120495Commissioners Meeting Minutes - 12/4/95 The Randolph County Board of Commissioners met in regular session at 2:00 p.m. on December 4, 1995 in the Commissioners Meeting Room, 725 McDowell Rd., Asheboro, NC. Commissioners Kemp, Holmes, Comer, Davis and Frye were present. Invocation was given by Rev. David Hutton, United Pentacostal Church, Asheboro. Chairman Kemp recognized Steve Huffman, new reporter for the High Point Enterprise, who replaces Nicole Michaels. Chairman Kemp announced that Item. A Smart Start Update under New Business had been removed from the agenda. Reorganization of the Board On motion of Frye, seconded by Holmes, the Board unanimously voted to • elect Phil Kemp as Chairman • elect Darrell Frye as Vice Chairman • appoint Alice Dawson as Clerk to the Board • appoint Cheryl Ivey as Deputy Clerk to the Board • appoint Alan Pugh as County Attorney • appoint Robby Davis to the Randolph County Board of Health • appoint Martha Comer to the Randolph County Mental Health Board • appoint Harold Holmes to the Social Services Board • appoint Darrell Frye as the High Point Transportation Advisory Committee Representative • appoint Darrell Frye as the Piedmont Triad Council of Governments Delegate. Consent Agenda On motion of Comer, seconded by Davis, the Board unanimously approved the consent agenda as follows: • approve minutes of November 6, 1995 • unseal closed session minutes of June 5, 1995 and October 2, 1995 • reappoint Charles Adams to the Randolph County Planning Board • reappoint Tom Mullinax to the Asheboro Planning Board • reappoint Sonny Bullard and Tom Kemp to the Randolph County Fire Commission • adopt resolution (ATTACHED) adding Wood Village Drive, Wood Village Ext. and Lawren Taylor Drive in the Kynwood Village Subdivision • appoint Dr. Cheryl Freeman to the Randolph County Board of Health, term ending 12/98, replacing Dr. Kelly Harris who has completed 3 terms and is not eligible to serve at this time, and reappoint Carol Coble, Dr. Michael Loomis, Dr. William Walker, and Dr. Thomas Whyte, terms ending 12/98 • reappoint Jack Lail to the Seagrove-Ulah Metropolitan Water District, term ending 12/98 • reappoint Linda Covington to the Nursing Home/Domiciliary Home Community Advisory Committee, term ending 12/98. Bid Award for Social Services Computer Equipment Patty Sykes, Purchasing Agent, announced that the following bids were received for the purchase of computer equipment for the Department of Social Services: Asheboro Business Machines $20,533.00 Computer & Electronics Wholesale $16,076.94 Computer Works 21,976.22 Corporate Systems 20,147.75 Inacom Information Systems 16,546.04 Matney Consultants 17,632.53 Preferred Data 19,134.50 Ms. Sykes recommended that the bid be awarded to low bidder, Computer & Electronics Wholesale, Asheboro. On motion of Frye, seconded by Comer, the Board unanimously awarded the bid for computer equipment to Computer & Electronics Wholesale, Asheboro, NC at a total cost of $16,076.64. Chairman Kemp inquired about some 1940's newspapers stored at the Henley Building and askedMs. Sykes to advertise these in case any citizen is interested in having them rather than the County disposing of them. Budget Amendment - Public Health On motion of Davis, seconded by Holmes, the Board unanimously approved Budget Amendment # 22, (ATTACHED) which reflects $18,360 in additional funding from the Division of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources. Budget Amendment - Public Health On motion of Comer, seconded by Holmes, the Board unanimously approved Budget Amendment #23, (ATTACHED) which decreases the original Home Health Budget by $22,367 (unused Home Health grant funds), due to the transfer of the Home Health Agency to Randolph Hospital. I-85/NW Randolph Planning Effort Update Hal Johnson, Planning Director, updated the Board on the Interstate 85/Northwest Randolph County Development Assessment and the annexation agreements between the cities of Archdale, High Point, Thomasville, and Randolph County. On motion of Frye, seconded by Davis, the Board voted unanimously to table the decision to approve the development assessment and the annexation agreement, pending Trinity's decision to incorporate. Discussion of Possible Special Called Meeting The Board discussed the possibility of a special called meeting later this month for the purpose of awarding bids for the renovation of the Social Services building. Closed Session On motion of Frye, seconded by Holmes, the Board unanimously voted at 4:30 p.m. to go into closed session to discuss matters