - Criminal Justice Partnership On motion of Frye, seconded by Comer, the Board unanimously approved Budget Amendment #2 (ATTACHED), which reflects a state Criminal Justice Partnership grant of $148,309 ($131,509 in implementation funds and $16,800 in discretionary funds) for the operations of our Day Reporting Center. Closed Session - Location of Industry On motion of Frye, seconded by Holmes, the Board unanimously voted to go into closed session to discuss the location or expansion of industry, pursuant to N. C. General Statute 143-318.11(a)(4). The Board returned to regular session, taking no action on the closed session. Memorial Resolution for Reitzel Smith On motion of Frye, seconded by Davis, the Board unanimously adopted a memorial resolution (ATTACHED) for Charles Reitzel Smith, local businessman and leader who died recently. Rezoning Public Hearing At 6:30 p.m. the Board adjourned to a duly advertised public hearing to consider rezoning requests. Hal Johnson, Zoning Administrator, presented the following requests: 1. William & Betty Collier, Liberty, are requesting that 21.47 acres (out of 54.81) on Old 421 Road, Liberty Township, be rezoned from LI to HI for furniture manufacturing. The Planning Board unanimously recommended approval. 2. Bobby Pugh, Elon College, is requesting that 50 acres (out of 76.35) located at the corner of Iron Mountain Road and Spoons Chapel Road, Grant Township, be rezoned from RA to RR to develop a 31 -lot subdivision. The Planning Board unanimously recommended approval. Comments - Request #1 Walter Sprouse, Randolph County Economic Development Corporation, spoke on behalf of the applicants, who could not be present. He said he is working with the applicants to get the railroad crossing moved so that it will access this property. Comments - Request #2 Bob Pugh, applicant, said the proposed development is compatible with other development in the area. Thomas Ellison, adjoining property owner, said he plans to purchase this property from the Pughs to build a development. He said he plans to develop in stages, so there shouldn't be a significant impact on schools. Chairman Kemp closed the public hearing. Board Action on Requests On motion of Frye, seconded by Holmes, the Board unanimously approved the request of William and Betty Collier. On motion of Holmes, seconded by Comer, the Board unanimously approved the request of Bobby Pugh. Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 6:45 p.m. Phil Kemp, Chairman Darrell Frye, Vice Chairman Robert Davis Martha Comer Harold Holmes Alice Dawson, Clerk to the Board Closed Session - July 8, 1996 At 5:35 p.m. the Board went into closed session to discuss the location or expansion of industry, pursuant to NCGS §143-318.11 (a)(4). Commissioners Kemp, Frye, Comer, Davis and Holmes were present. Also present were Frank Willis, County Manager; Alan Pugh, County Attorney; and Alice Dawson, Clerk to the Board. Chairman Kemp told the Board about a meeting that he and Vice Chairman Frye had attended earlier that afternoon with representatives from the City of Asheboro, Randolph County Economic Development Corporation, and Klaussner Furniture Industries, Incorporated. During this meeting Klaussner Furniture Industries stated that they would build a new 75,000 square -foot facility south of Asheboro if the City/County would provide the necessary water and sewer infrastructure. The Board instructed the County Manager to pursue the possibility of obtaining a CDBG-Economic Development Grant for that purpose. On motion of Davis, seconded by Frye, the Board unanimously voted to return to regular session at 5:50 p.m.