relating to the judicial action titled Donna Turner v. Randolph County, et al, pursuant to NCGS 143-318.11(a)(3). Closed session ended at 6:00 p.m. and the Board returned to regular session. Automation of Library's Card Catalog System Richard Wells, Library Director, asked the Board to consider during their budget deliberations next year funding a turn -key system that would automate the Randolph Public Library's card catalog system, the current system being obsolete. He stated that the estimated up -front cost would be approximately $400,000, with a $40,000 per year maintenance charge. Mr. Wells also stated that federal grant funding may be available and that he feels we may be eligible to receive up to $50,000. Mr. Wells recognized approximately 30 supporters of the new system from various areas of the county. Petition to Amend Concealed Weapons Ordinance Paul Scarlata, who stated that he represented a large group of Randolph County citizens, asked the Board to consider amending the Concealed Weapons Ordinance that was adopted at the November 6, 1995 meeting. He stated that the ordinance prohibited "permitted" citizens from carrying concealed weapons on such County property as the landfill and County parking lots. Frank Chamberlin also spoke in favor of repealing the ordinance. On motion of Frye, seconded by Davis, the Board unanimously voted to amend the Concealed Weapons Ordinance by substituting the word "buildings" for the word "property," thereby making the carrying of concealed weapons illegal only in County buildings. Rezoning Public Hearing At 7:00 p.m. the Board adjourned to a duly advertised public hearing to consider rezoning requests. Hal Johnson, Zoning Administrator, presented the following requests: The request of Lee & Vance Roberts, Asheboro, was withdrawn. 2. United Investments, Staley, is requesting that 30.95 acres located on Langley Road, Columbia Township, be rezoned from RA to RR to develop a subdivision of 10 lots that would allow site built homes, double -wide manufactured homes on permanent foundation, or modular homes. The Planning Board recommended that this request be denied due to the number of smaller lots fronting on Langley Road was not compatible with the rural land use patterns of this area. 3. Glenn Coley, Climax, is requesting that .69 acres located at the corner of NC Hwy 22 and Mack Lineberry Road, Providence Township, be rezoned from RA to Highway Commercial/Conditional Use to develop a used car lot. The Planning Board recommended that the request be denied due to the small size of the lot, resulting in no possibility for adequate buffers or screening in this rural/agricultural area. 4. Edward Finkenbinder, Liberty, is requesting that 2.91 acres located on Hwy 49, Liberty Township, be rezoned from RA to Highway Commercial/Conditional Use in order to operate a pet store in a 2,500 SF building. The Planning Board recommended approval. Comments - Request #2 Jim Wilson, attorney for the petitioner, distributed proposed restrictive covenants for the proposed subdivision to the Board for consideration, and spoke in support of the request. Penny Sillmon, 762 Langley Rd., spoke in opposition of the request. Doug Coble, 1370 Langley Rd., spoke in opposition of the request. Tim Sillmon, 762 Langley Rd., spoke in opposition of the request. Comments - Reauest #3 Glenn Coley, petitioner, 4208 Jess Hackett Rd., spoke in support of the request and answered questions from the Board. Max Hinshaw, neighbor, NC Hwy 22, spoke in opposition of the request. Lee Wall, neighbor, NC Hwy 22, spoke in opposition of the request. Darrell Foley spoke in support of the request. Bill Whitaker, adjacent property owner, 6763 Hwy 22 N., spoke in opposition of the request. He is currently developing a residential subdivision across the road. He stated that he doesn't want the neighborhood to become a business neighborhood. Doug Coble spoke in support of the request. Sammy Staley, 3274 Whites Memorial Rd., stated that he lives 3 miles from the site and travels by the site every day. He stated that he believes there would be no traffic problem if the request was approved and the used car lot was built. Tim Marshall, neighbor, spoke in support of the request, stating that the current residence of the petitioner is very neat and believes that the car lot would be kept neat as well. Lucille Whitaker spoke in opposition of the request, stating that the car lot would be detrimental to the beauty of the community. Comments - Request #3 Edward Finkenbinder, petitioner, spoke in support of his request. Action on Requests On motion of Holmes, seconded by Davis, the Board voted unanimously to deny the request of United Investments. On motion of Holmes, seconded by Frye, the Board approved the request of Glenn Coley by a 4-1 vote. Commissioner Davis opposed the motion. On motion of Frye, seconded by Comer, the Board voted unanimously to approve the request of Edward Finkenbinder. Public Hearing - Proposed Junked Vehicle Ordinance Hal Johnson updated the Board on the junked vehicle problem in Randolph County and reviewed the proposed ordinance. Comments Robert Benner, 1944 Caraway Dr., Sophia, spoke in opposition to the ordinance, stating that he would be in violation of the ordinance due to the old cars that he restores in his spare time. Earl Glover, 918 49N, Ramseur, stated that he felt the ordinance needs to be more specific in its definition of "junked vehicle." Mark Brower spoke in opposition of the request, stating that each case should be looked at individually before citing people for violation. Harry Goodman, 5736 NC Hwy 49S, Farmer, spoke in support of the ordinance. Keith Marsh, 4343 Mt Gilead Church Rd., Sophia, spoke in opposition of the ordinance due to the nature of his job as a mechanic and having old cars around all the time. Larry Walker, 1109 Oakwood Acres Rd., spoke in opposition of the ordinance. Loyd Hilton, 3746 Whitaker Rd., spoke in opposition of the ordinance. Eddie Allred, 1776 Reeder St., spoke in opposition of the ordinance. James Cornelison, 120 Bill Simmons Rd., spoke in opposition of the ordinance. Hester Staley, 5861 Union Grove Church Rd., spoke in opposition of the ordinance. Ed Penry, 3430 S. Fayetteville St., stated that he restores old cars, and would be in violation of the ordinance. Ricky Aikens, 5685 Wagner Rd., spoke in opposition of the ordinance. Darrell Foley spoke in opposition of the ordinance. Donald Garner, S. Hwy 220, stated that he thought that junked vehicles should be dealt with on a case by case basis. Tim Marshall, 2118 Whicker Rd., spoke in opposition of the ordinance because he likes to restore old cars. Johnny Jones, Wilson View Dr., Archdale, spoke in support of the ordinance. George Thornburg, 4950 Smokewood Rd., spoke in support of the ordinance. Max May, Hwy 22N, Grays Chapel, spoke in support of the ordinance. Robert Brinkley, 5050 Wilson View Dr., spoke in support of the ordinance. F.M. Langston, 4553 Collett Farm Rd., Trinity, spoke in support of the ordinance. Grant Smith spoke in support of the ordinance. Jan Veach, North Asheboro resident, spoke in support of the ordinance. Raymond Kennedy, 5191 Hwy 62, spoke in support of the ordinance. Gary McCaskill, 2279 W.O.W. Camp Rd., spoke in support of the ordinance. Louise Rayle, 10387 Randleman Rd., Level Cross, spoke in support of the ordinance. Tim Skeen, W.O.W. Rd., represented Liberty Baptist Church, and spoke in support of the ordinance. Mary Easter, 1455 Irwin St., spoke in support of the ordinance. Bill Dorsett, 233 Rocket Rd., Randleman, spoke in support of the ordinance. Bill Hutchins, 5207 NC Hwy 62, Trinity, spoke in support of the ordinance. Grady Bledsoe, 2255 Forest Park Dr., spoke in support of the ordinance and stated that it wasn't strict enough. Chairman Kemp closed the public hearing and stated that the Board would consider all the comments and make a decision on the ordinance at a later date. School Systems' Estimates of School Building Needs Dr. Bob Gordon, Superintendent, Asheboro City Schools, and Bob Scherer from the Randolph County Schools, presented their 10 -year needs assessment survey to the Board for approval. They explained that the survey was sent to them by the School Capital Construction Study Commission and the schools supplied the requested figures. The Study Commission's results were as follows: TOTAL ESTIMATE FOR ALL PROJECTS NEEDED School System Current Cost In 10 years (including inflation) Asheboro City Schools $17,162,277 $21,526,059 Randolph County Schools $97,667,610 $109,675,624 On motion of Frye, seconded by Holmes, the Board voted unanimously to approve the Asheboro City Schools and the Randolph County Schools capital project plans for submission to the School Capital Construction Study Commission. Pawnbroker License Renewal - Frank Chamberlin On motion of Frye, seconded by Holmes, the Board voted unanimously to approve the pawnbroker license renewal of Frank Chamberlin. Adjournment Having no further business, the Board adjourned. Phil Kemp, Chairman Martha Comer Harold Holmes Robert Davis Darrell Frye Cheryl Ivey, Deputy Clerk to the Board